I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 342: The Honor of a Warrior (2)

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Chapter 342: The Honor of a Warrior (2)

In his opinion, this piece of information was very valuable.

Now, there was another way to deal with the owner of the fog.

Apart from having Old w.a.n.g study the method to decipher Flesh Sacrifice and Lin Ran’s anti-parasitic possession of the owner of the fog, he could completely solve this problem from a realistic perspective.

For example, he could cooperate with Mu Qing to destroy the Silent Domain Field and capture the fleeing owner of the fog.

If they killed the owner of the fog at the source, there would not be a Flesh Sacrifice disaster 1,500 years later.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he had to play it safe and chose to give up on this idea.

He decided to wait a little longer.

Perhaps Lin Ran could successfully counterattack and obtain the power of the owner of the fog, allowing him to have another companion in his future dream.

Perhaps Old w.a.n.g could also successfully resolve the hidden dangers in Flesh Sacrifice and give mankind a super cultivation technique.

The operation to kill the owner of the fog in the real world could be carried out when he was certain that he could control it in the future.

In his eyes, the current owner of the fog was still useful.

After flipping through a few more doc.u.ments regarding the Silent Domain Field, he stood up from his seat and walked towards the strength training area.

Rest was reserved for the dead.

As long as he was not dead, he would continue to be reckless.

On the day he mastered the divine technique, he would “come out of seclusion” and join the Dawn Army… becoming a small fry.

A moment later, the dull sounds of punching sounded in the training room again.

Winterfrost Supply Area.

The heavy snow last night sealed the pa.s.sageway between the supply area and Winterfrost City.

It also caused snow to pile up on the streets in the small city.

In order to restore traffic as soon as possible, maintenance staff in the supply area were driving snowplows to clear the roads inside and outside the supply area.

At this moment, in the Snow Wolf Manor.

After the exploration of the Silent Domain Field ended, the members of the Snow Wolf Domain Combat Team had already returned.

However, this time, many of their comrades would never return.

At this moment, Mu Qing, who was pus.h.i.+ng her luggage and carrying her backpack, came to a building in the manor and pushed open the door.

Today, Tuo Yan had arranged for her a new residence that belonged to her alone.

The previous owner of this house was Bison.

During the exploration of the Silent Domain Field, Bison chose to stay behind in the final evacuation. In the end, his flesh and blood were devoured by the fog, leaving only a dried corpse.

Putting down her luggage, she picked up the metal box and began to scan the furnis.h.i.+ngs in the room.

The room was luxuriously decorated and equipped with all kinds of equipment. One of the walls that was full of medals attracted her gaze.

She stood in front of the wall of honor and scanned the wall filled with certificates and medals.

Silver Medal of Outstanding Warrior Silver Medal, Human Elite Medal, Outstanding Graduate of the Winter Academy… At the center were photos.

Each photo recorded Bison’s growth.

The photo on the far left was a graduation photo at Winter Academy. At that time, Bison was still very inexperienced and had a confident smile on his face. Beside him stood his teachers and cla.s.smates.

Then, it was when he joined the Snow Wolf Domain Combat Team. Bison, who was carrying the same huge luggage as her, stood in the left corner of the team. He looked inconspicuous, but his face was covered with a bright smile.

The third photo was still a group photo of the Snow Wolf Domain Combat Team, but many familiar figures were missing. He had also moved nearer to the center.

At this point, there was less confidence on his face and more maturity.

There were only a dozen people in the fourth photo. His face was filled with sorrow and he no longer smiled.

These photos clearly recorded the growth and changes of Bison.

Below the photo, there was also a sentence engraved with a dagger:

360 days a year, most of the time is spent on horseback with my weapon in grip. As long as the domain fields are not dispelled, we won’t have a home.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qing’s eyes dimmed.

This was the first time she had personally witnessed the cruelty of the front line.

Death was like a shadow to all domain warriors. It might come tomorrow.

She had not known Bison for long, but he left a deep impression on her.

As her guide, Bison taught her many things to do as the core of the team, as well as the responsibilities that the core of the team should carry.

She could not help but think of he had said:

“Mu Qing, as the core of the team, we have to protect our brothers. If anyone has to be sacrificed, we have to be the first!”

“You can eat all you want. No matter what, Snow Wolf is a C-grade Domain Combat Team. How can we not afford to feed you?”

“As the core tank, we are the st.u.r.diest s.h.i.+eld in the team. If we don’t break, the team won’t break!”

“Every mission will be viewed as a game with death. Death has always been very close to us, but only by facing death can we defeat the fear of death and not fear any challenge.”

“Back then, when I first joined the Snow Wolf Domain Combat Team on a mission, 1 was always afraid that I would die. However, after experiencing it for a long time, I got used to it. Everyone has a growth process. As long as the determination in our hearts is not shaken, any difficulties can be overcome.”

During this period of contact, Bison had left a deep impression on her.

Perhaps he did not have very strong combat strength, but he was a qualified warrior.

Fearlessness, responsibility, selflessness, sacrifice… Bison had the outstanding character that a warrior should have.

However, this warrior would forever stay in yesterday.

She had always heard that the front line was very cruel and that death could descend at any time. But it was only after experiencing it personally that she felt it directly.

At this moment, she thought of what Feng Qi had once said to her:

No matter how weak we humans are, someone has to come forward and open up the path. Only then will there be hope for the future..

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 342: The Honor of a Warrior (2)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 342: The Honor of a Warrior (2) summary

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