The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: I am sorry

Cain adopted a meditate position and began to train in the Fiend Devourer Cultivation Technique.

He would have to start from the first level of the cultivation technique despite being already a Level 2 Wave Warrior. Of course, the process would be much faster since his cultivation was higher.

The Fiend Devourer Cultivation Technique taught him how to make his meridians wider and thicker, allowing them to contain more Astral Wave and for this one to flow faster.

That, of course, translated into a higher amount of Wave needed for each level, but that is where the uniqueness of the Fiend Devourer Cultivation Technique came into action.

It allowed humans to consume flesh and blood from Dark Races’ Wave Warriors and obtained refined Astral or Essence Wave from them.

Cain followed the instructions of the cultivation technique and gathered his Astral Wave inside his stomach, making it revolve faster and faster.

Once the Astral Wave reached a temperature that made Cain feel his intestine was ablaze, he took something from his military backpack.


He took not a heart but a container where all the blood dripping from them had gathered thanks to the backpack’s special filters. There was no need to use something so packed with Astral Wave like the heart for the first part.

Cain felt sick when he first consumed that blood, but that burning Astral Wave purified it. Soon the new energy reached the meridian formed during Level 1, improving them.

Other than eating and sleeping, Cain did nothing else until it was time to go to his first cla.s.s. He was about to leave when he noticed the drone waiting for him in the corner of his room.

‘The armor!’ His training had engrossed him so much that he almost forgot about the armor.

He opened the drone and found a black orb almost twice larger than the one containing his Kinetic Gauntlets. Without hesitation, he accessed the information inside the Wave Artifact.

[Wave Artifact branded through A.I. Chip Module.

Displaying information.

Name: Nullity Armor

Grade: High Bronze

Details: Artifact meant for Astral Wave Warriors. Able to enhance Wave’s density around the body, improving physical defenses.

Active Ability:

-Nullity: By consuming significant amounts of Astral Wave, the armor can project a force field capable of nullifying a percentage of the strength behind an attack by Wave Warriors.

Attacks with Level 3 battle power would find 85% of their damage nullified.

Attacks with Level 5 battle power would find 35% of their damage nullified.

Attacks with Level 7 battle power would find 12% of their damage nullified.]

Cain smiled as he sent his Astral Wave into the black orb, making this one melt before reaching his back and forming a metallic structure protecting his spine. That was its inactive state, but it would take less than a second to be ready for battle.

It did not take long for Cain to exit his home, and then he followed the instructions through the [A.I. Chip Module] to reach the building where the cla.s.s would take place.

The building was an auditorium, and many cadets were already seated.

Cain looked around and noticed that many of the cadets that took the Military Academy Secret Trial with him were in the auditorium. There were around two hundred people in total, and there were none that did not manifest a dangerous aura.

‘I see, so we were divided according to our skill. I guess it makes sense. After all, it would be pointless for someone who had yet to enter Level 1 Wave Warrior to have the same as me.’

He noticed that most people were in groups, but some sat alone. Like in the secret trial, Levi’s aura rejected those around him, and while the cadets glanced at him from time to time, none dared to get closer.

Cain found an empty seat in an area without many cadets and sat down. He did not think of sitting beside Levi since even if he had a good impression of this one, calling it a friends.h.i.+p would be an overstatement.

All of a sudden, Cain noticed an uproar in the auditorium as everybody focused on the entrance. He also did it, and what he saw shocked him.

At the entrance stood a beautiful woman. She had a small face, sky-blue eyes, and short white hair.

There was not a question in Cain’s mind that the woman was the most gorgeous he had ever seen in his life.

‘f.u.c.k!’ Cain almost yelled that word as he felt his blood burning. His emotional instability did not just affect him when he was full of wrath. l.u.s.t could also do the trick.

He rose from his seat so fast that it almost sent it flying away, drawing everybody’s attention.

The woman also turned to Cain, and when she saw those eyes full of unrestrained l.u.s.t, a monstrous coldness appeared on her face. She was not just a pretty face. Anyone who thought that would surely regret it.

Cain felt a powerful desire to jump toward the woman, but before taking a step, he bit his tongue with so much strength that blood filled his mouth.

The pain allowed Cain to regain his focus, but his previous actions had already made a ruckus. Many men looked at him with mockery, while the women showed disgust.

Those gazes reminded Cain of his time in school, but instead of feeling depressed, a smile appeared on his face.

‘I have grown.’ Unlike in school, he did not ignore those eyes full of disdain. There was no need since they could not affect him.

However, Cain soon focused, and a stern expression appeared as he approached the woman.

The woman’s coldness did not vanish, and she saw how Cain stopped ten feet away from her.

Cain looked at her directly before bowing and shouting so loud that his voice echoed through the entire auditorium.

“I am sorry for my rude behavior!”

The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order Chapter 32

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The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order Chapter 32 summary

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