Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 738: It's an Intelligence Organization

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Chapter 738: It’s an Intelligence Organization


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: End less Fantasy Translation

Upon hearing her words, Mu Jiangli also sensed that he had crossed some boundaries.

He could only suppress his own thoughts, cleared his throat, and said, “After Du Gong had an accident, Jin Xi and Jin Tao, the siblings, disappeared. We sent people to find their whereabouts, but there was no result on our end until… Jin Tao suddenly appeared at the Zhongding Pavilion. I personally went to investigate.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei nodded.

The Liang family was also looking into this matter, but they hadn’t received any results when they met today.

Mu Jiangli was indeed adept in the underworld; the information he could uncover far exceeded what the earnest martial experts of the Liang family could find.

“Jin Tao was poisoned!” he declared.

Liu s.h.i.+mei was not surprised at all.

Medicine Lord was a genius in the field of poisons!

Mu Jiangli continued, “This poison is typically used on puppets, although it’s not common. Ordinary people, even if they notice something unusual, wouldn’t be able to discern the difference if they’re not knowledgeable about poisons.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei was astonished, “Puppets?”

Mu Jiangli explained, “In our line of work, it’s actually referring to drugged individuals!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei was even more shocked!

She sighed and asked, “That’s probably why Ninth Brother and the others couldn’t find anything. Brother Mu, is there anything else?”

Mu Jiangli shook his head, saying, “Today, when I entered the city, it was also to personally investigate this matter. If all the women a.s.sociated with Du Gong have been affected by this poison, then, based on my inference, the organization behind Du Gong is likely an intelligence network controlling women to gather information in brothels! And this intelligence organization belongs to the Western Wei Kingdom!”

He didn’t elaborate, and Liu s.h.i.+mei understood. The best place to gather information was in chaotic establishments like teahouses and brothels!

Thinking about all this, her expression immediately turned ugly.

The intelligence organization of the Western Wei Kingdom, planted in major brothels to gather information, why?

These high-end brothels, frequented by dignitaries and aristocrats, have officials or their children who have access to a lot of court information, all of which is transmitted to the Western Wei Kingdom!

What does the Western Wei Kingdom want to do?

Do we really need to think about it?

Seeing her displeased expression, Mu Jiangli instinctively rea.s.sured her, “Based on the information we’ve gathered so far, this intelligence organization doesn’t report to the Western Wei Kingdom’s court. You don’t have to be too pessimistic.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei looked at him, and seeing the insightful look in his eyes, she knew he understood why she was worried.

“In my opinion, there won’t be a war for at least three years,” Mu Jiangli met her gaze and offered his own judgment.

Liu s.h.i.+mei,”…”

Sure enough, he knew what she was thinking!

She was afraid of a war.

Once a war breaks out, the members of the Liang family will have to go to the battlefield!

No matter which one they go to, she can’t bear it. Moreover, it’s all in one go!

So, he comforted her with the most useful words.

But she didn’t understand, “How do you know there won’t be a war within three years?”

Mu Jiangli smiled and said, “When the troops have not yet moved, the supply of provisions takes precedence. In addition to provisions, in wartime, medicinal herbs are needed. I control more than half of the medicinal herb market in the Four Kingdoms, so I will be the first to notice any abnormalities.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei listened attentively to his explanation.

He continued, “And currently, whether it’s military strength or reserves of provisions and medicinal herbs, the Western Wei Kingdom hasn’t reached a level where they can actively provoke the Great Shu. Therefore, there won’t be any action within three years. But during these three years, it’s hard to say what information their spies have gathered.”

Liu s.h.i.+mei thought about it and realized it made sense, feeling slightly rea.s.sured but still wary, “If the true master behind Zheng Medical Hall is also from the Western Wei Kingdom, wouldn’t that be a problem?”

Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 738: It's an Intelligence Organization

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Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 738: It's an Intelligence Organization summary

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