Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy Chapter 945

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Chapter 945


G.o.d’s descent (52) _1

Translator: 549690339 |

“What’s your relations.h.i.+p with master? What right do you have to order me around?”

Holder turned to Fu min and said coldly, ” “Tell me, what’s our relations.h.i.+p?”

Cyril also turned to look at his master with a gentle gaze, don’t be afraid, master. Just tell me the truth. With cylaire here, I won’t let him hurt you.

The dark G.o.d continued to grind his teeth.

He tried to hold it in, but he still couldn’t, how did I hurt her? don’t keep trying to drive a wedge between us! he said.

Cylaire lowered his long, curled eyelashes, feeling a little wronged.”Master, I didn’t.”

Fu Shang smiled gently at cylaire before glaring at Hodel and said coldly, “”I have nothing to do with him.”

what the h.e.l.l are you talking about? ” Hodel asked darkly.

Oh, he’s my contractor… Fu Shang replied expressionlessly. She then turned to look at Cyril and said, ” “You should be able to tell that guy isn’t human, right?”

Horde was speechless.

He suspected that this girl was scolding him.

Cylaire nodded and also glanced sideways at horde. There was no warmth in his blue eyes, and his pleasant voice rang out.

yes, master. I can see that this gentleman should be a… A deity. He loves black clothes, and master calls him horde. If Cyril is not wrong, this should be the dark G.o.d-horde.”

Even in the face of a G.o.d that only existed in legends and had even fallen a million years ago, Cyril did not show any surprise.

you’re nothing! Hodel’s face darkened, if I want to, I can crush an ant like you with a finger.

Of course, his words were directed at the annoying robot.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually raised his eyebrows and said slowly,

” “No, you can’t kill me,”

what a joke! Hodel sneered, what a joke.

if it was the dark G.o.d at his peak, ” Cyril continued slowly, ” then I could only admit defeat. However, you’ve been suppressed by the G.o.ds of the divine light Alliance for a million years, and you don’t even have a real body. Your current strength is not much different from an ant like me, right?”

He hit the nail on the head and pointed out hordell’s current situation.

“Besides, if you stay by master’s side now, you’ll only bring her disaster.”

Cyril had caught onto one of Hodel’s weaknesses and stabbed him with all his might.

The dark G.o.d’s face turned even paler.

He seemed to be a little defeated, but he quickly recovered his proud and arrogant appearance.

” What about you? What right does a robot have to be her partner? you have no emotions and can’t even say a word of sincere love, what right do you have to be with her?”

Cylaire pursed his lips and stared at horde with cold eyes.

“At least he’s more qualified than you.”


The two of them quarreled like elementary school chickens, neither giving in to the other.

Fu Shang was having a headache.

“Stop, stop, stop.”

it’s the weekend and there are no cla.s.ses in the Academy. I want to go to the magic Forest… I’m looking for something.”

what are you looking for, master? ” silaire’s Blue eyes flickered.

“Magic crystals,” Fu Shang replied.

A smug smile flashed across Hodel’s pale and beautiful face. He glanced at cylaire, and his thin lips curled up high in a victorious manner.

Cyril lowered his curled eyelashes and mumbled, “”I see.”

alright! Fu Shang nodded, ” how about silaire coming with me? “

Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy Chapter 945

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Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy Chapter 945 summary

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