I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 311: Victory Academy (1)

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Chapter 311: Victory Academy (1)

There was still a day before the freshmen compet.i.tion began.

This morning, after breakfast, Feng Qi pushed his luggage and led his group of students to the entrance of the gymnasium.

There were already three buses parked there.

On the window of every bus, there was the label of the cla.s.s that they were taking.

This time, there were three partic.i.p.ating cla.s.ses Star City Academy. They were Combat Cla.s.s Three, Combat Cla.s.s Six, and Combat Cla.s.s Eight.

After a friendly match with Combat Cla.s.s 6, Cla.s.s 2, which originally wanted to partic.i.p.ate, realized that even if their cla.s.s did so, it would only be to make up the numbers, so they simply chose to give up.

This year’s Eastern District Freshmen Team Compet.i.tion was held in Victory City like before.

Victory Academy in Victory City was also the academy that had won the champions.h.i.+p the most in the past years.

After coming to the bus labeled with Combat Cla.s.s Three and explaining the situation to the driver who was smoking, Feng Qi led the students to load their luggage and board the bus.

After confirming that everyone was present, the driver took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand and went to the trash can in front of the gymnasium. He tossed the b.u.t.t of the cigarette and got back onto the bus.

Without waiting for the other cla.s.ses, the middle-aged driver immediately started the bus and drove out of Star City Academy.

The scenery outside the windows quickly flashed past. After the bus drove out of Star City Academy, it headed in the direction of Star City Eastern District Airport.

Two hours later, the bus stopped at the airport.

Feng Qi and the students alighted with their luggage. After shaking hands with the staff who came to receive them, they followed him towards the “special airport”.

A moment later, they followed the staff and boarded the plane specially prepared for Star City Academy.

Before the other cla.s.ses arrived, the plane would not take off.

Feng Qi gathered Lu Yue and the others together and discussed the relevant content of this year’s compet.i.tion…

He had learned more about the partic.i.p.ating cla.s.ses from the other academies.

In particular, a post on Star City Academy’s forum had explained the general strength of the partic.i.p.ating cla.s.ses this time in detail.

Targeting these partic.i.p.ating cla.s.ses, they had discussed and formulated different confrontation ideas last night.

As they chatted, the teachers-in-charge of Combat Cla.s.s Eight and Combat Cla.s.s Six brought the students into the plane.

After exchanging greetings, Feng Qi and the teachers of Cla.s.s Six and Cla.s.s Eight began to do a headcount.

After confirming that everyone was present, they informed the staff.

A moment later, the plane slowly drove towards the runway.

Accompanied by the pushback, the plane began to climb.

Not including the memories of the future, this was the first time he had left Star City.

In the memories from the future timeline, he had left Star City twice to head to his death. His heart was filled with determination.

Looking at the gradually shrinking scenery outside the window, Feng Qi sighed inwardly.

“Brother Qi, if you win the champions.h.i.+p, how are you going to spend the prize reward?” Lin Ran asked curiously.

“I’ll treat everyone to a good meal in the academy’s restaurant?” Feng Qi turned to look at Lin Ran and smiled.

“That’s it?”

“Are we going to eat outside? The food outside doesn’t taste as good as the food in the academy.”

“That’s true, but I’m still looking forward to this compet.i.tion. I partic.i.p.ated in it back then and lost miserably to Victory Academy.”

Hearing this, a look of surprise appeared on Feng Qi’s face.

“You’ve partic.i.p.ated before?”

“Of course, I’m not a freshmen. I’m an exchange student from Winter Academy. I naturally partic.i.p.ated in my freshmen year.”

“Aren’t you a cultivation techniques student?”

“Back then, they thought my strength was alright and I was temporarily transferred to the combat cla.s.s. After the compet.i.tion, I returned to the cultivation cla.s.s.”

After understanding the situation, Feng Qi was enlightened.

“What rank did your cla.s.s get at that time?”

“The Winter Academy can be said a “forever number two”. We’re always suppressed by Victory Academy. That year was no exception and we got second place, but the situation this year is different. From the a.n.a.lysis on the Internet, the Winter Academy is the hot favorite for the win this year and our cla.s.s’s greatest opponent.”

Through his chat with Lin Ran, Feng Qi had a clearer understanding of the compet.i.tion.

The freshmen team compet.i.tion is a large-scale compet.i.tion held every year in the eastern district. It was also very popular online. The compet.i.tion process would be live-streamed on the Internet.

There were five academies partic.i.p.ating in this compet.i.tion this time.

They were Star City Academy from Star City, Future Academy from Future City, Winter Academy from Winter City, Victory Academy from Victory City, and Former Days Academy from Former Days City, which was located in the most remote area in the east.

Those who partic.i.p.ated in the compet.i.tion were all academies with combat faculties.

As for science and technological academies, array formation academies, alchemy academies, and other academies without combat faculties, they would not partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion.

As they chatted, Feng Qi turned to look out of the window.

The plane had already left Star City and he could see the other side of the world through the window.

Domain fields of different colors covered different areas, and were rooted in the human world like parasites.

The coverage of the domain fields also included the sky.

During flight, aircrafts are required to dodge specially marked domain field areas.

Back then, many plane crashes happened when planes flew into the domain field.

Especially those domain fields with completely different rules from the human world. If a plane plunged in, it was very likely that a series of terrifying events would happen.

Gravity imbalance, instant disintegration, engine explosion, monster attack… There were many air disasters that happened earlier on because of the domain fields.

Except for those domain fields that are marked as flight-capable, all specially marked domain fields were flight restricted areas..

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 311: Victory Academy (1)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 311: Victory Academy (1) summary

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