Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 718: In Our Family, Whatever Wife Says Is Right

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Chapter 718: In Our Family, Whatever Wife Says Is Right


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Huangfu Lingyao intentionally placed the roster of the servants from the Imperial Residence under the pillow and sent it to Liu s.h.i.+mei.

Li Xin was a meticulous person, and the booklet was quite detailed.

The names of these slaves, their origins, and their responsibilities were all clearly stated.

The name Liu s.h.i.+mei pointed to was called Bai Lian, serving in the eastern wing of King Dun Yu’s Residence.

In the Great Shu Dynasty, the east was considered superior, and Huangfu Lingyao’s main residence had both an eastern and a western wing. In theory, the eastern wing was reserved for hosting very important guests.

And King Dun Yu’s Residence—given Huangfu Lingyao’s status, there shouldn’t be any particularly important guests to host!

However, according to the personnel records, there were quite a few servants in the eastern wing!

Liu s.h.i.+mei voiced her perplexity, “Lingyao, who lives in the eastern wing?”

Huangfu Lingyao glanced over and replied, “Oh, it’s my cousin, Zhaorong.”

“Zhaorong? Who is that?” Liu s.h.i.+mei became interested.

His tone was particularly matter-of-fact.

Obviously, this cousin who lived in the King Dun Yu’s Residence had been there for quite a long time, so Huangfu Lingyao was completely accustomed to the presence of this person!

Huangfu Lingyao explained, “His name is Yu Zhaorong, from my mother’s sister’s family, my cousin!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei turned to face him, furrowing her brow, and asked, “Why didn’t you mention him earlier? He lives in your house, are you close to him?”

She remembered that he had said there was no one in the Imperial Residence who treated him well or whom he could trust.

Meeting her gaze, Huangfu Lingyao pursed his lips and said, “There’s no one left in my mother’s family, only this one cousin.”

I cannot reveal too much, I can only subtly give her some information.

In the face of matters beyond her own family and her dog, Liu s.h.i.+mei’s clever mind immediately grasped the situation. “Is he here to seek refuge with you? Then what is he doing in the Imperial Residence?”

The existence of King Dun Yu’s Mansion is something she cannot ignore, a problem she will inevitably face when she marries into it in the future!

Having an emotionless cousin is not much of a problem, but she fears this person might be troublesome!

Huangfu Lingyao tilted his head and said, “No one manages the mansion’s accounts. My cousin, Zhaorong, is very good at studying, strong in mathematics, so he manages the accounts.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei:!!!

Managing the accounts!

The most lucrative position!

But Huangfu Lingyao immediately changed his expression, “Oh, I didn’t know before, but since we’re getting married, I heard that after we’re married, the household expenses of the mansion will be managed by Wife! The day after our wedding, I will have Zhaorong hand over the accounts to you!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei,

She was speechless!

She hasn’t even met this Zhaorong yet, but she can already imagine: this is definitely not an easy matter!

A cousin managing the accounts, living off his cousin, and having no emotions with his cousin?

For anyone managing accounts, trying to get them to hand over the accounts is like trying to take meat from a tiger’s mouth, not that easy!

“Wife, don’t you want to manage it?” Seeing her frowning as if in resistance, Huangfu Lingyao quickly said, “Or is it that you don’t like him? He wasn’t in the mansion when you came last time. If you don’t like him when you meet him next time, we’ll send him away! In our family, whatever Wife says is right!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei looked at him.

How decisive!

But he can be so straightforward, while she cannot be so sure.

This matter is not that simple!

She sighed and said, “Forget it, I’ll be prepared mentally. Let’s see what happens when I meet him.”

After all, since the engagement, she knew she had stepped into a pit.

Fortunately, her silly puppy was also in this pit, so she was not too unwilling.

Let’s see how it goes!

After several heavy rains, the imperial edict for the Crown Prince’s marriage finally came down!

Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 718: In Our Family, Whatever Wife Says Is Right

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Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 718: In Our Family, Whatever Wife Says Is Right summary

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