I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 241: Knowledge Implantation Project Succeeds (2)

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Chapter 241: Knowledge Implantation Project Succeeds (2)

At the same time, Yang Xiaoxin has made contact with our warriors outside.

She told us that Breaking Dawn is still investigating the Future Research Inst.i.tute and she would contact me as soon as there was news.

  1. We have made some progress with the knowledge implantation technology, but it’s still far from an introductory level.

However, I’ve already drawn up two rune transformation plans specially designed for you for the Rune Transformers Project I proposed previously.

I’ll explain it to you in detail.

For the first rune transformation line, I’ve chose the rune crystal of the Demon Dragon. This is an extremely powerful domain creature. The Scarlet Research Inst.i.tute only has one rune crystal in stock.

It can bring you unparalleled physique, which is more in line with the path of a muscular man described by the narrator. However, this will require you to train your body for a long time and inject genetic modification liquid regularly to strengthen your body. Otherwise, your self on the sacrifice timeline would not be able to withstand the corrosion of the power of the Demon Dragon Rune Crystal.

For the second rune transformation line, 1 chose the rune crystal of the Fierce Shadow.

The Fierce Shadow is a special runic creature that is extremely good at stealth and mimicking. It is not as strong as the Demon Dragon, but it is suitable for all kinds of hidden missions. 1 felt that it suits you very well.

However, mental power occupies more than half of the Fierce Shadow Rune Crystal.

Therefore, the difficulty of the rune transformation is even higher than that of the Demon Dragon Rune Crystal. Other than needing a stronger physical fitness, it also require extremely strong willpower.

But I’m sure you’ll be fine.

I won’t comment on your talent, but I’ll give you full marks for your willpower.

You decide what to choose. I’ll first organize the details of the plan to with the two runes. When the time comes, remember to bring them back to reality.

73.1 Got Bad News Today

Breaking Dawn is in trouble. They are undergoing a series of investigations. Clearly, there was a problem with their decision-making, that they touched some taboos.

It might also be the same as you back then. Because of the secret investigations being discovered, they have already attracted the attention of the domain factions.

Their situation is terrible. I decided to get the warriors outside to contact Yang Xiaoxin and ask her to lead Breaking Dawn into the Scarlet Secret Base.

But before that, to be safe, 1 have to investigate the members of Breaking Dawn.

If the spies are allowed to infiltrate the base, all our previous efforts would be in vain.

I trust your students, but the people they trust might not be trustworthy. They might also have spies planted around them.

  1. Today, Yang Xinxin led a portion of Breaking Dawn members to the base.

To be safe, she directly disbanded Breaking Dawn and only brought the core members over. This way, there is no risk of being infiltrated.

This is undoubtedly the right choice.

If she remained indecisive at this time, she would definitely bring Breaking Dawn and the people around them into eternal d.a.m.nation. It was better to make a swift and resolute decision and disband the organization.

The only regret is that Lu Yue did not come with them.

This stubborn donkey is just as you described. He’s unwilling to hide in the base and chose to leave alone.

Sigh. I don’t know if I should call him stupid or praise him for his courage.

Today, we held a high-level meeting and integrated Yang Xiaoxin and the others into the newly established team. Yang Xiaoxin will continue to be the leader and carry out external missions.

132 (red tag) Today, Jia Yi contacted the warriors outside and sent back an important piece of intelligence.

Because he had lost contact with you, he could no longer create value in the Future Research Inst.i.tute. He was recently been a.s.signed to an inspection and management position in the resource bank.

But he also became clear about one thing. The Future Research Inst.i.tute did cooperate with the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute.

There are four resource warehouses in the entire Future City. These warehouses are under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute, but they are all managed by the Future Research Inst.i.tute. Moreover, the Future Research Inst.i.tute often sends the resources from their own research inst.i.tute into these four warehouses.

It’s equivalent to helping the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute develop.

This still cannot explain why the Future Research Inst.i.tute stood on the Scarlet Research Inst.i.tute’s side during that resource transportation. They didn’t even hesitate to confront the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute.

But the information from Jia Yi seems very useful to me.

Even though it’s still unclear if the Future Research Inst.i.tute is on the side of humans or domain creatures, at least we now know the coordinates of the four secret warehouses that are very important to the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute.

I’ll leave you the coordinates now (coordinates information attachment).

If you want go deep and investigate the secrets of the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute and the Future Research Inst.i.tute, you might be able to start from these four core resources banks.

If you have chosen the future timeline where you fight against the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute and interact with future people,

you must destroy these four warehouses first. This will definitely cause a huge blow to the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute.

After all, resources are the core of a research inst.i.tute.

Without resources, no matter how many ideas we have in mind, they are all empty talk. Without resources, the research and development of the technological research inst.i.tute would completely fall into a bottleneck.

  1. Recently, Jia Yi has been contacting us less and less.

Without an important position, he can no longer bring useful intelligence.

Today, I saw the close-up photo of Jia Yi taken by the captain of Combat Team Three. In the photo, he was already full of white hair.

Time did not spare him. He is actually already 68 years old.

Therefore, I contacted the captain of Combat Team Three and asked him to tell Jia Yi that he could stop. He did not need to continue investigating further..

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 241: Knowledge Implantation Project Succeeds (2)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 241: Knowledge Implantation Project Succeeds (2) summary

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