Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents Chapter 684: Our First Meeting!_3

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Chapter 684: Our First Meeting!_3


Translator: 549690339

But in the end, it did not come to life like the stone slabs outside.

Suxuan took a few steps back with a pale face.

Clearly, she had failed.

It was unknown whether it was because the stone slab was too damaged or because her blood could not resonate with the stone slab.

Without hesitation, Li Yueming also went forward and bit his finger to try.

This time, when his dark red blood was injected into the stone slab, the stone slab finally showed obvious changes.

More and more red light was flas.h.i.+ng continuously, as if it was charging the stone slab. Even the figure engraved on the stone slab emitted red light several times, as if it wanted to wake up.

However, the three of them waited for a long time. Even when Li Yueming’s body could not withstand the speed of blood loss, the figure pattern on the stone slab still did not come to life as before.

It was probably because the damage was too serious and the divinity in the patterns was lost, causing the stone slab to completely become a common object.

However, just as Li Yueming was about to give up…

A voice suddenly came from the stone slab. The dignified and imposing voice sighed and said,”I’ve waited for you for many years. The methods I left behind have all been destroyed in the river of time, but I didn’t expect that one of them would still come in handy!”

The moment this voice sounded.

The three of them, including Li Yueming, were stunned.

Waiting for you for many years?

Who was he waiting for? Li Yueming?

Did the other party know that they would come here?

The three of them were full of questions, but the owner of the voice seemed to have no intention of explaining. He just continued,”Traveler from another time and s.p.a.ce…Perhaps you are full of questions about everything around you, but please don’t panic!”

When he heard the words ‘Otherworldly Wayfare’.

Li Yueming’s entire head buzzed as if it had exploded, so much so that he didn’t hear a single word of his comforting words.

He did not expect the other party to be able to see through his ident.i.ty as a reincarnator at a glance. After all, under the disguise of the reincarnation mark, even the world consciousness of their respective reincarnation worlds might not be able to accurately identify their existence!

But now, a spiritual remnant that could not even be considered a ‘human’ knew.

This was undoubtedly a huge shock to Li Yueming.

A creature that could clearly recognize the existence of a reincarnator at a glance represented a huge power that meant that the other party could kill Li Yueming on all levels.

Even the reincarnation mark could not protect him from returning.

The unlucky reincarnators who occasionally died in the prime material plane were also killed because they encountered such unreasonable existences. This resulted in them being unable to return and dying completely.

To reincarnators, this was simply a nightmarish existence.

Fortunately, the stone slab in front of him was only a trace of spiritual residue and not a real creature. Moreover, the reincarnation mark did not give any warning, so it should not have any malicious intentions towards him.

Suppressing her somewhat uneasy heart, Li Yueming calmly replied,”Since you know everything, there’s no need for me to ask anymore, right? Please tell me what you can answer me, what you can give me, and what you need me to do!”

The existence in the stone slab seemed to reveal a smile.

Although he couldn’t see or touch it, Li Yueming could still clearly sense that the other party was ‘watching’ him.

After a moment of silence, the voice said,”” Everything needs to be told from a very long time ago. Traveler from another world, this should be the first time ‘we’ have met you!”

Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents Chapter 684: Our First Meeting!_3

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Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents Chapter 684: Our First Meeting!_3 summary

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