My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 634: Recruitment of the Six God Heavens (1)

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Chapter 634: Recruitment of the Six G.o.d Heavens (1)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

The dragon’s mouth was filled with golden sharp teeth that stabbed at Lin Yan from all directions like a sword.

Just the aftershock that spread out was like countless sharp blades standing above everyone’s heads. They really did not dare to imagine what kind of h.e.l.l would be under the dragon’s mouth.

Still, Lin Yan remained motionless. However, the Black Tortoise phantom on the surface of his body suddenly became clearer, as if the entire Black Tortoise had become more lively.


first, there was a loud bang. The huge dragon’s mouth was forcefully stuck by the Black Tortoise phantom and could not advance at all!

Immediately after, an ear-piercing friction sound continuously came from the place where the two came into contact.

Gong Yanqing’s Treasure Image arm trembled slightly. Clearly, it was not easy to use the Precious Technique to transform into a golden dragon.

Her fingertips trembled slightly as she shouted softly.

The golden light on the dragon’s body suddenly expanded, as if it was plated with a layer of dazzling sunlight. Countless sword energies sprayed out from its mouth!

In an instant, fine cracks appeared on the surface of the Black Tortoise phantom.

“He can’t take it anymore.”

Zhou Wenlin heaved a sigh of relief and felt a faint sense of pity.

To be able to force Gong Yanqing to this extent and use her full strength, even if Lin Yan was inferior to Gong Yanqing with this Precious Technique, he was still a genius of the same level as her.

It was only a matter of time before he became a Star Lord.

After today’s battle, another shocking dark horse would stand out in this Genius Meeting and cause an unknown wave.

Chang Ming heaved a sigh of relief. It was finally going to end. What was Lin Yan’s ident.i.ty?

He had hidden himself too well. He could actually fight Gong Yanqing to this extent. Why would he come to the small Liu Planet to partic.i.p.ate in the Genius Meeting?

He turned around and saw that only Hu Ji was still there. Her face was in a daze, and no one knew what she was thinking. As for Jin Hao, he probably felt too ashamed to stay here and had run off to G.o.d knows where.

More and more cracks appeared on the Black Tortoise phantom.

Gong Yanqing seemed to have realized that she was about to win, so she spared no effort to increase the power of the dragon.


In an instant, the Black Tortoise phantom could no longer hold on. Under the bite of the dragon, it finally shattered!

“It’s finally over!”

In the Treasure Image, Gong Yanqing’s forehead was covered in sweat as she heaved a sigh of relief. However, in the next moment, all her expressions froze on her face!

Under the shattered Black Tortoise phantom, there was another layer of Black Tortoise phantom!

Furthermore, the patterns looked clearer, more mysterious, and harder!

“Is that all?”

Lin Yan’s voice slowly sounded from below the Treasure Image.

There seemed to be a hint of regret, as if he was enjoying the battle. Why could Gong Yanqing not hold on any longer?

Gong Yanqing gritted her teeth. “Dragon Shadow!”

She wanted to activate the dragon again.

However, Lin Yan felt that she probably couldn’t unleash any greater strength.

Therefore, the Black Tortoise phantom in the dragon’s mouth suddenly expanded in the wind!

The Black Tortoise’s body suddenly stretched out, as if it had completely woken up. In an instant, it propped the golden dragon’s mouth into a huge arc!

At the same time, the sharp teeth formed by spiritual power shattered one by one. In the end, the dragon had no choice but to wail and retreat.

As for the Black Tortoise phantom, it had already instantly expanded to a thousand meters… two thousand meters… three thousand meters!

In an instant, the scene was completely silent.

Then, a huge commotion broke out.

“How, how can it be so big!”

“Impossible! It must be an illusion! There can’t be such a huge Treasure Image!”

Zhou Wenlin’s pupils constricted into a needle.

Three thousand meters of Treasure Image!

His Treasure Image could only reach 1,500 meters on this planet at most!

How could Lin Yan’s Treasure Image reach 3,000 meters?!

Didn’t this mean that Lin Yan was twice as strong as him with just the Treasure Image?!

The 3,000-meter Black Tortoise was already visible. It was completely like a living ancient divine beast. Its 3,000-meter-long body was like a mountain, emitting a suffocating pressure.

In front of it, Gong Yanqing’s Treasure Image and the huge dragon were like dolls crawling at the feet of the Black Tortoise.

The golden dragon soared into the sky and roared angrily at the Black Tortoise, its voice shaking the heavens.

However, in the next moment, the huge Black Tortoise slapped with its claw and stepped on the golden dragon!


Countless golden fragments shot out, and the dragon was crushed with a whimper.

Gong Yanqing’s Treasure Image subconsciously took a step back and looked up at the huge statue that looked like a G.o.d.

However, the Black Tortoise Colossus did not give her any time to think. It waved its huge claws, and its terrifying thick claws were like pillars that held up the sky. They smashed into Gong Yanqing’s Treasure Image and sent her flying from the square far away.

There was complete silence.

Even if the Black Tortoise Treasure Image slowly dissipated and revealed the expressionless Lin Yan again, everyone still didn’t dare to say a word. They only stared at Lin Yan in a daze.

As Lin Yan looked around, everyone subconsciously looked away, not daring to look at him.

Even the Star Lord, Zhou Wenlin, looked at Lin Yan in awe.

This was the subconscious reverence that the weak had for the strong.

In the midst of silence.

Suddenly, a person silently appeared in the sky.

It was a woman. She was wearing casual clothes that looked like jeans and a white s.h.i.+rt. She did not put on any makeup, but she was naturally beautiful and extremely attractive—

It was a kind of gender-neutral handsomeness that gave people a sense of joy and admiration when facing beautiful things..

My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 634: Recruitment of the Six God Heavens (1)

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My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 634: Recruitment of the Six God Heavens (1) summary

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