Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 735: Give Her a Pat

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Chapter 735: Give Her a Pat


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When she returned, because King Dun Yu’s Residence was near the Liang family, Liu s.h.i.+mei had Huangfu Lingyao alight from the carriage at King Dun Yu’s Residence.

He originally refused adamantly, insisting on escorting her back to the Grand Chancellor’s Residence. It took a lot of coaxing to finally get him to enter the gates of King Dun Yu’s mansion.

On this journey, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The silly puppy returned to the Imperial Mansion, and the young disciple returned to the Shu family.

With them around, there was usually constant noise and commotion. Suddenly, with both of them absent, she felt a bit uneasy.

Liu s.h.i.+mei leaned against the soft cus.h.i.+on, a smile playing on her lips. She lowered her head and played with the jade bracelet on her left wrist, muttering to herself, “It’s not in vain to come here!”

Although there were limitations due to the era, many things were inconvenient.

But there were dear, respectable, and adorable people here!

When the carriage was about to reach the Grand Chancellor’s Residence, it suddenly stopped. Liu s.h.i.+mei asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

She wasn’t worried at all, after all, Changge was sitting in front of the carriage, and Zhong Lang was secretly following. If there was any sense of danger, they would have alerted her long ago.

Outside came Lu Ying’s voice: “Eldest Young Miss, it’s Young Master Mu.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei was stunned and quickly lifted the carriage curtain to look outside.

Sure enough, a tall figure in dark clothes with a golden border, standing with hands behind his back under the tree at the alley entrance.

He was staring in the direction of the Grand Chancellor’s Residence’s gate, lost in thought. Standing under the big tree in the autumn wind, with leaves falling around, he seemed a bit desolate.

Hearing the commotion from this side, Mu Jiangli turned around to look at her.

He still wore that half-silver mask, but when he saw her looking, a gentle smile curved his lips, and he called out, “s.h.i.+mei.”

“Brother Mu.” Liu s.h.i.+mei also smiled and was about to get off the carriage.

Mu Jiangli walked towards her, saying, “No need to get off, I’m just pa.s.sing by, bringing you some things, and saying a few words before leaving.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei, about to jump off the carriage, was surprised when she heard him say that.

In an instant, he was already there, handing a brocade box he was carrying to the servant girl behind her, before saying, “It’s nothing special, just picked something randomly as a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for you.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei half-sat on the carriage shaft, feeling a bit awkward, “Thank you, Brother Mu. I didn’t prepare a gift for you; I feel embarra.s.sed.”

During this period, she had seen him a few times, always when she needed certain medicinal herbs, and she had sent messages through others.

He would then conveniently deliver them when he entered the city.

Although they didn’t exchange many words during these meetings, for some reason, there was always a feeling of deep friends.h.i.+p.

Mu Jiangli faintly smiled, “It’s okay. I just thought of you when picking gifts for some friends and randomly chose one for you.”

He glanced in the direction of the Grand Chancellor’s Residence, steering away from the topic of the gift and asked, “Tomorrow, there will be a celebration at the Grand Chancellor’s Residence. I heard the Old Madam, who hasn’t returned to the Capital in many years, is also back?”

“Yeah.” Mentioning this matter, Liu s.h.i.+mei’s smile faded a bit, “It is indeed a big celebration.”

Mu Jiangli looked at her and asked, “They didn’t trouble you, did they?”

Liu s.h.i.+mei was somewhat surprised, “Why would Brother Mu think I would be troubled?”

Her question conveyed the meaning: the crucial issue is not whether they trouble me or not, but even if they do, I won’t let them succeed!

Mu Jiangli sighed imperceptibly, suddenly reached out, and patted her head, saying, “No worries, just take care of yourself.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei was stunned.

Although she called him Brother Mu, among her many cousins, no one was like Mu Jiangli, giving her a head pat as if he was an older brother advising his younger sister, saying ‘Take care of yourself’..

Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 735: Give Her a Pat

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Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 735: Give Her a Pat summary

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