The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 742: An Intense War (2)

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Chapter 742: An Intense War (2)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“I think this might be one of Balzarna’s sons, a demon named Yasen, commanding it.”


“Yes, he’s a bit of an anomaly among the demon race… not particularly powerful, but quite talented in warfare command.”

“How does he compare to Sonia then?”

Lainekel paused for a moment; he knew Sonia was a hero under Ji Chen’s command, but his knowledge about her was limited.

“I haven’t seen Lady Sonia’s command in battle, so I can’t judge.”

Ji Chen smiled confidently. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Sonia joined the Crown of the Ocean at just the right time. With more and more high-tier heroes joining, the significance of her legacy tier gradually diminished.

Most of the time, she resembled more of a “governor” of the Great Luminescent Sea rather than a commander.

However, he knew she possessed excellent strategic talents, especially in large- scale warfare and battles, where she excelled.

Before entering the Great Luminescent Sea, Sonia had repeatedly led the relatively weak Coral Palace army to victory against the Dragon King City army, bringing both sides into balance.

Under Ji Chen’s guidance, Sonia stepped onto the stage of large-scale battle command for the first time.

Looking at countless eyes awaiting orders, she took a deep breath, her gaze becoming resolute.

“Relay my orders: cease all heavy-caliber cannon fire, small-caliber cannons target important objectives with caution, magical artillery and enchanted machines cease fire, but remain ready to engage at any moment.

Except for the Sea Crystal Wyrms and Ocean Blood Dragons, all other flying units land and rest to replenish mana and stamina…”

Each order was pa.s.sed down in an orderly manner, gradually bringing order to the previously chaotic and panicked army.

At this moment, only cannon fodder demons were coming forth, so there was no need for such heavy firepower and diverse units. With such control, the defense became much more regulated.

This change was quickly noticed by Yasen.

The impact of a skilled commander on an army was significant and evident in the way the troops performed and the details of their actions.

The commander served as the heart and soul of the army, and their approach, whether aggressive, cautious, or adaptive, was reflected in how they deployed their forces.

And evidently, the opposing commander belonged to the conservative type, considering factors such as the strength of their own forces, the number of enemy attacks, and their own defensive fortifications.

“…Interesting, this war doesn’t seem too boring after all. Consider yourself my first defeated opponent.”

Watching the increasingly tight defense of the opponent, Yasen’s lips curled into an interested smile.

Since the opponent was becoming more interesting, he naturally couldn’t afford to underestimate them.

“Relay my command! The 150,000th to the 190,000th legions, push forward! Tell them that only by winning this battle can their crimes be absolved, and they can regain their status as demons!”

The 150,000th to 190,000th legions consisted of various demon criminals, akin to a prisoner camp.

Upon hearing this command, several formations within the ma.s.sive army stirred. Demons covered in scars, with expressions of despair, suddenly raised their heads, bursting with astonis.h.i.+ng momentum.

Under the whip of the overseer, they quickly broke away from the main force and bravely charged towards the city walls.

Yasen continued his orders, “Send out ten squads of a thousand Batwing Knights to launch hara.s.sment from the air, but be careful not to get too close. In addition, scout out the enemy’s anti-aircraft positions and firepower behind the walls.

Deploy fifty Evil Beast units to a.s.sist the 150,000th to 190,000th legions in their attack!”


The five demon legions broke down into hundreds of smaller formations, evenly distributed along the southern coastline of the main island of the New Moon Islands, launching their a.s.sault under the cover of Batwing Knights.

These five legions, along with the one or two thousand cannon fodder who had previously attacked, formed a dense ma.s.s.

Sonia immediately ordered more troops to counter.

The battle lasted for two days and nights. Whether it was day or night, the island echoed with the sounds of battle. Blood stained the seawater, presenting a black-red hue, and tens of thousands of bodies drifted with the waves, cras.h.i.+ng onto the beaches with each surge.

Until the morning of the third day, both sides withdrew and temporarily ceased the fighting.

“d.a.m.n it, eighty thousand soldiers dead in just two days! If this continues, we won’t last even a week.” I_Love_Black_Stockings listened to the report of casualties from the Kobold Strategist, scratching his head in frustration.

In just two days and nights, the 260,000-strong King Kong Guild Army lost a staggering eighty thousand, much faster than the rate of casualties during the attack on the Kingdom of Ba.s.s. It was like a flash in the pan.

But I_Love_Black_Stockings seemed to console herself.

“At least most of the casualties were Tier Four troops. The Tier Five and above units are relatively intact.”

“How about the casualties on the Crown of the Ocean’s side?” Sonia asked slowly.

“The casualties on the Crown of the Ocean’s side are within expectations. All Tier Three and Tier Four units were wiped out. Tier Five units suffered losses of about three thousand squads, and the Grand Luminescent Sea Navy lost a half squad of Tier Five, one-star to five-star units.

The Elven support troops and the Dragon Island Dragons have not yet partic.i.p.ated in the battle, so there are no casualties.”

Most of the casualties came from the Tier Four oceanic units that ambushed outside the coastline. These units faced the demons’ attack head-on, and their tier levels were not advantageous, resulting in significant losses.

On the other hand, most of the Crown of the Ocean’s Tier Six units had flying capabilities and high mobility, and the enemy’s aerial units did not engage them directly. Therefore, casualties were limited.

I_Love_Black_Stockings frowned. “With this calculation, we’ve probably lost nine legions, accounting for about thirty percent of our total forces. It’s still too much.

Fortunately, the demons suffered losses too. It’s estimated that they’ve lost at least eleven legions, but compared to their total…”

This vanguard legion alone comprised five hundred thousand demons. Even with a loss of eleven legions, they still had three hundred and ninety thousand left, maintaining a significant numerical advantage.

“Once we’ve exhausted the Tier Four units, the Tier Five and Tier Six units will come into play. When the demons figure out our situation, they’ll undoubtedly launch even fiercer a.s.saults. The next battles will only intensify.”

Ji Chen pondered. “Every hero must be ready at all times. Once the demon hero units appear, they must be promptly killed to prevent them from damaging the city defenses.”

The surrounding heroes, including Alice and Herald, nodded in agreement.

The following morning,

The demons launched another attack, but this time it wasn’t just cannon fodder and low-tier demons. It was mixed with numerous Tier Six demons, including dozens of demon heroes.

Sonia reacted swiftly, sending out Tier Six units to meet the enemy.

Several heroes from the Crown of the Ocean led the heroes of the King Kong Guild, as well as dozens of Dragon Island dragons, into battle.

The roars of the dragons shook the earth. These Dragon Island dragons were equally eager for battle and slaughter, their suppressed fighting spirit bursting forth like a volcano erupting after two days.

“Let the demons know the power of our dragons! Melt them with dragon breath!!”

Dragon breath, capable of melting metal, sprayed onto the demon heroes, instantly disintegrating their tough skin and flesh, and revealing their pale bones. The demon heroes swung their claws, emitting black energy, tearing through dragon scales and staining the sky with blood.

The Ocean Blood Dragon, a Tier Six, eight-star unit, unexpectedly became a reaper of demons. Countless demons fell under the onslaught of this unit, which, enhanced by the Buff from Benbo, approached the strength of Tier Seven.

It even attracted the pursuit of several rare and even legacy tiers demon heroes.

The heroes who went out from the Crown of the Ocean naturally couldn’t stand by and watch. They immediately joined the fray, engaging in fierce combat.

Herald slashed through rare-tier demon heroes effortlessly with his sharp claws, while Patheia engaged a legacy-tier demon hero, constantly unleas.h.i.+ng sword energy with her specially crafted exotic metal longsword, leaving the enemy disoriented and overwhelmed.

In terms of hero strength, the side of the Crown of the Ocean was not inferior to the demons, and in fact, they were considerably stronger.

Of course, this was only taking into account the situation of the vanguard army.

The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 742: An Intense War (2)

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The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 742: An Intense War (2) summary

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