My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 639 The End and Completion (1)

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639 The End and Completion (1)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

In front of him was a vast white flatland. The ground was made of some grayish-white material. The sky and the distance were filled with a white fog. “This is… the Spiritual Realm!”

He sensed that there was a weak resistance preventing him from retreating. When he thought of Yan Biyue’s words, he suppressed his thoughts.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky gathered and circled. Soon, they wrapped around and condensed into a huge ancient bronze mirror!

In the mirror, a bright light shone down and landed not far from Lin Yan. It condensed into a humanoid figure with a poker-like face.

Then the mirror dissipated, leaving only the poker-faced man.

Poker Face opened his eyes. “Challenger, are you sure you want to partic.i.p.ate in the basic qualification trial?”

Basic qualification? Was there anything that wasn’t basic?


Poker Face said in an extremely formal manner, “Information entered, age verification, spirituality verification, talent verification…

“Input successful. Qualified for the trial. Beginning to generate the trial content…”

With a wave of his hand, the fog not far away quickly gathered and fused. In the end, it turned into an extremely ferocious wolf-shaped creature that was a hundred meters tall!

It looked like a body of flesh and blood, but on the surface of its body, there were more than ten extremely thick and sharp pitch-black crystals stuck to it. No, it should not be said that they were stuck. Instead, it should be said that there were mutated tissues in its body because this huge wolf did not look uncomfortable at all. The flesh and crystals grew together.

“Basic-type Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave has been successfully formed. Please kill this Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave.”

At the same time, the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave let out a ferocious roar. There was an extremely dense killing intent in the sound wave, as if it was not a virtual creature but a real existence.

It jumped up and pounced at Lin Yan!

It covered the sky as if Mount Tai was pressing down!


Suddenly, a dazzling pillar of fire shot out!

It directly pierced through the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave’s head and came out from its back!

The scorching heat even melted the crystals on the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave’s body!

Before the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave could jump halfway, it exploded in midair.

Poker Face remained expressionless. He was probably an Al robot. “Calculating results…”

“That’s it?”

This Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slave looked ordinary. It was probably an existence on the same level as Cui Yunpeng and Jin Hao. It was insta-killed.

The poker-faced man continued, “Result Rating: Perfect. Record successful. Second round of trials generated…”

He extended his hand again and the fog changed, covering Lin Yan in all directions. Ten spirit slaves similar to the Heavenly Wolf from before appeared at once!

“Looks like this trial is a tag-team battle, right? Don’t tell me I’m going to fight until 1 can’t beat them?”

Looking at the eager Heavenly Wolf Spirit Slaves, Lin Yan felt that this trial might be a little troublesome.

In the palace.

On the surface of Lin Yan’s body, there was a blurry and distorted protective s.h.i.+eld. This was a method of the Heavenly Reflection Mirror to prevent him from being injured.

Of the nine people on the high platform, only four were left.

Yan Biyue yawned in boredom and looked at the other three.

“What are you still doing here? Aren’t you going with those five tool men?”

The three of them looked rather calm, and each of them was more calm than the other. Only the leader of the group, who looked like a young man, smiled and said, “Xiao Yue, don’t talk about these five seniors like that.”

Yan Biyue pursed her lips. “Did I say anything wrong? How much of themselves do they have left? It’s too tragic. Let’s not talk about them, Old brat. How much of yourself do you have left?”

“At least I don’t like you calling me old brat.”

Although he said that he didn’t like it, his expression was still indifferent, as if there was nothing in his heart.

Yan Biyue’s face flashed with sorrow. “Perhaps I should go to the Six G.o.d Heavens. Even if I die, I can at least be myself.”

“Xiao Yue, don’t be sentimental. It’s not easy for the Holy Fan a.s.sociation to see a Dharma Realm cultivator. Without you, we won’t be able to gather nine people or maintain the array formation. With your strength, there’s a high chance that you won’t survive the Six G.o.d Heavens Battlefield.”

“I know, 1 know.” Yan Biyue waved her hand impatiently and changed the topic. “Tell me, how long do you think Lin Yan will last?”

“This is only the initial test. With his strength, he should have no problem pa.s.sing the initial test if he survives ten rounds.”

“Of course I know! This guy has a three-thousand-meter Treasure Image! He’s definitely a peak Star Lord!

“How can he not make it to ten rounds?

“I’m asking. How many rounds do you think he’ll last?”

The young man continued unhurriedly, “He doesn’t seem to have used all his strength in the previous battle.

“So I guess he will pa.s.s 12 rounds at the most.

“After all, from the thirteenth round onwards, a marquis level spirit soldier will appear. I think he’s still a little lacking.”

Yan Biyue said, “So that’s the ‘General’ rating? You’re quite confident in him.”

“How many rounds do you think he’ll pa.s.s?”

“I think…”

Yan Biyue narrowed her eyes. “I think he will pa.s.s fifteen rounds!”

The young man fell silent.

“What, you don’t believe me?”

“I don’t believe it. In the fifteenth round, there are ten marquis-level spirit soldiers cooperating with each other. 1 think it’s very difficult for him to deal with one. He won’t be able to deal with ten.”

Yan Biyue’s eyes flashed with sadness, but her interest was waning. “I was just joking. Why are you so serious? Boring..”

My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 639 The End and Completion (1)

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My Abilities Come with Special Effects Chapter 639 The End and Completion (1) summary

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