Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2272 War

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Chapter 2272 War

"Never been a single unit? Then why don't you explain The War of Balance to me. Was that also them not acting as a single unit?"

When Gilpin saw Imaigne fall into silence once more, his sneer deepened.

They all knew of The War of Balance. It was a battle that raged on since the disappearance of the Nameless Immortal G.o.d and stopped due to unknown reasons not even 500 years ago.

Even considering the scope of time on the immortal plane, this was an obscenely long war. However, this wasn't the most striking problem at all.

What none of them could understand was that Abraxus could have ended the war whenever he wanted, yet he let it rage on for millions of years. Then suddenly, one day, without any sort of explanation, he suddenly ended it with a wave of his hand.

As if this wasn't enough to raise their eyebrows, not even a hundred years later, the equivalent to a blink of an eye for Immortals of their stature, Gilpin learned of the reincarnation of the Nameless Immortal G.o.d.

If these things weren't related… wouldn't it be too much of a coincidence?

Could it be that Gilpin was correct? Could this be a declaration of war by the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d?

The truth was that even they, as Immortal G.o.ds of this plane, knew too little about that war.

Why was it being fought? What was worth the lives of so many Immortal G.o.ds? They weren't even sure of who the enemies of the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d were. They couldn't help but ask themselves… if this enemy was so mysterious, then how could they be wished away with a single wave of Abraxus' hand?

Nothing from start to finish made any sense. It could even be said that the only thing they knew about this war was its name… and this was only because of the existence of the Divine Stele.

It had to be said that the Divine Stele, as a Treasure of the 33 Heavens, wasn't so simple. If it's only ability was giving a name to Immortal G.o.ds, how could it be worthy of being the longest standing treasure amongst those 33?

Though the Divine Stele also had one pa.s.sive and one active ability, the truth was that due to certain circ.u.mstances, both could be used as pa.s.sive abilities. Due to the fact the Divine Stele was the creation of the Heavens and the Heavens supplied it with energy, its active ability could be used with just as much impunity as its pa.s.sive, making it the only Treasure of the 33 Heavens that could be considered to have two Legendary abilities.

The pa.s.sive ability of the Divine Stele was to bestow a name upon an Immortal G.o.d.

This seemed like a meaningless task, but this wasn't the case at all. Dyon had long since found out that Faith didn't work exactly the same on the Immortal Plane. And, now that he had his memories back, this was no longer just a vague comprehension.

The Immortal Plane placed more emphasis on the individual rather than the whole. The name one held bestowed unimaginable power.

The Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d, for example, commanded control over time and s.p.a.ce no one else could match. Even if you specialized in these laws, you would be directly suppressed beneath his might without having a chance to do much of anything.

A name was far more effective that even a domain and, in some cases, even an Origin Source. This was the power of the Divine Stele.

If one gained a great name, even if they never trained again in their lifetime, their power would have jumped forward by leaps and bounds.

Of course, it was also possible for Immortal G.o.ds to gain similar and overlapping names as well, though no two would ever be the exact same. In such cases, the more powerful name would trump the weaker.

In the case of names, the simpler, broader and blander it was… the more power it held.

Something like the 'Yin Soldier Immortal G.o.d' was far too specific. He could only suppress a very small group of puppet masters, and even then, his victory wouldn't be guaranteed.

However, think of the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d… How could the two even be compared?

This wasn't the end to the Divine Stele's first ability either. It was possible for names to evolve as an Immortal G.o.d grew stronger or stronger Immortal G.o.ds died. But, most importantly, it was also possible for given t.i.tles to be swallowed.

With the mediation of the Divine Stele, as long as a duel occurred in its domain, one could s.n.a.t.c.h the t.i.tle of another to make your own more powerful. The enlightenment given by such an event was worth more than even millions of years of secluded cultivation.

But then what was the active ability of the Divine Stele? This ability also seemed simple… However the truth was that it was even more devastating than the naming of Immortal G.o.ds.

The Divine Stele's active ability allowed it to give names to the major events of the Immortal Plane.

Why was this so important? It was precisely because these names often gave glances into the future… Any event important enough to receive a name from the Divine Stele was a penultimate point in time, not much unlike the penultimate point Dyon experienced on the mortal plane… except, countless fold more potent!

The simpler, the broader, the blander the name… the more important the penultimate event…

The War of Balance…

It had such a name, yet it was ended by the wave of a single man's hand? What exactly did this mean? What was the significance? Even they, as Immortal G.o.ds, simply didn't have the answer.

As the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d, Abraxus had to be incredibly careful with his actions. His every thought, his every movement, caused countless timelines and the fundamental laws of s.p.a.ce to twist and distort.

Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2272 War

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Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2272 War summary

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