Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 616

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616 Burial of ashes

Sheng nanxuan only found out about this a few days later and immediately told Yu Qingliu.

Yu Qingliu was puzzled,’why did she leave with Carter? Why didn’t you come to us?”

maybe she has her own plans, Yingluo. Sheng nanxuan frowned. In fact, he was very worried about whether Yu qinghuan still had her own thoughts.

There should be!

She had killed Sheng Zhongtian and Liu Xuelan, let him go, and went to his house. These were all the manifestations of her thoughts. Or perhaps, it was her feelings?

But other than that, could she still think?

For example, if Carter ordered her to kill, would she execute the order directly or would she think about whether the person she killed should die?

Carter came to the capital and left. Did Huo Cheng ask him to do that? ” Yu Qingliu asked.

“I don’t think so. Huo Cheng couldn’t have called him to the capital. What if someone saw him? He must have come on his own, probably to threaten Huo Cheng or to ask Huo Cheng for help. They must have come to an agreement, so they left. I think he will continue to do those experiments.”

“How can that be?” Yu Qingliu gritted her teeth.

Huo Cheng is the president. No one in China has the right to order him not to do this, and no one can overstep his authority to investigate the SSC. We can only let them be free for a while.


In September, the autumn air was cool and refres.h.i.+ng. The day of Gong hang’s burial was approaching.

When the Yu family and the Wu family heard about this, they also prepared to pay their respects.

However, this was different from an ordinary funeral. The family members would definitely be very sad at a normal funeral. But now, Gong mo and dan Rong were very calm. After all, Gong hang had not died just now. (What everyone doesn’t know is that Gong hang’s body is dead, but his “soul” is still alive.)

On the other hand, the Yu family and the Wu family had just become relatives with them, and many people were not familiar with each other. It would not be good to make it too Grand. In the end, the Yu family sent Yu Qingliu and Yu Xinran over, while the Wu family sent Wu Di over.

Everyone set off together in Sheng nanxuan’s private plane.

On the morning of their departure, Gong mo, Sheng nanxuan, Shan Rong, and Gambino went to Pushan temple to collect the ashes.

Everyone’s mood was still a little heavy, especially Gambino. Even if he did it a hundred times, he would still be conflicted.

When they arrived at Pushan temple, the abbot held a simple ceremony and handed the bone ash box to dan Rong.

There were sounds of chanting around them. Shan Rong bowed in thanks.”Many thanks.”

Amitabha! the abbot chanted the name of Buddha.

Shan Rong and the rest turned to leave.

Gambino looked at the box in her hands, feeling uneasy.

He was clearly still alive, yet he was dead. He didn’t know if he was Dead or Alive, so he tried not to think about it.

At lunchtime, Gong Bai came over. He had just applied for leave from the company and would be returning to Nanjiang with them.

He was now working at Sheng nanxuan’s company, so it was easy for him to take leave.

After lunch, they went to the airport. Yu Qingliu, Yu Xinran, and Wu Di had already arrived. Everyone greeted each other and boarded the plane.

After getting online, Wu Di looked around and said to Sheng nanxuan, ” “Tyc.o.o.n, you really know how to play! When I thought you were poor, you were already playing with planes!”

Even the Yu family didn’t have a private jet. Although they could afford it, it was troublesome to raise it. If he stopped at the airport when he wasn’t flying, the parking fee alone would be a huge sum. It would be better to book a plane.

Yu Xinran was chatting with Gong Bai. Gong Bai asked in a low voice, “Do you want to drop by my house?”

“What should I do if uncle and aunty don’t like me?” Yu Xinran asked anxiously.

“You’re so pretty, anyone who sees you will like you.”

Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 616

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Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable Chapter 616 summary

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