The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1434 I'm Going Back to Sleep For a While

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1434 I’m Going Back to Sleep For a While


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Indeed, he had become s.h.i.+ Xi’s problem.

s.h.i.+ Xi turned on the juicer.

The rumbling sound lasted for more than ten seconds.

“Wouldn’t it be harmful to your body if you increase the dosage?” asked s.h.i.+ Xi.

“The main component of the drug is sleeping. The common adverse reactions are fatigue, confusion, and addiction. You can see it on the medicine box,” Ning Yu said lightly.

“What if he doesn’t take the medicine?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked as she poured the watermelon juice into a cup.

“I suggest taking the medicine.” Ning Yu could hear s.h.i.+ Xi’s worry. “Give me an address,” she said helplessly. “I’ll go take a look tomorrow.”

“Okay, thank you, Sister!” After hanging up the phone, s.h.i.+ Xi added some ice cubes into the gla.s.s and placed the straw back, preparing to bring the watermelon juice back.

Seeing Zhu Lin’s message, s.h.i.+ Xi stopped to take another look.

Zhu Lin sent over the training course and location of the body shape training before the filming of [Legend of the Princess I.

s.h.i.+ Xi thought for a moment and replied: [1 can’t find the time recently. Send me the recording of the cla.s.s. I’m studying at home.]

Zhu Lin: [Okay]

s.h.i.+ Xi only hoped that Xie Yunzhou would recover quickly.

This state of mind was really worrying.

s.h.i.+ Xi brought the watermelon juice back and drank it slowly, thinking about what to do after the movie.

“I’m a little sleepy. I’m going back to sleep for a while,” said Xie Yunzhou, who had only drunk a little of his watermelon juice.

“I’ll accompany you.” s.h.i.+ Xi stood up.

“No need. I’ll just sleep for a while. You watch the movie first.” Xie Yunzhou looked very sleepy.

“Alright then.” s.h.i.+ Xi tugged at Xie Yunzhou’s sleeve and raised her head to kiss him.

However, Xie Yunzhou turned his head away, allowing s.h.i.+ Xi’s kiss to land on his cheek. “I’m going back to sleep.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: ?

What was going on?

After watching the last part of the movie alone, s.h.i.+ Xi did not understand what it meant.

However, when she was cleaning up the cup, s.h.i.+ Xi saw that Xie Yunzhou had only drunk a little of the watermelon juice. She felt that it was a pity and took a sip.

So bitter! Wu!

Why was there a medicinal smell?

s.h.i.+ Xi was a little confused.

Thinking of something, s.h.i.+ Xi hurriedly searched for the effects of anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs – sedative and hypnotic.

Did he take the medicine and go to sleep?

s.h.i.+ Xi was a little worried and quietly pushed open Xie Yunzhou’s bedroom door.

Xie Yunzhou was lying on the bed, breathing evenly. He was clearly asleep.

At this moment, he was very peaceful.

s.h.i.+ Xi covered him with a blanket and turned the air-conditioner to a suitable temperature before going out.

However, s.h.i.+ Xi did not expect Xie Yunzhou to sleep until evening and still not wake up.

s.h.i.+ Xi’s cooking skills were ordinary, so she chose to heat up the remaining dishes.

She had secretly gone to take a look, but Xie Yunzhou was still unconscious.

s.h.i.+ Xi had no choice but to eat alone and clean up the dishes.

She even went out for a walk.

Just as she was paying for the ice cream, Xie Yunzhou called.

“Where did you go?” Xie Yunzhou asked anxiously.

“I came out to buy an ice cream. Do you want some? I’ll bring you one.” s.h.i.+ Xi did not think that there was anything wrong with it.

“When are you coming back?”

“I’ll go back now. About ten minutes. 1 made dinner. 1 didn’t wake you up when I saw that you weren’t awake,” s.h.i.+ Xi explained.

s.h.i.+ Xi felt a little guilty as she spoke.

Because she didn’t cook at all. She only heated up the leftovers.

If it weren’t for Xie Yunzhou, she would probably have settled it with instant noodles.

“I don’t want ice cream. 1’11 wait for you..”

The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1434 I'm Going Back to Sleep For a While

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