I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 321: Divine Item: Miracle (1)

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Chapter 321: Divine Item: Miracle (1)

Sitting on the sofa, Feng Qi waited for the monk to tell him his secrets.

At this moment, the monk looked at him and asked,

“Brother Qi, since you know that I’m from the Jinxian Temple, do you know where the Prajna Domain Combat Team under the temple is active?”

Feng Qi naturally knew the answer to this question.

He had a detailed understanding of the backgrounds and forces behind his ten students.

Hence, he immediately nodded and said,

“Of course. In the combat team resupply area outside Former Days City. They use that area as the center to attack the nearby domain fields. That’s also one of the locations where many domain combat teams are active.”

“That’s right. Our domain combat team is the strongest domain combat team in that supply area. We often lead the various large combat teams to carry out joint operations. So far, we have dispersed a total of 103 domain fields.”

“We’ve interacted with many domain forces, so we’ve long known that there are many of them lurking in human society. There are even several domain transcendents imprisoned in our secret base. We’ve also learned a lot of secret information from them.”

“Naturally, this includes domain forces lurking in human society.”

“As for why we didn’t announce this secret to the world… Just as you said before, Brother Qi, the world needs hope, but the truth will only bring despair. In the end, there will only be two outcomes.”

“First, human civilization is unwilling to accept the current situation. They completely declare war on the domain forces and accelerate towards extinction.”

“Second, live on and live with unwillingness and despair for the future.”

“No matter which outcome it is, it’s not what we want to see. We think that only by giving the world hope can a miracle appear.”

Hearing this, Feng Qi could not help but nod.

The thoughts of the Prajna Domain Combat Team were similar to those of the Scarlet Research Inst.i.tute.

They all knew the truth, but they were unwilling to reveal it to the world. They chose to hide in the dark and move forward to find a way out for human civilization.

“Then why did you come to Star City Academy to study? What are you planning?”

The monk pondered for a moment before continuing,

“16 years ago, when the Prajna Second Domain Combat Team was exploring a domain field in the east of Former Days City, we happened to encounter a domain creature that looked like a shadow. At that time, it fought a desperate battle with the combat team.”

Hearing about the black shadow domain creature, Feng Qi immediately thought of the black shadow faction behind the Science and Technology Research Inst.i.tute.

However, he did not interrupt and continued listening to the monk.

“In this battle, only two rookies survived. The commander and members of the second combat team were all sacrificed. When they returned, the two rookies brought back a crystal.”

“At that time, our team of a.n.a.lysts began to study this crystal. At first, we only thought that this crystal was a special spiritual material that humans had yet to discover at this stage. However, the subsequent discoveries allowed us to know a huge secret.”

“This crystal is actually a special tool used for information transmission. It contains some important information and we took several months to decipher it. We obtained this information and understood the faction behind the black shadow domain creature.”

At this point, a dark look appeared in the monk’s eyes.

“Brother Qi, how do you think our human growth potential compares to domain creatures?”

Faced with the question, Feng Qi pondered for a moment and said,

“We can’t compare to those domain factions with extremely strong growth potential, but we’re also stronger than many weaker domain factions. However, in terms of creativity, we humans don’t seem to be inferior to any domain faction. This is also the reason why we can catch up. What we lack is only time to develop.”

Hearing this, the monk shook his head.

“We used to think so too, but in this information, we saw a domain faction with unlimited potential. Their growth potential is far from what us humans can compare to. We call this race the Spiritual Energy Race.”

Taking a deep breath, the monk continued.

“The most terrifying thing about this race is that they can constantly stack their knowledge reserves. Their body structure is almost completely formed by the combination of spiritual energy and matter. The consciousness of all the clansmen is connected to the Holy Spirit and has extremely terrifying creativity.”

“What is a Holy Spirit?” Feng Qi immediately asked.

“The racial consciousness of this race is similar to the information storage database in the human society, but it’s far from that simple. For example, every time a newborn baby of the Spiritual Energy Race is born, its consciousness will connect to the Holy Spirit and obtain the memories and knowledge of its ancestors. The spiritual energy warriors are top geniuses at birth.”

“It’s the same for every generation. With the acc.u.mulation of knowledge from generation to generation, the creativity of this race is unimaginable. What’s even more terrifying is that other than the memories of the ancestors, if the members of this race want to obtain knowledge, they only need to extract it directly from the Holy Spirit. It’s similar to us downloading information online. It’s even simpler than us downloading information online.”

“After the download is successful, they will be able to master the ability they want to obtain.”

“For example, I don’t know how to drive. Now that I want to learn how to drive, my consciousness can connect to the Holy Spirit’s information library to search for relevant information and choose to download it. After the download is completed, I will instantly learn this skill. I can even be as proficient as an experienced driver who has been driving for decades.”

Hearing this, Feng Qi sucked in a breath of cold air.

If what the monk said was true, the potential of this race was really unimaginable..

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 321: Divine Item: Miracle (1)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 321: Divine Item: Miracle (1) summary

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