Following a Hundred Years of Cultivation, I'm dying Before I Got Cheats Chapter 871: Defeating Two Saints and Discovering the Cultivation Realm

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Chapter 871: Defeating Two Saints and Discovering the Cultivation Realm

Editor: Henyee Translations

With the Destiny Disc of Heavenly Secrets dissolving into specks of light and vanis.h.i.+ng, Saint Cloudsea was left in disbelief.

“How… how come?”

He could not believe that the Destiny Disc of Heavenly Secrets, which he relied on as a trump card, would be destroyed by Jiang Chengxuan in such a way. “Arghh!”

Suddenly, Saint Cloudsea spat out a mouthful of blood.

Clearly, the collapse of the Destiny Disc caused him significant backlash. Cras.h.!.+

At the same time, Jiang Chengxuan’s heaven-connecting spiritual treasure, the Five Elements Diagram, transformed into streams of water rus.h.i.+ng towards Saint Cloudsea.

Initially, Saint Cloudsea didn’t feel much, but soon he was shocked to discover his lifespan being rapidly drained.

“This… this is the rule of time!”

In just a short while, nearly ten thousand years of Saint Cloudsea’s lifespan had been stripped away, and the situation was worsening over time.

A chill ran through Saint Cloudsea’s heart for no reason.

He dared not stay any longer and suddenly turned into a streak of light, escaping through the gaps between the water streams.

With another flash, Saint Cloudsea had already fled into the distance.

This turn of events shocked Saint Dawnbreaker, who was engaged with Shen Ruyan.

He had never expected Saint Cloudsea to be defeated in a battle against Jiang Chengxuan, especially in such a manner of escape.


In that instant, an extremely domineering sword light shot out from Jiang Chengxuan’s hand, transformed from the Five Elements Diagram.

Saint Dawnbreaker dared not face it head-on and surrounded himself with starlight.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The collision between the starlight and the sword light led to their simultaneous extinguishment, but countless bolts of lightning struck his true form, leaving him somewhat disheveled.

Saint Dawnbreaker was filled with rage.

If not for Saint Cloudsea’s escape, they wouldn’t have ended up in such a dire situation.

At the very least, they could have held Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan at bay. Now, left alone, he was clearly no match for the couple’s combined strength. Continuing the battle would likely result in the same fate as Saint Skywhite, something Saint Dawnbreaker could not accept.

Thus, after enduring a joint attack from the couple, Saint Dawnbreaker turned into a beam of light and vanished into the horizon.

Seeing this, Shen Ruyan turned to Jiang Chengxuan and asked, “Husband, should we pursue?”

Jiang Chengxuan shook his head.

“No need. They are not Saint Skywhite. Even if we truly catch up to them, it’s not guaranteed we can completely take them down.

Unless we use our trump cards, which would be somewhat wasteful and not worth it.

Most importantly, the secret realm I’ve calculated is about to open.

It’s better to avoid any unnecessary complications during this period.” Hearing Jiang Chengxuan mention the imminent opening of the secret realm, Shen Ruyan’s eyes immediately lit up.

This was their first discovery of such a realm in this world, likely the first to be found.

Most importantly, any secret realm appearing in this world at this time should contain the most natural treasures.

Soon, the couple reached the summit of the snowy mountain, with Jiang Chengxuan pus.h.i.+ng the Heavenly Calculation Technique to its limit.


After a moment, he turned to Shen Ruyan with a smile,

“Ruyan, if my guess is correct, the secret realm should open in a day.

Moreover, I have a feeling that the entrance will not remain open for more than three breaths.

So, once we enter, we don’t have to worry about others discovering this place.” “Is that so?”

Shen Ruyan felt a surge of antic.i.p.ation upon hearing Jiang Chengxuan’s words.

As expected.

A day later.

At the summit where they were positioned, the s.p.a.ce began to fluctuate slightly.

Shortly after, a circular portal appeared before them, brightening both Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan’s eyes.

“Let’s go!” Jiang Chengxuan said, and he dashed forward, entering the circular portal in a blink, with Shen Ruyan closely following.

As the light and shadows flickered briefly, when Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan looked around again, they found themselves in a lush forest filled with the sounds of birds and fragrant flowers.

The air was rich with an extremely refres.h.i.+ng essence of Primordial Spirit Qi. Vaguely, they could also sense the pulsations of certain rules in the air around them.

“This is?”

Exchanging glances, both Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan realized that this was not merely a treasure-seeking secret realm but rather a very special cultivation secret realm.

As the name implies, a cultivation secret realm is specifically designed to enhance a cultivator’s cultivation efficiency.

Cultivating within such a realm not only significantly boosts a cultivator’s efficiency but also plays a crucial role in overcoming bottlenecks, comprehending divine powers, and even mitigating certain dangers a.s.sociated with breakthroughs.

In the current Celestial Floodgate Realm, sects possessing such cultivation realms are exceedingly rare, almost one in a hundred.

Only those with profound foundations, overseen by Mahayana Daolords and backed by powerful forces from the Immortal Realms, might have a slim chance of maintaining a cultivation secret realm.

For most, it remains beyond reach.

Without exaggeration, the value of this cultivation secret realm potentially that of the Dao Origin Land previously divided among the several parties.

Should the existence of this secret realm become known to others, it would undoubtedly lead to a tumultuous struggle.

After exploring the secret realm, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan discovered that it was divided into three distinct areas, which they categorized into upper, middle, and lower zones.

The upper zone offers the best cultivation effects and the strongest enhancement, followed by the middle zone, with the lower zone being the least effective.

However, even the lower zone provides an amplification several times greater than what one would experience in the outside world, which is remarkably significant.

Many special locations within various sects cannot match the cultivation benefits offered even by the lower zone of this secret realm..

Following a Hundred Years of Cultivation, I'm dying Before I Got Cheats Chapter 871: Defeating Two Saints and Discovering the Cultivation Realm

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Following a Hundred Years of Cultivation, I'm dying Before I Got Cheats Chapter 871: Defeating Two Saints and Discovering the Cultivation Realm summary

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