I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 517: The Weak Relies on Opportunity (2)

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Chapter 517: The Weak Relies on Opportunity (2)

However, no one took the initiative to attack at this moment.

They all waited for others to test the waters. If they were the first to make a move, they might not even know how they met their end.

At this moment, the alluring woman in charge of the branch said warily. “Friend, which faction do you belong to? Let’s mind our own business and stay in our respective lanes. There’s no need for this, right?”

“You want to investigate my background? You’re not qualified yet.”

AS it spoke, the owner of the fog took a step forward. At this moment, the gray fog spread behind it and sealed its path.

It looked at the domain creatures in the bar again and sneered.

“Let’s play a game. Next, I’ll start a ma.s.sacre and only a third of you will survive. Then… you’ll struggle to survive.”

As soon as it finished speaking, gray fog surged out of the owner of the fog and swept towards the domain creatures in the bar.

Facing the owner of the fog’s ambush, the domain creatures were stunned.

They didn’t expect the owner of the fog to be so vicious.

Caught off guard, several domain creatures were enveloped by the gray fog. Under the horrifying corrosion of the gray fog, their flesh and blood disintegrated at a visible speed. Even their bones melted in the blink of an eye. They transformed into spheres of blood-colored fog and were drawn into the gray fog.

This scene terrified the other domain creatures.

In the face of the owner of the fog’s ma.s.sacre, the resistance soon began. More than 10 domain creatures gathered and attacked the owner of the fog. controlling the Spiritual Qi in the air, several purple energy arrows quickly condensed and shot towards the owner of the fog.

At this moment, the owner of the fog raised its hand.

The surging gray fog formed a barrier in front of it. The purple energy arrows it the gray fog barrier and caused ripples, melting the arrows until they disappeared.

Looking at the terrified members of the weak race alliance, the owner of the fog smiled sinisterly.

At this moment, the gray fog continued to expand, blocking off the other pathways of the bar. Soon, the entire bar was engulfed by the gray fog.

The b.l.o.o.d.y ma.s.sacre began.

In the eyes of the owner of the fog, the members of the weak race alliance were merely scapegoats.

If it wanted to leave a lasting impression on them, there was no other option. It had to be ruthless.

The bar swiftly turned into the feast of the owner of the fog.

Spheres of b.l.o.o.d.y fog surged into the gray fog, merging into a component of the owner of the fog’s power.

The ma.s.sacre lasted for half an hour.

When only one-third of the domain creatures were left, the owner of the fog stopped.     &

“Congratulations on surviving.”

Hearing this, the domain creatures could not hide their fear.

The power exhibited by the owner of the fog instilled in them the dread of impending death. In this moment, lingering fears gripped them.

They heard from the owner of the fog that they had survived and the strong sense of disparity deepened their fear of the owner of the fog.

The owner of the fog had succeeded in manipulating their emotions.

At this moment, the owner of the fog waved its hand and retracted the gray fog into its body. Then, it looked at the person in charge of the weak race alliance and said.

“Remember what I said. There won’t be a second chance. You can contact me using this method in the future.”

AS it spoke, the owner of the fog reached into its pocket and took out a business card. It slowly walked to the counter, put down the business card, and pushed it m front of the terrified woman.

A brilliant smile appeared on its face.

With that, it turned around and walked to the exit.

Standing at the door, it turned around and looked at the domain creatures in the bar.

The domain creatures that were swept by its gaze lowered their heads.

The law of survival of the fittest was vividly demonstrated at this moment When the weak faced the strong, they had only two choices: resist or submit. However, resistance often led to death or even extermination.

“Remember what I told you. I will be in control of Star City from now on. All your actions must be reported to me… Of course, I will also bring you benefits.” With that, the owner of the fog walked out of the bar without looking back. The initial deterrence had been achieved, but it knew that it was not so simple to control the weak race alliance.

It walked along the dark alley and arrived in front of Feng Qi, who had been waiting outside for a long time.

“Are you done acting?” Feng Qi asked.

“Yes, I’ll keep up the act at the next stop and indulge in some snacks.” The gray og dissipated at that moment, revealing a confident smile on the face of the owner of the fog.

As it spoke, the owner of the fog took the lead and walked towards the next destination.

Seeing this, Feng Qi immediately followed.

It was late at night. Walking side by side on the deserted street, Feng Qi couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Fog, I’m curious. How much strength can you absorb from an enemy that you’ve refined into a blood mist and consumed?”

Faced with the question, the owner of the fog pondered for a moment and said. “It’s hard to say. Strength and bloodline strength are entirely different.” “The composition of strength is divided into many elements. For instance bloodline strength impacts the body’s strength, the quality of Spiritual Qi in the body influences spell power, and the structure of spells also affects power Hence, the makeup of strength is influenced by numerous factors.”

“I can only absorb blood and Qi. I obviously can’t absorb other factors that increase my strength, so I can answer your question from another angle.” “For example, some creatures are exceptionally powerful, but they lean more towards engaging in battles with spells. Their strength lies in their mental power and the quality of their Spiritual Qi, but their bloodline is weak. I can’t extract much blood essence after absorbing it.”

“In comparison, I prefer enemies who are more inclined to physical enhancement. The rich blood and Qi in their bodies are a great nourishment for me..”

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 517: The Weak Relies on Opportunity (2)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 517: The Weak Relies on Opportunity (2) summary

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