I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 367: Unscientific Deduction of the Future (2)

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Chapter 367: Unscientific Deduction of the Future (2)

He could not be sure if the impact on the future would be good or bad.

Although Flesh Sacrifice was a cultivation technique with the hidden danger of humanity’s extinction concealed within, before the owner of the fog activated the switch, this cultivation technique was evaluated as the undisputed number one cultivation technique in human history.

It could be seen how powerful it was for cultivators.

It could be said to have greatly contributed to the development of the overall strength of humankind.

Therefore, the disappearance of Flesh Sacrifice would definitely change history and slow down the development of human cultivation. Perhaps it would not last 1,500 years.

At that time, even the Star City Shelter might not exist.

This was also the main reason why he wanted to resolve the hidden dangers of Flesh Sacrifice.

The Flesh Sacrifice cultivation technique that was without any hidden dangers would only be beneficial to the development of human cultivation. There would be no disadvantages.

At this thought, Feng Qi could not help but frown. Then, he looked at Lu Yue and said,

“All Yue, if possible, try to save w.a.n.g Yi if something unexpected happens later.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Yue immediately nodded.


“Aren’t you going to ask why?” He couldn’t help but ask in surprise.

“I trust you.”

Looking at the indifferent Lu Yue, Feng Qi grinned.

“Let me explain to you. Its true ident.i.ty is actually the owner of the fog, the guy I told you that controlled the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute.”

“My anti-consciousness parasitism plan requires it to live. Its premature death will have many impacts on the future, and it will also cause the plan to fail.”

“Alright, I’ll go over first. Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to save it if an emergency happens!”

After understanding the specific reason, Lu Yue immediately responded. Then, he summoned Jian Lan and flew towards the canyon on his sword.

At this moment, Feng Qi jumped out of the truck and turned to look at the three captains who were also watching the battle.

“Bring everyone back to the supply area first.”

The three captains, who had already realized that the situation had gone out of control, did not hesitate and immediately responded.

After a brief adjustment, the Dawn Domain Combat Team’s convoy returned the way they came.

Feng Qi also walked towards the canyon at this moment.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

He was always vigilant of his surroundings and decisively released his mental power. However, when he saw that the figure beside him was Qin s.h.i.+kong, he retracted it again.

“When did you realize there was something wrong with the escort team?”

Faced with Qin s.h.i.+kong’s question, Feng Qi smiled and said,

“Don’t you think there’s something wrong with w.a.n.g Yi’s behavior on the supply bridge just now? It’s almost obvious. Given her strength and experience from hundreds of battles, it’s really unreasonable for her to have the blood stone s.n.a.t.c.hed away so easily.”

“As for the others, it doesn’t make sense for them to fight to protect of the blood stone. This doesn’t feel like a fight for protection at all. It feels more like a fight for owners.h.i.+p.”

After hearing his explanation, Qin s.h.i.+kong nodded and said,

“Thinking back, it’s indeed as you said. There are too many unreasonable aspects.”

“What about you? When did you discover it?” Feng Qi asked.

“Just like you, w.a.n.g Yi’s actions on the supply bridge caused me to have many doubts. Therefore, 1 did a divination reading. The result was that it was an omen of deconstruction. It was an omen of the mountain being stripped and the ma.s.ses isolating one. I realized that there was a problem with the team. However, 1 didn’t expect that other than our teams, the rest would all be domain factions.”

“You can even do a reading for this?”

Hearing this, Feng Qi could not help but become wide-eyed.

Cultivation was indeed a fantasy, but from a scientific point of view, it was using a newly discovered energy, Spiritual Qi, to nourish and temper the body, in exchange for the evolution of the body and the increase in strength.

From a scientific point of view, spells used the trajectory of Spiritual Qi to acc.u.mulate Spiritual Qi particles and form a higher dimensional energy combination. Then, it was released through one’s own guidance.

Therefore, cultivation could be completely explained from a scientific point of view.

However, divination was purely metaphysical. There was no logic to speak of. It was more like a conclusion obtained after deciphering the cause and effect of time.

Therefore, he never believed in divination.

However, Qin s.h.i.+kong’s ability made him grow doubts.

This ability was obviously not something that could be obtained through cultivation. He immediately thought of the rune transformation experiment.

Only Rune Transformers could obtain the innate abilities given by the rune crystal, and there was no lack of extremely special abilities.

“Are you a Rune Transformer?” he asked tentatively.

“No.” Qin s.h.i.+kong immediately shook his head and revealed a curious expression.

“Why do you ask?”

Just as Feng Qi was about to reply, Qin s.h.i.+kong’s expression suddenly froze. The bronze trigram disc in his hand was suddenly thrown forward.

Ripples appeared in the air, and a blue-skinned figure appeared. Then, it was suppressed on the spot by the disc disc.

Seeing this, Feng Qi decisively attacked as well.

In the blink of an eye, he released his mental power and grabbed the blue-skinned a.s.sa.s.sin by the neck, yanking it violently.

The blue-skinned a.s.sa.s.sin was not very strong. As the sound of bones dislocating rang out, its body drooped weakly.

“The frequency of a.s.sa.s.sinations has been increasing recently. How unlucky,” Qin s.h.i.+kong said helplessly.

Hearing this, Feng Qi could not help but be stunned.

“You’ve been a.s.sa.s.sinated by such domain creatures?”

Qin s.h.i.+kong nodded in response to the question.

“I don’t know why, but there are always such domain creatures coming to a.s.sa.s.sinate me. In the past, the frequency was very low. It might not happen once every few years, but recently, the frequency has been increasing..”

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 367: Unscientific Deduction of the Future (2)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 367: Unscientific Deduction of the Future (2) summary

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