Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 714: Can't I Drink Some Soup Instead of Meat?

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Chapter 714: Can’t I Drink Some Soup Instead of Meat?


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: End less Fantasy Translation

After being kissed for an unknown period of time, Liu s.h.i.+mei felt that it was difficult to breathe. Her face turned red as she protested.

The dog–no, the hungry wolf finally let go of her lips.

However, his kiss did not end there. It only moved to her cheek and slid down her cheek to her ear!

Liu s.h.i.+mei sounded the alarm in her heart!

Girls were always more sensitive to such things. At least they still had a trace of rationality left. She quickly said, “Lingyao, you can’t… We’re not married yet!”

If she didn’t intervene, allowing the man on top of her to act on instinct, they would indeed advance to the bridal chamber ahead of schedule, just as warned by Mo’or!

Of course, they had shared physical intimacy before, but that was when she had just arrived and used him as an antidote, compelled by circ.u.mstances.

Now she had the s.p.a.ce to refuse!

Her voice was hoa.r.s.e, tinged with a hint of fear, and she trembled slightly.

Originally, Huangfu Lingyao hadn’t paid attention, but sensing the clear resistance beneath him, his lost rationality was pulled back!

He was already about to bite her earlobe, but hearing her trembling voice say ‘you can’t’, he abruptly stopped!

Even if only a sliver of sanity was reclaimed, even if his body was about to explode with nowhere to vent, he chose to respect her.

He howled in pain, didn’t leave, but instead, pressed her down completely.

Although he released the restraint on her limbs, a man of his size was not something Liu s.h.i.+mei could push away.

Moreover, she was also feeling somewhat powerless.

“Wife, I feel so uncomfortable, I might be dying.” Huangfu Lingyao lamented softly in her ear.

He thought to himself, ‘I can’t go on, even in this situation, I can stop, can’t I shed a tear?’

He really was about to cry!

Why wait for more than a month to consummate the marriage!

If they were already married, she wouldn’t object, he would definitely see it through to the end, even if the Emperor himself arrived!

Liu s.h.i.+mei dared not breathe, whispering, “Don’t talk for now, don’t move, just lie like this for a while.”

Of course, maintaining this position, with him lying on top, was not comfortable.

She was suppressed and naturally uncomfortable.

But it seemed there was no other way?

Huangfu Lingyao complained again, “Wife, you don’t even pity me!”

He was about to explode, knowing he couldn’t go on, surely she wouldn’t deny him the chance to express his inner grievances?

A man, transforming into a wolf, is easy.

But returning from a wolf to a gentleman, how difficult is that?

In his mind, he thought, ‘Luckily, I haven’t started undressing her. Otherwise, I might not be able to bring myself to put her clothes back on again!’

“How could I not pity you?” Liu s.h.i.+mei closed her eyes, appearing quite helpless.

Huangfu Lingyao was left speechless.

In reality, he was just speaking casually, without any real intention of doing anything to her.

But when she retorted with this remark, he couldn’t help but think, ‘What if I ask her if it’s okay to have some soup if not meat?’

He dared to vouch for it with his own head on the line—if he proposed it, Liu s.h.i.+mei would definitely agree.

But he couldn’t!

Right now, he mustn’t do anything, or else the rationality he had painstakingly regained would be lost again at the slightest spark!

“Never mind,” he said gloomily. “Wife, just let me hold you for a while, wait for me.”

However, he was also worried that his weight might crush her, so he added, “Wife, what if you go on top?”

Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 714: Can't I Drink Some Soup Instead of Meat?

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Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 714: Can't I Drink Some Soup Instead of Meat? summary

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