I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 45: Best Choice

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Chapter 45: Best Choice

Star City Academy, Combat Cla.s.s Six.

Standing in front of the podium and looking at the students below, Feng Qi spoke eloquently.

He was returning to school tomorrow. Over the past few days, other than staying in the library with Lin Ran, he had been teaching various cla.s.ses in the academy.

Presently, Bai Fusheng would arrange a cla.s.s for him every day to experience the feeling of being a teacher. The most important thing was to let him determine if he himself was qualified to be a teacher.

Perhaps Bai Fusheng would never have imagined that every single one of Feng Qi’s cla.s.ses would be incomparably popular, and seats filled to the brim.

Many students with non-combat professionals also came to listen in after hearing the news.

Students who could not get seats even squatted on the ground or leaned against the windows in the corridors to listen to his cla.s.s.

Moreover, every student who came would have a notebook with them. As they listened, they took notes. The learning atmosphere in each cla.s.s was strong.

What was taught in cla.s.s would become a hot topic that the students talked about that day.

Feng Qi already had a premonition about this, so he was not surprised.

After all, what he copied from the future dream database was the teaching template. The way things were expressed was easy to understand.

He only needed to repeat what the instructor had said in the video and the highlights to the students.

This time, in the future dream, the cultivation technique he plagiarized was the Meditations of Heaven and Earth. It was a cultivation technique that focused on mental cultivation.

The content was divided into four chapters.

Therefore, he planned to use four cla.s.ses to teach this cultivation technique to the students of Star City Academy.

Today was the fourth and last lesson.

As time pa.s.sed, Feng Qi closed his textbook and looked at his audience with a smile.

"That’s all for today’s cla.s.s. The four chapters of the Meditations Heaven and Earth have been finished. After cla.s.s, everyone can exchange notes and fill in any missing content. I’m leaving the academy for a period of time tomorrow. Let’s meet again.”

With that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a student sitting below suddenly stood up and looked at Feng Qi expectantly.

"Teacher Feng, I’m a student of Cultivation Techniques Cla.s.s Four. My name is Ding Siyuan. I’ve benefited greatly from your lectures these few days. 1 learned that the cultivation techniques you taught were all researched by yourself. 1 hope that you can give a lecture on cultivation techniques research when you’re free. This is very important to the students of the cultivation techniques cla.s.ses.”

Hearing this, Feng Qi could not help but be stunned.

The students in the cultivation technique cla.s.ses were different from the students in the combat cla.s.ses. Their future goal was definitely to enter various research inst.i.tutes and become cultivation technique researchers.

This was also his former goal.

Therefore, he could understand this student’s desire to hear his thoughts and insights when researching cultivation techniques.

For the students of the cultivation technique cla.s.ses, cultivation was only secondary. Understanding the human body structure and how to create a brand new cultivation technique was the direction they were working hard towards.

In comparison, the learning method of the combat cla.s.ses was like using formulas to calculate the answer, while students of the cultivation cla.s.s pursued creating new formulas.

Therefore, the thoughts and insights on how to create formulas were very important to them.

Faced with the student’s question, Feng Qi perspired inwardly.

Because he was merely a dabbler in the research and theories of cultivation techniques.

w.a.n.g Jinsheng had once carefully nurtured his ability in this aspect, but he was still far from truly creating a cultivation technique. The content he grasped was far less professional than these students who had studied in the cultivation technique cla.s.ses for many years.

The students of the cultivation technique cla.s.ses would definitely think that those with solid theories might not necessarily have strong practical abilities, but those who had researched cultivation techniques in practice would definitely be incomparably strong with theories.

Therefore, they felt that he, who had created a brand new cultivation technique, was knowledgeable in researching cultivation techniques and had his own unique insights.

However, the students would never have thought that he was really only good in practice (plagiarism). In terms of theory, he was completely trash.

"Since you’re interested, wait for me to come back and specially give a cultivation technique research cla.s.s,” Feng Qi replied with a smile.

Then, in the applause of the students, he left the cla.s.sroom and returned to his dormitory.

Sitting at the desk, Feng Qi added to his notebook a list of things that needed to be done the next time he entered the future dream.

The next time he entered the future dream, he would find a basic cultivation technique research lesson and copy it properly. Since he was showing off, he had to go all the way!

Actually, he knew very well what the consequences of doing so were.

The more high-profile he was, the more likely he was to be a.s.sa.s.sinated by enemies lurking in the dark.

However, since he had embarked on this path, he had to be high-profile and take the risks that came with it.

From plagiarizing cultivation techniques in the future, he was advancing the development of the entire human civilization. It would have a far-reaching impact on the future. He could not give up.

This was also why he felt that modern civilization was developing on his shoulders.

There was no way to keep a low profile when doing this.

He had also considered this aspect when he requested to become a teacher.

Another very important reason was that after becoming a teacher at the academy, he could secretly nurture and establish an organization to resist the Scarlet Research Inst.i.tute.

For example, Lin Ran, Mu Qing, and the geniuses he would recruit later could all gather around him in the name of students. The outside world would not suspect anything.

While being a teacher, he could also discover individuals with potential in Star City Academy and nurture them. He could even recruit them into the organization.

Therefore, as a teacher, he could impart content and promote the development of human civilization in cultivation. He could also use this ident.i.ty as a cover to secretly establish an organization to resist the Scarlet Research Inst.i.tute.

No matter how Feng Qo looked at it, being a teacher in the academy was one of the best choices for him.

The other was to be the princ.i.p.al. This way, the entire Star City Academy would become his potential power, but that was obviously unrealistic.

At the same time, the security at Star City Academy was tight. His personal safety was relatively guaranteed while he was teaching in the academy. At the very least, it was much safer than staying in the outside world.

As he pondered, he added some more content to his notebook.

Tomorrow, he would leave Star City Academy and return to school to prepare for his graduation.

He was suddenly looking forward to how his best friend, Mo Fei, would react when he found out that he had been exempted from the exam and sent to Star City Academy.

Milky Way Academy, Princ.i.p.al’s Office.

Looking at the latest notification letter from the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute in his hand, a hint of surprise appeared on Princ.i.p.al Yan Junqing’s face.

The content was that schools were required to change the daily morning cultivation exercises and adopt the latest version.

At the same time, the first-year freshmen of the various academies were to study the latest version of cultivation exercises for a month before trying to come into contact with other core cultivation subjects.

The profile description at the end of the letter caught Yan Junqing’s attention.

"Feng Qi? Only 17 years old?!

"Such a genius in cultivation technique research should join the Milky Way Academy!”

At this thought, he took out his phone and made a call. When the call went through, he immediately said,

"Draft an early acceptance letter for guaranteed admission in my name…”

A similar situation took place in the princ.i.p.al’s office of the various academies.

Feng Qi, who was buried in his thoughts about his future development, would never have thought that he, who was about to graduate, had already become the focus of the various major academies.

Star City Academy, Princ.i.p.al’s Office.

After receiving the notice from his a.s.sistant, Bai Fusheng took a sip of tea and began to read the contents.

However, when he saw the profile description at the end he could not help but laugh out loud.

"Fortunately, I attacked first. Old friends, you won’t make it in time!”

However, halfway through his laughter, he suddenly felt a little insecure, so he hurriedly dialed Feng Qi’s number.

After a few rings, Feng Qi’s voice sounded. “Grandmaster, what’s the matter?”

"Kid, a man keeps his word. No matter what temptation the outside world offers you, since you’ve agreed, you can’t go back on your word…”

Feng Qi, who was buried in his notebook, was dumbfounded..

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 45: Best Choice

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 45: Best Choice summary

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