I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 68: Tiger Soul Concept Contest

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Chapter 68: Tiger Soul Concept Contest

Sitting in front of the desk, Feng Qi searched for online information.

However, just as he had thought, there was no information related to the Path to Heaven on the Internet.

He couldn’t even find out if that was the name of a place or the name of a mysterious organization.

Feng Qi closed the search page and opened the Star City Academy’s official website. Then, he logged into his teacher’s account, wanting to look at his timetable for the upcoming cla.s.ses.

Upon opening his email, he saw the blue email with the timetable attached, and a red notification email.

Curious, he clicked and opened the red email.

[Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute (certified)]:

Content: The 26th Contest on the Theoretical Concepts for Basic Construction of New System of Cultivation Techniques will be held soon. This contest will be held in the form of an online live-stream. Teachers from various academies have to lead their cla.s.ses to partic.i.p.ate. The content of the compet.i.tion will be expanded based on the cultivation techniques. The cla.s.s that wins will receive a reward of five million dollars in cash.

Details: Similar to the previous contests, the cla.s.ses of each academy are to provide an example of a new development concept of cultivation techniques. Then, with this concept as the core theme, they will explain the expansion of this concept and its advantages and disadvantages compared to the old cultivation technique system in the online live-stream.

Compet.i.tion Score: The preliminary and qualifying rounds will be voted by the Internet. In the finals, the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute’s team will a.n.a.lyze and evaluate the concepts proposed by the partic.i.p.ating cla.s.ses to determine the final champion.

All rights to the explanations for this activity belong to the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute.

After reading the emails released by Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute, Feng Qi was instantly tempted.

He opened a search site and checked the concept compet.i.tions held by Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute in the past. Then, he was even more tempted.

Apart from coveting the five million dollars in cash, there was another very important reason. This concept compet.i.tion would help to encourage the construction of the new cultivation techniques system.

The development of cultivation techniques would always see concepts first, then extend to theory, and finally practice.

In fact, this process was to rise from a sensual understanding to a rational understanding, generalize abstract ideas, and finally reach the stage of theory and practice.

Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute was one of the pioneering organizations in the research of cultivation techniques for all humans. Its core research direction was the perfection and updating of the cultivation techniques system.

Before every update of the cultivation techniques system, Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute would place great importance on it.

When necessary, they would also adopt the concepts proposed by the outside world and perfect them as a knowledge point in the new system.

If a cla.s.s wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion, they first had to propose a new concept of a cultivation system and explain the feasibility of this concept in the online live-stream. If they pa.s.sed the preliminaries and qualifying round, the final concept would be a.n.a.lyzed and interpreted by the team from Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute.

No matter how pie-in-the-sky the concept was, he could partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion as long as there was a corresponding theoretical explanation.

Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute chose to collect ideas from the outside world precisely because of this.

Sometimes, the concepts born when inspiration erupted may become a huge cultivation system in the future.

Just as humans were still thinking of using technological power to defeat the invaders in the beginning, someone was struck by a flash of insight and suggested the concept of guiding Spiritual Qi into the body to strengthen themselves and obtain the same power as domain creatures.

Later on, this concept developed into modern “cultivation studies” as the the predecessors added bricks to the building.

After pondering for a moment, Feng Qi decided to partic.i.p.ate in this compet.i.tion.

For five million yuan, it was also to add to the construction of the new cultivation system.

This time, in the future dream, he had learned one and a half episodes of theoretical basic video teaching of cultivation techniques. This knowledge could be used in compet.i.tions.

However, the problem now was that the registration needed to be done as “cla.s.ses”. His students were all undergoing special training, so how could they have the time to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion with him?

At this thought, he called Bai Fusheng.

After waiting for a while, the call went through. Bai Fusheng’s voice came from the other end.

“Kid, why are you looking for me?”

“Grandmaster, have you seen the latest notice from Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute?”

“You’re talking about the cultivation techniques concept contest? Why? Do you want to partic.i.p.ate?” Bai Fusheng was slightly surprised.

“That’s right. I happen to have a new concept. I think I can win the champions.h.i.+p.”

Hearing Feng Qi’s bluntly pretentious words, Bai Fusheng blushed with shame and couldn’t help but persuade,

“Anyone can come up with a concept, but the most important thing in the concept contest is that you have to use theory to prove the feasibility of this concept. Otherwise, even Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute doesn’t have the ability to perfect some stupid concepts into theory and practical content.”

“For example, in the previous year, a cla.s.s from the Future Academy proposed a concept of endless cultivation. They talked about how to make people automatically circulate their cultivation techniques in their bodies when they were not cultivating and absorb the Spiritual Qi from the outside world. This stupid concept had the highest online votes at that time. In the end, it was unanimously rejected by the team from the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute in the finals because it was pure nonsense.”

“According to Director Liu of the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute at that time, this concept is easy to come up with, but their Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tute team can’t perfect it at all, so are you sure you want to partic.i.p.ate?”

After hearing Bai Fusheng’s words, Feng Qi nodded again.

“It’s not a big problem. I will most likely win the champions.h.i.+p. I’m thinking about how to spend five million dollars now.”

“By the way, Grandmaster, if we win the five million dollars, will it belong to the cla.s.s or the individual?”

Realizing that Feng Qi was really considering how to spend the sum of money, the veins on Bai Fusheng’s forehead throbbed. He could not help but say,

“If you can win the champions.h.i.+p, the five million dollars will be yours. In addition, the academy will give you another three million dollars as a reward!” “Thankyou, Grandmaster!”

“What are you thanking me for? We’ll talk after you win!”

“Winning is not a problem. The problem now is that the registration needs to be in cla.s.ses. I need a cla.s.s.” At this moment, he made his request.

Facing such a confident Feng Qi, Bai Fusheng was clearly a little moved.

After a moment of silence, he said,

“How about this? You’ll lead the Cultivation Techniques Cla.s.s One of the 22nd batch to partic.i.p.ate in the contest.”

Hearing this, he couldn’t help but ask curiously,

“The form teacher of Cultivation Technique Cla.s.s One has no objections?”

“What opinion can he have? Star City Academy isn’t strong in this aspect. This contest is generally taken over by the Milky Way Academy, Lingxiao Academy, and other academies that specialize in cultivation techniques research. We’re at most just a foil. We’ve never thought of getting first place. Since you have an idea, 1’11 let you give it a try.”

“Then there’s no problem. Grandmaster, please help me make arrangements as soon as possible.”

“However, I still have to remind you that since you’ve decided to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion, you have to do your best. You’ll represent the Star City Academy out there. Even if you’re no good, you can’t lose too badly.” “Grandmaster, I think you’ve misunderstood the concept of genius. Their confidence often comes from absolute strength.”

I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 68: Tiger Soul Concept Contest

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 68: Tiger Soul Concept Contest summary

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