Outside Of Time Chapter 1445 Jade Flowing Dust's Demand

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1445 Jade Flowing Dust’s Demand


The appearance of Jade Flowing Dust emitted an invisible force that enveloped the sky and the Forbidden Sea.

This caused the sky to seem to stop at this moment.

This was even more so for the Forbidden Sea.

The waves on the surface of the sea froze, maintaining their appearance.

The flowing seawater also froze.

Everything seemed to have become a painting, depicting a story that others didn’t know.

Only the G.o.d from the story, while drinking tea, extended an invitation.

Erniu smiled awkwardly. He didn’t dare to not drink Jade Flowing Dust’s tea.

He had personally seen Transient Evil in the other party’s story. Because he didn’t drink tea at the start, everything was distorted. It was as though he was being carried back and forth, and it was incomparably miserable.

In the end, even his mind collapsed.

‘This one, though looking all G.o.dly and divine, I’ve heard before that He’s notorious among the G.o.ds for being petty, and He has a peculiar habit: the more unwilling someone is, the more He enjoys forcing them to comply.’

‘Besides, with my stomach, what can’t I digest? What am I afraid of?!’

At the thought of this, Erniu didn’t hesitate. He picked up the teacup and took a sip. After that, he revealed an expression that was like he was eating delicacies and praised endlessly.

“Good tea, delicious!”

Huang Yan, who was at the side, was expressionless and didn’t touch the teacup at all.

Jade Flowing Dust glanced at Huang Yan and narrowed His eyes. However, in the end, He seemed to have thought of something and chuckled. He didn’t say anything but looked at Xu Qing, who was meditating, with interest.

“Kid, you’re clearly awake but you’re rapidly a.n.a.lyzing inwardly and pretending not to be awake. This reminds me of a similar story. The main character in the story is also called Xu Qing. Did I tell you about it?”

When the word ‘story’ fell into Xu Qing’s ears, he immediately opened his eyes without any hesitation.

The instant he opened his eyes, the Golden Crow flew out of his body. Between the motionless sea and sky, it burned with the flames.

As it continued to circle around, loud and clear sounds rang out.

It flew higher and higher.

In the end, at the end of the sky, the Golden Crow’s entire body shook. An even more intense fire erupted from its body, forming terrifying light and heat. It was as though it had transformed into the sun, illuminating the surroundings.

An ancient aura and the might of a G.o.d rose from its body.

There were also ten immortal lights surrounding the Golden Crow. They were none other than Xu Qing’s Profound Sun Immortal Light Technique.

It had increased from one beam at the start to ten.

As they, the ten rays of immortal light became increasingly resplendent. They fused with the Golden Crow and enhanced each other, causing the Golden Crow to seem to have become a true sun.

It instantly ignited the darkness.

After that, the light flowed into Xu Qing’s eyes again and disappeared without a trace.

The sky was pitch-black again.

Only Xu Qing’s eyes were as bright as the sun. He stood up and bowed to Jade Flowing Dust.

Xu Qing was willing to listen to Jade Flowing Dust’s story about Transient Evil. However, he didn’t dare to listen to the story of himself. Hence, he had to be polite.

“I’m very interested in the Golden Crow’s story.”

Jade Flowing Dust looked at Xu Qing and smiled.

Xu Qing fell silent. The Golden Crow’s inheritance was too majestic and incomparably complicated. It wasn’t something he could completely understand in a short period. Hence, he placed this inheritance in his sea of consciousness and slowly absorbed it.

Before it completely fused, the Golden Crow’s story… was also incomplete.

“Senior, I can tell you what you want to hear.”

Xu Qing thought about it and calmly spoke.

Jade Flowing Dust shook His head.

“An incomplete story will have too many uncertainties that will affect the quality. I’ll listen to it when you know the whole story.”

“Of course, I won’t listen to it for nothing.”

“So this time, the favor you owe me… will be returned by being a bait.”

“Come with me. We’ll make a trip to the outer sea.”

Jade Flowing Dust put down His teacup and calmly spoke.

Xu Qing fell silent. The bait and the outer sea that Jade Flowing Dust mentioned made him make some connections. A few breaths later, he looked at Jade Flowing Dust.

“Senior, please enlighten me.”

“I’m going fis.h.i.+ng in the outer sea.” Jade Flowing Dust smiled.

Huang Yan’s eyes gleamed as he stood up.

Jade Flowing Dust turned His head and stared at Him. A divine sense flashed out, as though it was saying something to Huang Yan.

Huang Yan frowned, but the sharpness in his eyes didn’t diminish at all as he spoke in a low voice.

“I will respect Xu Qing’s wishes.”

Xu Qing fell silent. He had been to the outer sea earlier in the Golden Crow Dragon Carriage. Although he didn’t know the details, he could sense how terrifying the outer sea was.

However, the current him was no longer the same as before. This was especially due to the Golden Crow’s inheritance which allowed him to have a certain understanding of the outer sea.

As long as he was careful, it wasn’t impossible for him to enter.

The most important thing was that he had to return Jade Flowing Dust’s favor.


Xu Qing slowly asked.


Jade Flowing Dust smiled and nodded before standing up.

“Let’s go.”

With that, He took a step into the sky.

Xu Qing drew in a deep breath. Huang Yan, who was beside him, frowned.

“Xu Qing, I won’t interfere with your choice but if you’re unwilling, you can tell me. I’ll think of a way!”

“Back then, Senior Jade Flowing Dust saved me. I have to return this favor.” Xu Qing remained silent for a bit before shaking his head. His principle was to always remember grudges and favors.

With that, Xu Qing stepped into the sky and stood behind Jade Flowing Dust.

Huang Yan stared at Xu Qing. After seeing Xu Qing’s determination, he didn’t persuade him anymore.

Seeing that Xu Qing and Jade Flowing Dust were about to leave, Erniu blinked and coughed. A fawning smile appeared on his face as he shouted at Jade Flowing Dust in the air.

“In that case, I can’t help much either. I won’t go. I wish Senior and Junior Brother victory!”

“Um, we’ll take our leave first.”

After Erniu finished speaking, he wanted to control this magic wars.h.i.+p and leave this place, as though he was afraid of being implicated.

Jade Flowing Dust, who was in the air, lowered his head and glanced at Erniu.

“Erniu, if you want to go, just say it directly. There’s no need to use such rhetoric.”

When Erniu heard this, he hurriedly shook his head and patted his chest, speaking loudly.

“Senior, you’ve misunderstood. I’m not going. Absolutely not. I won’t go even if you beat me to death!”

Jade Flowing Dust raised His brows with a spurious smile.

“You mean that if I don’t beat you to death, you’ll go? If you want to go that much, fine. There are two hooks on my fis.h.i.+ng line; one more bait won’t hurt.”

As he spoke, he waved his right hand; immediately, Erniu’s body rose into the air and stood beside Xu Qing. As Jade Flowing Dust stepped forward, the redness that filled the sky rapidly gathered, forming a vast red cloud.

It moved toward the outer sea.

In the magic wars.h.i.+p, Huang Yan silently looked at the departing red cloud.

Within the red cloud, Erniu was frowning and sighing.

However, in Xu Qing’s eyes, with his understanding of his eldest senior brother, he could see a hint of smugness hidden in the depths of his expression.

“Stop pretending. Originally, you were one of the baits this time. Even if you hadn’t said that, I would have taken you along.”

Jade Flowing Dust’s voice rang out in the red cloud..

“As long as you don’t court death, although this trip will be dangerous, it won’t be fatal.”

It would have been fine if he hadn’t said this. Now that he did, Xu Qing instantly experienced an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. He then looked at Erniu beside him.

If it was about courting death, Eldest Senior Brother was definitely at the top.

Feeling somewhat guilty under Xu Qing’s gaze, Erniu coughed lightly.

“Senior, in order to fish better and let you gain a lot from this trip, uhh… do you want to tell us the reason for our trip?”

“Our lives aren’t important but if we delay Senior’s important matter, it will be serious.”

When Xu Qing heard this, he raised his head and looked at the red fog in front of him. The captain’s words were exactly what he planned to ask. This was because knowing the specifics of this trip would also enhance his safety.

In the cloud, Jade Flowing Dust observed through everything and chuckled.

However, since He had come to ask Qing to return the favor, He naturally wouldn’t say nothing. Moreover, this matter was extremely important to Him.

Hence, as the red cloud moved toward the outer sea, His voice echoed in Xu Qing and Erniu’s ears.

“Before I tell you the reason, I have to tell you about the outer sea.”

“The outer sea is mysterious and unfathomable. Its history is even longer than the Brilliant Heaven G.o.d Race’s. I also don’t know exactly how long it has existed. In fact, I don’t know many areas inside.”

“According to my judgment, the Brilliant Heaven G.o.d Race should have walked out of the outer sea at the earliest. The outer sea is the source of Their race… After They walked out, They founded Brilliant Heaven.”

“Later on, although the ancestors of you cultivators suppressed and sealed the Brilliant Heaven G.o.d Race and constructed the w.a.n.ggu above the Brilliant Heaven, they were also helpless against the outer sea.”

“I’m guessing that this is also the reason why the Crown Prince Golden Crow was left behind and given the right to patrol the world. It’s not because He’s strong but because of His bloodline.”

“The outer sea can be seen as a separate world.”

Jade Flowing Dust’s voice echoed. The information contained in it was extremely great and very few people in the world knew about it. Xu Qing and Erniu also felt their hearts stir.

“As for my goal…” Jade Flowing Dust paused.

“Xu Qing, do you know the difference between immortals and G.o.ds?”

Xu Qing was still digesting the information from before. When he heard this, he contemplated about it and uttered in a low voice.

“The essence of immortal cultivation lies in its origin, while divine cultivation encompa.s.ses omniscience.”

Jade Flowing Dust smiled.

“You’re both right and wrong.”

“The answer is, immortal cultivation seeks the true self, while divine cultivation seeks the true name!”

“Therefore, although the Summer Immortals can die, the True G.o.ds won’t be destroyed.”

“Even if a True G.o.d dies, as long as Their true name is circulated in the starry sky, They will still return after many years. However, the one who returns is Them, but also not Them.”

Jade Flowing Dust’s voice carried an ancient aura, dissipating the fog between Him and Xu Qing, causing His figure to be revealed in Xu Qing and Erniu’s eyes.

His eyes were staring in the direction of the outer sea. His voice seemed to have drifted over from time and echoed in the main world.

“The history of w.a.n.ggu is filled with war. For example, your ancestors from the lower realm suppressed the Brilliant Heaven G.o.d Race here back then.”

“Although I didn’t experience that war, I observed in the time of w.a.n.ggu that a True G.o.d of the Brilliant Heaven G.o.d Race was killed in the outer sea.”

“So, after I was injured back then, I spent tens of thousands of years telling time a story about this True G.o.d.”

“Finally, in the past thousand years, time has acknowledged my story. I can sense the aura of that True G.o.d’s return.”

“It’s very weak and is still in the midst of recovery. However, it’s enough for me to weave this story of the True G.o.d to completion.”

“The reason why I chose you guys as bait is because you guys are related to the Summer Immortal and are implicated by karma. This True G.o.d was killed by a Summer Immortal back then. Even if it’s not related to you guys, there are only a few Summer Immortals in this starry sky.”

“So, you guys are the best bait.”

“I want to borrow your auras to lure out this weak True G.o.d who has returned and make my story real at the True G.o.d level. I want to restore my Divine Platform to its peak and pursue the one-in-ten-thousand chance of the True G.o.d’s path.”

Jade Flowing Dust didn’t hide anything. After telling Xu Qing and the captain the reason, the moving red cloud in the sky suddenly stopped.

They had arrived at the outer sea.

An endless line emerged on the surface of the sea.

On one side was black. That was the inner sea.

On one side was purple. That was the outer sea.

Outside Of Time Chapter 1445 Jade Flowing Dust's Demand

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