Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss Chapter 981 Not Hiring

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Chapter 981: 981 Not Hiring


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Hey, are you a graduate student or a PhD student?” The girl beside him asked.

Chen Yao was speechless. Why was she so talkative? Don’t you know not to ask things you shouldn’t ask? Fortunately, Chen Yao’s undergraduate university was very famous, which made Chen Yao dare to say the name of her university.

“Oh, actually, I’m not a graduate student. I’m just an undergraduate who just graduated.” Chen Yao showed them her academic qualifications. “Look, I’m really an undergraduate.”

When the interviewees saw Chen Yao’s academic qualifications, they didn’t know what to say. Some of them had a master’s degree and had some work experience, some had a PhD, and some had both work experience and qualifications.

When they saw that Chen Yao only had a bachelor’s degree, everyone was unhappy. However, they were all smart people. Since Chen Yao could pa.s.s the preliminary selection of TR with a bachelor’s degree, it meant that there must be something that allowed her to stand out.

“Capital University?” Some of the interviewees glanced at the words she wrote in the school column. “You’re also a student at Capital University? I remember that the big boss of TR Company is a student at Capital University. She’s also in the Physics Department, right?”

Everyone looked at Chen Yao. Chen Yao touched her face and said embarra.s.sedly, “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I’ll feel embarra.s.sed.”

The boy on Chen Yao’s right asked, “You’re also from the Physics Department of the Capital University and so is the boss! You two graduated this year. Do you know each other?”

Chen Yao pretended to be in a difficult position. “How can I say that? If I say it, you guys will definitely think that I came in through the back door.”

Although the others thought so, they couldn’t say that in front of Chen Yao. “How could that be? You pa.s.sed the preliminary test because you have something that they want.”

Another person said, “Yeah, being a student at Capital University is already very impressive. Back then, I wanted to get into the Physics Department at Capital University, but I didn’t get in. When I was taking the postgraduate examination, I also failed. I thought that I would never be able to get into Capital University in this life. I didn’t expect to meet an outstanding graduate from Capital niversity. I’m really too lucky.”

When one person complimented her, a group of people complimented her. Today, ten people came for the interview, but half of them came to praise Chen Yao.

The girl next to Chen Yao said, “If we can all be hired, then we must help each other!” She had already determined that Chen Yao knew the big boss of TR Company, so she wanted to make sure to be friends with Chen Yao now. In the future, when they all entered the company, she would definitely benefit from this.

“That’s for sure,” Chen Yao said with a smile.

She loved the feeling of being surrounded by others. When she was in university, she didn’t have many people around her. Only a few people from average families were willing to be friends with her, and their relations.h.i.+ps weren’t strong.

She didn’t expect that she would receive so many people’s attention just for an interview today. This feeling was really wonderful.

There were also people who couldn’t stand Chen Yao. “Heh, I wonder what achievements you have that can actually show us other than being friends with the big boss.”

Chen Yao heard this discordant voice, but she was in a good mood. She did not want to argue with these people who were jealous of her. ‘Why should I tell you about my achievements? What achievements have you made?”

The girl said coldly, “First of all, I graduated with a Ph.D. degree. Secondly, I published many papers when I was an undergraduate. I published the paper ‘Reverse Connection of Conductors’. I also partic.i.p.ated in many projects during my university days. Two of them were in cooperation with TL. This is only a part of it. I won’t say anything else.”

She looked at Chen Yao, indicating that she wanted Chen Yao to tell her about her achievements. Chen Yao couldn’t say much. She had been busy earning money during her university days. How could she have the time to do any research?

“There’s nothing that you can say now right?” The girl said arrogantly, “I can’t stand people like you who come in through the back door. If people like you pa.s.s the interview of TR, then I doubt that this is even a good company. Even if they invited me, I wouldn’t come.”

Chen Yao was very angry. “Just wait to be chased out!”

The girl was not afraid. She faced Chen Yao directly. “I’m waiting.”

Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss Chapter 981 Not Hiring

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Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss Chapter 981 Not Hiring summary

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