Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss Chapter 978 Start Working

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Chapter 978: 978 Start Working


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhuang Liu also reached out his hand. “Please help me put on my proposal ring, my fiancee.”

“Not yet. You haven’t said you do.”

“Well, I do.” Zhuang Liu smiled and said solemnly.

Tan Rou helped Zhuang Liu put on the ring and then pulled him up. Zhuang Liu took the opportunity to into Tan Rou, and the two of them immediately reported to each other.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss!” A child’s voice came from somewhere.

Tan Rou was shocked and wanted to break free from Zhuang Liu’s embrace, but Zhuang Liu hugged her tightly. “Don’t be frightened, it’s Uncle and Auntie.”

Not only the Tao family but the Zhuang family too. Each of them had a bouquet of roses in their hands and a smile on their faces.

“I really can’t bear to. Rourou has only been reunited with us for a few years, and she’s already marrying someone else.” Mrs. Tao couldn’t help but cry. “If it’s possible, I hope Xiao Rou can stay by our side for the rest of her life.”

“What are you talking about?” Father Tao comforted her.

“Xiao Rou has already found someone she likes. How can we keep her by our side?”

Mother Tao was still very upset. She only had one daughter. If Tan Rou got married, she wouldn’t have so much time to see her daughter in the future.

“Xiao Rou, you must come home more often to see us after you get married. Grandpa and Grandma will miss you very much,” Mrs. Tao said.

Grandma Tao’s eyes turned red. “My precious granddaughter, you’re still so young. How can you get married so soon? Why don’t you stay by your grandmother’s side for a few more years?”

When Shen Jing heard that the old madam of the Tao family wanted to keep Tan Rou by her side for a few years, she quickly said, “Old madam, the children have waited for so many years. Let them get married early. Besides, don’t you look forward to having a great-grandson?”

Grandma Tao immediately said, “Of course! Oh I would love to have a great- grandson! The old man and I are getting weaker and weaker. I don’t know how many years we can live. I hope that Xiao Ron’s child can be born while I’m alive.”

“Grandma, you’ll live to be a hundred years old,” Tan Rou said shyly.

“Besides, don’t be anxious. It’s better to let nature take its course.”

After chatting for a while more, the elders of the Tao and Zhuang families gave their blessings to Tan Rou and left. Only the youngest Tao Qi was still unwilling to leave. He said, “I haven’t seen Brother Zhuang Liu kiss my sister yet!”

Tao Zheng immediately lifted Tao Qi. “Children shouldn’t be watching this.

Let’s wait for me to go home and watch cartoons.”

“I’m not a child anymore,” Tao Qi complained.

Tao Zheng didn’t listen to him. He caught Tao Qi tightly and didn’t give him a chance to escape.

“Air Liu, I’m very happy to see them today. A marriage that can receive the blessings of the family must be the happiest in the world,” Tan Rou said with a smile.

Zhuang Liu nodded and said, This is also one of the reasons why I invited them over. On the one hand, I hope that they will be able to give us their blessings. On the other hand, I also hope that they can trust me. This is the last major ceremony before we get married. There’s a special meaning to choosing this day as your graduation day. The end of one life is the beginning of another.”

Tan Rou took the initiative to put her arms around Zhuang Liu’s neck. “Let’s continue what was interrupted just now.”

Under the starlight, a pair of young lovers were kissing each other. They promised to love each other for the rest of their lives. Let the stars be the witness of their promise.

After graduation, Tan Rou took a two month vacation. She rarely stayed in the laboratory at Capital University because Jiang Min and the others had graduated last year. Jiang Min went home to inherit the family business, while Shang Jin and the others entered the TR company.

As the boss of TR, Tan Rou naturally cared about the development of TR. It was graduation season, and it was also a good time for major companies to recruit.

The HR company receives tens of thousands of job applications every day. The employees of the HR department could not finish reading those emails without eating or drinking for eight hours a day.

Since those people dared to send emails to TR, it meant that they had a certain ability. The HR staff did not dare to be careless about the application letters sent by these talents who could become the pillars of TR in the future.

They had to read these letters very carefully, then sort them according to their strength, and finally hand the list to the boss.

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Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss Chapter 978 Start Working summary

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