I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 82: Longing That Transmigrates Time and Space (4)

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Chapter 82: Longing That Transmigrates Time and s.p.a.ce (4)

I Am Immortal: OP’s explanation really subverted my understanding. I really didn’t read up this part of history in detail, so I always felt that Mu Qing had evil in her bones and was a born sinner. However, after reading your explanation, I realized that there was a reason for her action. At the bottom of it all, it was Feng Qi who harmed Mu Qing. Sigh.

I Yearn for Victory: After reading that diary, I suddenly felt that Mu Qing was not as evil as described in history. She also had a soft side in her heart. However, she chose to show this side to Feng Qi, this dog, but showed her evil side to the world.

Just as the OP had said, if not for Feng Qi, she could have been evaluated as the current and the historical G.o.d of Combat. In the future, she would have been honored and her name recorded in history, becoming a great figure praised by many generations.

At that time, after reading the diary, I wished I could dig up Feng Qi’s grave. What right did this b*stard have to affect and harm this world even after death?

Cursing Out Loud: Other than Mu Qing, there’s also Lv Yue from the Sword Sect. He was actually willing to be Feng Qi’s p.a.w.n. As the only successor of the Lv family’s Sword Dao, he’s really embarra.s.sing his ancestors.

His ancestors sacrificed their lives for the rise of humanity, but he chose to destroy the world with Feng Qi. I really can’t understand where Feng Qi got the magic to make so many people follow him.

I wanted to scold them for being brainless, but at suddenly recalled that they were the most outstanding members of the new generation in the era. How could they be brainless? Sigh, in short, I’m so angry.

Spice Chips: OP’s explanation was too subjective, but after I checked the evidence you provided, I found that it was indeed true. I suddenly felt a trace of sympathy for Mu Qing, but she was wrong. We can’t forgive this sinful demon king on behalf of our predecessors, and she doesn’t deserve our forgiveness either.

Time Mouse: If I could create a time machine in my era, I would definitely drive the time machine to Feng Qi’s era and chop off his head. This way, the future will definitely see overwhelming changes.

After reading the information, Feng Qi could not calm down for a long time.

After he left, it turned out his future self was not the only suffering. There was also, Mu Qing, who continued living while sharing his dream.

The world didn’t know what the revolution she was talking about was, but how could he not know?

It was definitely not to destroy the world, but to save the world.

At this moment, he was certain of one thing. Mu Qing was not controlled by any faction. She had always been free. She had only chosen the most evil way to fight for justice in the eyes of the world.

After reading these contents, he felt extremely pained.

The future shrouded in darkness spurred him forward like gangrene, but every effort made was met with failure and suffering.

No matter how hard they worked, it was all in vain.

It seemed that regardless of how hard he tried, the ideal ending was far away. All he got was pain.

[There will always be few wonderful things in the world that satisfy all your fantasies about the world and fulfill your drcams. Even though the world treats you with the greatest malice, you still remained kind. I think there’s only one true heroism in the world, and that is to see the truth of the world and still love it.]

[Remember, it’s not that you chose to take on the mission, but the mission that chose you.]

Hearing this, a trace of confusion appeared on Feng Qi’s face.

He was only 17 years old, an age that many people thought was very immature,

However, he had lived alone since he was young and learned to take care of himself. He had always felt that he was very strong and far more mature than his peers.

Yet, at this moment, he still felt lonely and sad.

His heart was empty, as if he had been abandoned by the world. He just wanted to curl up at the end of the world alone and cry silently.

[A hero is destined to experience growth three times in life. The first time is when you realize that the future of this world is not as you wish. The second time is when you realize that no matter how hard you work, there will still be nothing you can do. The third time is when even if you know that there are some things that you can’t do, you will still fight for them with all your might. Best of luck, little hero.]

“Narrator, you’re so f*cking corny. I’m getting gooseb.u.mps,” Feng Qi said with red eyes.

[Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at our little hero, he’s about to cry. Your mental endurance still needs some work.]

“I’m not crying. It’s just a small setback. There are even more difficult challenges waiting for me in the future. How can I cry because of this? I definitely won’t compromise and won’t fall. I’ll fight to the end,” Feng Qi retorted in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

[I won’t expose you. We’re still good friends. Come, smile for me.]

“Get lost.”


I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 82: Longing That Transmigrates Time and Space (4)

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I Hijacked The Timeline Chapter 82: Longing That Transmigrates Time and Space (4) summary

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