Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 1696: Stay in hell forever

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Chapter 1696: Stay in h.e.l.l forever

Translator: 549690339

Le Yi, Lin weiqin’s girlfriend from ten years ago, and his only girlfriend in this life, had broken up with her eight years ago.

Tian Yuan felt that Lin weiqin had remained single after they broke up, which meant that she had some weight in his heart. Her love for him might have just been an accident. How could she like him as much as he said?

If he really liked her, he wouldn’t be with le Yi,

Obviously, she had forgotten that when Lin weiqin and le Yi started dating, she was only 13 years old.

Le Yi looked at Tian Yuan and smiled in surprise, ” “It’s you …”

She looked at Lin weiqin strangely and looked back and forth a few times. She sighed and said, ” “I didn’t expect you two to be together.”

“You’re here for a date?” Lin weiqin looked at her.

Her face stiffened, and then she smiled. I was too excited to see an old friend. I would’ve forgotten if you hadn’t reminded me.

Le Yi opened her handbag, took out a card from it and put it in his hand,” it’s my name card. Let’s catch up another day

After she finished speaking, she walked away, swaying her hips.

Lin weiqin threw the name card on the ground and looked at Tian

Yuan,””Yuan Yuan- ”

“I’m full!” Tian Yuan took a deep breath.

She stood up, picked up her bag and coat, and walked out.

Lin weiqin hurriedly followed her, and when he saw her walk out of the door, he reached out to pull out the ear studs on her ears. He rushed over and grabbed her, ” “You can’t do this to me!”

One of Tian Yuan’s ear studs had already been removed, and she was staring at him stubbornly.

Lin weiqin’s heart ached,”what can I say to make you believe me?” Tian Yuan, can you not be like this? Don’t make me go to heaven and then h.e.l.l- ”

“Then you can stay in h.e.l.l forever!” Tian Yuan roared, pushed him away, and strode away, throwing the earring on the ground.

Lin weiqin froze on the spot. She suddenly remembered that she had called her ex-boyfriend.

“I can’t stand sand,” she said.

Could it be that this was also sand?

Lin weiqin slowly walked over and found the ear studs she had thrown away along the street.

He held the earrings, the pearls and diamonds s.h.i.+ning under the street lights. It was as eye-catching as it was on her ear just now, and it was as glaring in his palm now.

He clenched his hands, took a deep breath, and looked back at the dining room.

He could see the men and women inside through the French windows.

He didn’t see le Yi, so he gritted his teeth.

Was her sudden appearance a coincidence?

Whoever dared to make him suffer, he would make their entire family suffer!

Tian Yuan walked quickly on the street, her whole body trembling.

She wanted nothing more than to start a happy relations.h.i.+p with him and be a happy couple in the future. She dressed up seriously at home, changing clothes one after another, and combing her hair one after another.

He, on the other hand, directly presented his ex- girlfriend to her!

She didn’t care if he was wronged or not, but it was his fault! Who told him to get an ex- girlfriend!

It was supposed to be a day worth remembering, so why did she have to endure such disgusting people and things?

Tian Yuan raised her hand and pulled at her carefully woven bangs.

Her scalp was in pain, and her hair was in a mess. Like a crazy woman, she lifted her feet to take off her high heels and threw them on the ground. She sat on the steps by the roadside and cried.

The men and women pa.s.sing by looked at her, pointed at her, and sympathized with her.

On a day like today, she didn’t know if she had been rejected by someone, if she had been abandoned by her boyfriend on a happy date, or if she had just seen her boyfriend cheating on her.

“Tian Yuan!” A familiar voice came.

Tian Yuan looked up and saw Si Chen in a thick coat..

Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 1696: Stay in hell forever

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Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 1696: Stay in hell forever summary

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