The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1428: Encounter With Tao Boli

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Chapter 1428: Encounter With Tao Boli


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Feng City.

When s.h.i.+ Xi found out that the new event location was in Feng City, she was a little surprised.

But she could go home and take a look!

“Xi Xi,” Zhu Lin probed, “didn’t you quarrel with President Xie?”

“No, why do you ask?” s.h.i.+ Xi was puzzled.

She and Xie Yunzhou had been doing well recently!

The feeling of eating bitter gourd together for three days!

“I keep feeling that there’s something wrong between you and President Xie,” Zhu Lin said hesitantly.

“What’s wrong?” asked s.h.i.+ Xi.

It was just that the two of them tacitly avoided the topic of Hua Ruoling, so the atmosphere between the two of them seemed a little awkward.

“Is there a misunderstanding?” Zhu Lin often accompanied s.h.i.+ Xi and naturally knew how s.h.i.+ Xi and Xie Yunzhou interacted normally.

Anyway, it was definitely not like this.

s.h.i.+ Xi sighed.

She did not expect that she and Xie Yunzhou would become estranged because of an outsider.

Xie Yunzhou’s way of doing things made s.h.i.+ Xi a little…

It wasn’t that she couldn’t accept it.

Based on Hua Ruoling’s previous actions, it would not matter how many times she died.


At the thought that Xie Yunzhou had done this, s.h.i.+ Xi felt troubled.

She had a feeling that there was a knife hanging over her head, and she did not know when it would fall.

It was too difficult.

Zhu Lin saw s.h.i.+ Xi’s troubled look and changed the topic. She handed over the script and said, “This is a public welfare event. The theme is ‘caring for the elderly, caring for children’.”

s.h.i.+ Xi put down her miscellaneous thoughts and opened the script to take a look.

Ever since she started earning money, she had been donating money.

“We donated 200,000 yuan to build a building for the Rainbow Flower Orphanage,” Zhu Lin introduced. “We’re going to check it out today and see how the children are doing.”

“Some of the money was donated to the sick elderly. Let’s go to Suns.h.i.+ne Sanatorium to take a look.”

“I remember that there’s a scholars.h.i.+p,” s.h.i.+ Xi said after some thought.

Zhu Lin: “Those are donated to the school. We’ll have to wait until the end of the semester to get feedback.”

“Alright then.” s.h.i.+ Xi thought for a moment and asked, “Did you invite a reporter?”

Zhu Lin took out her phone and asked, “No, it’s a photographer from Kuai Xue. He’s just taking some videos and photos for the year-end summary. Should we call the media?”

s.h.i.+ Xi quickly stopped her. “No need, no need. 1 don’t like being stared at.”

She would just casually look around.

After spending so much money, she had to see the finished product, right?

They went to the orphanage first. s.h.i.+ Xi took a closer look at the newly built building and even went inside to take a look at the renovation.

The decoration was simple, but it had all the necessary facilities.

There was even a handicap free pa.s.sage for the disabled.

When the director saw s.h.i.+ Xi staring at him, he hurriedly said, “There are occasionally some children who have difficulty moving around in the courtyard. When we built the new building, we already considered taking them into account.”

s.h.i.+ Xi nodded. “It’s indeed more convenient with such a slope.”

When she was in a wheelchair, what she was most afraid of was that there was no slope on the stairs.

s.h.i.+ Xi looked around and was about to leave when she noticed a luxury car driving in from outside. “Is it the person who’s here to adopt a child?”

The director looked at the car and said, “No, he’s also a kind person who donated to the orphanage. He was the one who suggested that we build a barrier-free pa.s.sage when we built the new building.”

s.h.i.+ Xi nodded.

He was really rich, kind, and intelligent.

The photographer had already put away the camera and got into the car. Before s.h.i.+ Xi got into the car, she glanced at the person who had gotten out of the luxury car.

It was Tao Boli.

“Mr. Tao?” When s.h.i.+ Xi saw someone she knew, she greeted him in surprise..

The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1428: Encounter With Tao Boli

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The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1428: Encounter With Tao Boli summary

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