Outside Of Time Chapter 1436: Today, All Living Beings Stand For Him (1)

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Chapter 1436: Today, All Living Beings Stand For Him (1)


Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

Near the coast of the Southern Isle Region, a roaring sound echoed from the sky, deafening and intense. Additionally, a great wind was stirred up, transforming into a sweeping storm between heaven and earth.

It shook the surroundings.

Within the storm, two figures could be seen, moving forward with astonis.h.i.+ng speed.

As they pa.s.sed, it was as if they carved two long scars across the sky, swiftly extending across the heavens and tearing through the void with ease.

The various forces of Southern Isle, divine creatures, the hidden G.o.ds here, and even all living beings in this world, as long as they had perceptive abilities, only stared after sensing Xu Qing’s figure and didn’t obstruct them at all.

They looked at him because the huge waves caused by Xu Qing’s disappearance during this period had affected too large a range and the situation it stirred up was even more monstrous. Xu Qing’s name was already completely ill.u.s.trious.

He was the Flame Moon Grand Mystic Heaven and the human race’s Grand Tutor.

In the east of w.a.n.ggu, he could be said to have an extremely high status!

The entire w.a.n.ggu was stirred up to find him..

The human Empress and the three Flame Moon G.o.ds took this opportunity to display their will to the extreme and tell the world who the rulers of the Eastern w.a.n.ggu were!

Therefore, even though there were very few humans in the Southern Isle Region… as they were in the Eastern w.a.n.ggu, they had to listen to the joint decree of the human race and the Flame Moon Mystic Heaven Race.

Hence, under the gazes of everyone, Xu Qing and Erniu headed straight for… the Forbidden Sea after leaving the desert.

The news of Xu Qing escaping quickly spread. When the various large regions in the Eastern w.a.n.ggu found out, the decree from Xu Qing also immediately reached the Holy Wave and Black Spirit!

“Holy Wave, Black Spirit, declare war on Evil Life!”

As soon as this decree appeared, it shook the heavens and the earth.

The two large regions of Holy Wave and Black Spirit, with Fenghai County as the core, immediately boiled over. Large-scale teleportation arrays were mobilized.

Teams of battle-hardened cultivators stepped into the arrays under the orders of their region lord and descended… on the Evil Life Holy Land, joining up with the army from before.

A great battle was about to begin!

At the same time, the Nanhuang Continent also sent out its decree.

“Nanhuang Continent, declare war on Evil Life!”

The divine creatures from the Phoenix Forbidden rushed out one after another under the Flame Phoenix’s decree, causing endless waves in the world.

“Seven Blood Eyes, declare war on Evil Life!”

On the various islands of the Forbidden Sea, there were countless sounds from the Seven Blood Eyes’ troops. All their killing intent was directed at Evil Life.

“Moon Offering Region, declare war on Evil Life!”

The heir and the others hadn’t left the Forbidden Sea. After knowing that Xu Qing had escaped and hearing the declaration of war, their voices echoed in the void.

In an instant, the forces Xu Qing belonged to were in an uproar. Array formations continuously appeared around the sealed Evil Life Holy Land. This was Xu Qing’s hunting momentum.

I he first step of his hunt for Transient Evil was to uproot his holy land!

Xu Qing was extremely vengeful. This was the case when he was young.

Even if they only showed hostility to him and didn’t act, he would still kill them in advance, let alone Transient Evil who made him have a close experience with death.

Moreover, Transient Evil was a Ruler of the Evil Life Holy Land. Even though Evil Life Holy Land couldn’t stop him due to various reasons, the seed of hatred couldn’t be resolved.

“Since that’s the case…”

Killing Transient Evil wasn’t enough.

If he wanted to kill, he would kill more. If he wanted to destroy, he would destroy a holy land.

Only then would there be no future troubles.

“Also, to find traces of Transient Evil, I need the bloodline of his clansmen!”

Xu Qing’s eyes were filled with monstrous killing intent.

The captain licked his lips as his eyes gleamed with bloodl.u.s.t.

“Little Qing, there’s no problem with your thoughts. Some things indeed don’t need to be fed to you. While it may taste good that way, it lacks the experience of peeling it open yourself.”

“Since you want to experience it, after sacrificing the Evil Life Holy Land, I will personally use the bloodline of this race to set up the Ruthless Dao of Great Five Bulls Tracing the Origin!”

“Use this to lock onto the location of that b*stard and go kill him!”

The captain’s murderous voice echoed. After the howling sound tore through the clouds, they finally stepped into the sky of the Forbidden Sea. They didn’t stop at all. Under the waves of the sea and the churning sky, they headed straight for the Evil Life Holy Land.

Countless sea beasts could be seen leaping up from the sea. Sea waves swept through everything and gathered toward the Evil Life.

One could even see divine creatures walking out of the depths of the sea. Their target was also the Evil Life Holy Land.

When the two of them appeared in the territory of the Evil Life Holy Land, what entered Xu Qing’s eyes was a majestic and soul-stirring scene.

Countless banners fluttered in the wind.

Countless cultivators lined up in all directions. At this moment, their baleful auras shook everything, causing the weather to change and a storm to surge. These cultivators included the army of the Holy Wave Large Region, the priests of the Black Spirit Region, the human army, and the many Forbidden Sea races that were allied with the Seven Blood Eyes.

There were also cultivators from the Moon Rebel Hall!

The boundless army surrounded the Evil Life Holy Land.

There were also many figures in the sky that warmed Xu Qing’s heart.

There was the heir, Third Grandma, Fifth Grandma, Eighth Grandpa, and Ninth Grandpa.

Ling’er was also among them.

There was also King Zhen Yan and all the ancestors of the Seven Blood Eyes, including Xue Lianzi.

Experts from the two regions, Holy Wave and Black Spirit, also appeared.

As for the top, it was the Flame Phoenix that covered the sun. Its entire body was surrounded by endless flames, forming a sea of fire that burned the sky. Second Senior Sister stood on the Flame Phoenix.

Everyone was ready.

They were only waiting for Xu Qing!

Xu Qing walked over step by step from the sky.

His footsteps landed, forming a rumbling sound. The arrival of his figure transformed into an imposing aura.

“Greetings, Region Lord!”

“Greetings, Grand Tutor!”

“Greetings, Dao Child!”

“Greetings, Master of Moon Rebel!”

Outside Of Time Chapter 1436: Today, All Living Beings Stand For Him (1)

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Outside Of Time Chapter 1436: Today, All Living Beings Stand For Him (1) summary

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