My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 980 Nosy Business (3)

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Chapter 980: Chapter 980 Nosy Business (3)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“So, for this so-called love, you’re willing to abandon your parents? Isn’t that unfilial? Have you ever considered how they’ll survive after you’re gone?” Zhou Ying’s words resonated with the crowd, particularly the parents. Several kind- hearted villagers began urging the girl to reconsider.

The scholar, the clan leader’s son, grew increasingly nervous. His gaze remained fixed on the girl, fearing her potential confession.

Sensing his apprehension, the girl’s father joined the pleas, tears streaming down his face.

Finally, the girl raised her head to look at Zhou Ying. However, her eyes met the scholar’s nervous stare, filled with sweat.

Zhou Ying followed her line of sight, spotting the nervous scholar. In a swift movement, she grabbed his collar and kicked his leg, sending him sprawling in front of the girl.

“What’s the meaning of this, Madam?” The clan leader demanded, rus.h.i.+ng forward.

Lin Yifan and his men immediately formed a protective circle around Zhou Ying.

With a feigned smile, Zhou Ying turned to the leader. “You know better than me, don’t you? Do you truly want me to expose everything?”

The clan leader froze, realizing the jig was up. He mumbled incoherently before falling silent.

Understanding dawned on everyone, and murmurs of discussion erupted.

Fueled by newfound clarity, the girl’s father lunged at the scholar and rained blows upon him. “You little scoundrel! You took advantage of my daughter and dare to deny it?”

“No wonder you and your father pushed for the clan to drown Xiu Xiu after the truth came out!”

“No, no, it’s not like that!” The scholar scrambled to defend himself.

The clan leader, however, intervened, silencing him. “Enough! You make it sound like your daughter is blameless. If not for her seducing my son, how else could she be pregnant?”

“So, if a woman can get pregnant on her own, what’s the point of having men?” Zhou Ying scoffed.

“That’s…” The clan leader began but was interrupted by the scholar’s desperate plea.

“Father, please stop talking! I will marry Xiu Xiu!”

“I refuse to consent.”

“Then let’s follow your clan’s rules and drown both of them. After all, we’re both here,” Zhou Ying declared.

This silenced everyone.

The girl, on her knees, crawled toward Zhou Ying. “Madam, I don’t want to marry him. I’m willing to sell myself. Please take me in.”

“Xiu Xiu!” her father cried out in panic.

“Father, a forced marriage is a life of misery,” the girl turned and said. “Besides, the clan leader and his wife don’t like me.

“Even if a n.o.blewoman intercedes, I fear my future wouldn’t be bright. I might even lose my life. I don’t dare take that risk.”

“But…” the girl’s father stammered, looking at her stomach with worry.

The scholar made a move to approach the girl, but the clan leader held him back. His son had a promising future as an official, so marrying a poor, illiterate peasant girl was out of the question. Concubines were even forbidden, and a firstborn son from such a union would make his son’s future marriage prospects bleak.

“I beg the n.o.blewoman to take this servant in,” the girl pleaded, kowtowing again.

Zhou Ying hesitated, not providing an immediate answer. Instead, she addressed the girl’s parents. “Are you two willing to sell your property and leave with me?”

The girl’s father clearly struggled with this proposition.

Unexpectedly, the girl’s mother stood up. “Madam, this commoner is willing to follow you.”

Turning to her husband, she continued, “I know you’re in a difficult position. I feel terrible that I haven’t been able to give you a son all these years. Why don’t we get a divorce? You can remarry and fulfill your desire for a son.”

My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 980 Nosy Business (3)

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My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 980 Nosy Business (3) summary

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