Online Game: I Can Use Ultimate Skills Infinitely Chapter 931: Lin Family Mansion

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Chapter 931: Lin Family Mansion


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation | Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chu Bai followed them all the way to the foot of the mountain. Since he couldn’t go up now, he could only ask the sect disciples inside to take a look at the situation.

Yang Buliu once again accepted this mysterious mission and quickly followed, wanting to see where the sect master had gone.

But no matter how he looked, the sect master was just staying in the study and not taking action. At this time, he could only helplessly pa.s.s the news to Bai Ye.

Chu Bai was also depressed after receiving the news. He didn’t expect this old fellow to not move at all. Could it be that he had discovered his movements?

Just as Chu Bai was letting his imagination run wild, he received a message.

Chu Bai quickly opened the message board, wanting to see who had sent him the message.

” We’ve already taken care of it. We urgently need a fighting force now.” Feng Yun suddenly sent a message. It seemed like he had done what he had done previously.

Chu Bai didn’t expect things to have succeeded at this point. Had he really settled these matters?

“Where are you now?” Chu Bai was quite curious about what they had discovered.

” We’ve already confirmed the news from before. It’s true. If you don’t believe me, you can come over and take a look. We’ve already found the entrance, but there are too many people now.”

After Feng Yun finished speaking, a video was sent over. It could be seen that there was a sea of people in front of him. The entire Lin family mansion was surrounded.

Many people stood there eager to try, but there seemed to be people walking around in the Lin family’s mansion, so no one went up to ask or explore.

After all, there were still people inside. If they went directly now, it would be daylight robbery. If they offended the things behind them, it would be troublesome.

It would be a little embarra.s.sing if they were to directly show their cards now. After all, they could not do something like directly robbing others.

It would be troublesome if he went to s.n.a.t.c.h it and was discovered.

“Oh, there are quite a lot of people here?” Chu Bai had basically teleported to this place. Seeing the situation here gave him a headache. He didn’t expect so many people to surround this place.

The Lin family mansion was now surrounded by three layers of people. Although there were figures walking around, it was not certain if they were people.

“What should we do now? The entrance should be under that statue, but basically no one dares to go in now. Whoever goes in first will be robbing them.”

Feng Yun was also having a headache now. After all, this place had a territory and an owner. If they entered directly, they would be equivalent to bandits. If word got out, their reputation would not be good.

” Did you see that? Freedom King also came to join in the fun. After Jun Ling died, there seemed to be many new faces here.”

After Feng Yun finished speaking, he continued to look over there. They really had to think about the current situation.

Chu Bai himself was also very puzzled. After all, there were so many people surrounding this place, so why didn’t they make a move? Even if his reputation was not good, how could it be more important than treasures?

“Why don’t we give it a try? No one knows us anyway.” Chu Bai had said such shameless words, causing the surrounding people to have a new impression of him.

” I didn’t expect White Night to be so bold. If that’s the case, with someone taking the lead, we can definitely do it.”

“That’s right. If someone takes the lead, of course we’ll be happy.”

” But the question is, is White Night really going to take the lead?”

No one believed that White Night would take the initiative to take the lead. After all, this matter was too big.

Of course, Chu Bai would take the initiative to take the lead. This time, he had come here to s.n.a.t.c.h the treasure. The thing inside was right in front of him. If he didn’t take action, wouldn’t he be an idiot?

“Anyway, I don’t care about you guys anymore. I’ll go and take a look at the situation first.”

After Chu Bai finished speaking, he disappeared from where he was. It seemed like he was taking action.

The others who heard this all looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Now, they didn’t know what to do. White Night had already taken action. If they still didn’t take action, all the treasures would be taken by him later.

At this moment, many people arrived.

All the sects, big and small, were on the official website. None of them had taken action yet, but after hearing the words just now, they all began to panic like ants on a hot pan.

However, when they took a closer look, there was no movement in the Lin family.

Dugu Wenjian walked out from the crowd and stood on a high spot. He looked at the situation inside the Lin family’s residence, but after looking for a while, he realized that there was nothing inside. It seemed that Bai Ye was bragging.

” Everyone, don’t believe it. White Night is probably tricking us into taking action. This guy is sinister and cunning. He definitely won’t take the lead like this.” Dugu Wenjian was indeed very smart. This fellow was extremely cautious. If there was no movement now, he would not make a move.

After the others understood what White Night was doing, they all secretly cursed him for being cunning. At the same time, they continued to look over. Everyone wanted someone to take the lead, but no one wanted to take the initiative.

“Since no one wants to take the initiative, there’s no need to waste time here. Why don’t we send people in together? Does it sound nice like this?”

Freedom King suddenly walked out from the crowd and said something even more shameless.

What he meant was that they could just rob them openly and everyone would rob them together.

If they went to rob together, who would bear the responsibility? They were definitely the weakest.

Therefore, some of the weaker people began to retreat. They did not want to become scapegoats for others.

Although these sects were small, they still had some strength. This was because with the arrival of the independent players, these sects had also grown a lot.

However, compared to those larger sects, it was still slightly lacking in talent.

After these weaker sects retreated, the others also felt that they couldn’t be used as scapegoats, so they retreated as well.

Freedom King was also helpless when he saw the scene here. He did not expect that the people here would actually make such a choice. How should he fight later?

Freedom King did not know what to do now. After all, this matter was too ridiculous. Since no one was willing to take action, everyone could only stand here and watch.

No one would be able to get the treasures inside.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in the Lin family’s residence. Then, Bai Ye’s body flew out from inside.

“Aiya, I didn’t expect there to be someone inside. It’s an old acquaintance who beat me out. I wanted to take advantage of the fact that you were confused by me to go in and take a look at the situation to help you scout the way. I didn’t expect to fail.”

Online Game: I Can Use Ultimate Skills Infinitely Chapter 931: Lin Family Mansion

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Online Game: I Can Use Ultimate Skills Infinitely Chapter 931: Lin Family Mansion summary

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