Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2295 Let Loose

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Chapter 2295 Let Loose

"… Master, what's going on?"

The First White Mother watched the happenings of the Immortal Plane with a pale expression.

Others might not have had the luxury to do such a thing, but as the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d, her master had means far beyond what normal Peak Immortal G.o.ds could comprehend. Even without moving a single step from his rocking chair, it was as though he had a pulse on everything.

By now, the two of them were aware of what was happening on the Immortal Plane. It felt quite baffling. In one moment, they were cheering on Dyon and in the next, it was as though a plane apocalypse had descended.

They could have never imagined that instead of the void beasts they had been so fearful of for so long, that it would actually be their fellow humans and beasts that would push them to the edge like this. It was difficult even for Abraxus to see through the scope of what was going on.

"I… Don't know."

Abraxus frowned.

The blind old man slowly rocked in his chair, his mind spinning.

"Even you don't know, master?" The First White Mother's expression changed.

How could things reach a point that even her master couldn't see through them?

"There is no infallible power in all of existence. Your Senior Brother doesn't even hold the t.i.tle of Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d, yet his insight has surpa.s.sed mine long ago. Even beyond that, he's perfected my Origin Techniques to realms I couldn't fathom.

"Even if I couldn't see through these things, it doesn't necessarily mean that he wouldn't be able to. We just need to wait patiently. Didn't you see just now? It was his actions that caused the start of all of this. In this case, don't you think that he's already prepared?"

With Abraxus' comprehension of time and s.p.a.ce, predicting the future and piecing together the past wasn't exactly impossible. As one of the Ancestors of the Jafari Clan, there was no doubt that after so many years of honing his abilities, he would be able to do at least this much.

However, there were many limitations to his abilities, the largest of which was scope.

When matters occurred on too large of scale, it was too difficult even for him to be able to do much about it. This scale could be either time or s.p.a.ce.

A large time scale would be considered as matters happening over trillions of years. After so much practice, even a plan that was laid out over the course of several million and even billions of years wouldn't escape his notice. However, when entering tens of billions and even hundreds of billions, it would become more and more difficult for him to see through these matters.

Once things reached trillions of years, he would be just as helpless as anyone else.

A large s.p.a.ce scale would be considered as matters happening throughout several bubble worlds, planes and planar worlds.

At Abraxus' level, dealing with the scope of several bubble worlds and even across the mortal and Immortal Planes wasn't an issue. However… Even he couldn't see through matters happening across several Planar Worlds.

The fundamental laws that built these Planar Worlds was too different. Each had their own quirks and uniqueness. How could he claim to understand them all?

What did this all mean… It meant that for whatever to be happening now to be beyond his understanding meant that someone was influencing this timeline on an impossibly large scale. This was either a plan that had bee diligently laid out could countless trillions of years or was influencing many Planar Worlds.

In the worst case… it was both.

It had already been several months since Dyon's alchemy battle with Nazaire. In that time, Abraxus had tried several things and completed countless calculations, yet he still couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening.

He had always thought that Dyon had gone through so much trouble and planning just so that he could bring his wives back to his side. But, it seemed that his first disciple's motives were far deeper than just this. There was definitely a more profound reason behind his actions…

"Since you're all already here, is there really a need to continue hiding?"

The moment Abraxus' words fell, sweeping auras carrying an impossible strength behind it descended. Despite not having an intent to attack behind them, they were so oppressive alone that the small cabin Abraxus positioned his rocking chair in shattered to pieces. The small home was destroyed so thoroughly in that brief moment that even the splinters of raining wood one would have expected to see didn't appear. It was almost as though the home's frame simply disappeared.

The First White Mother's visage paled. Despite also being an Immortal G.o.d herself, she found it difficult to stand amidst these auras. It was only due to her own pride as the disciple of the Time and s.p.a.ce Immortal G.o.d and the Junior Sister of the Nameless Immortal G.o.d that she managed to stop her knees from buckling.

In the air, legendary figures of the Immortal Plane stood, their auras lofty and their strengths beyond imagination.

The first was a man dressed in golden robes. Even with how these robes s.h.i.+mmered like fluid metal, his eyes shone even brighter, slit like the eyes of a raging dragon.

Even without moving an inch, the s.p.a.ce around him bent and whined as though unable to withstand his weight. From time to time, his skin was flickering with an imperceptible light almost like the glint of a sun bouncing off of metal. In those sparing moments, the reflection of sharp golden scales could be seen.

He was the Ancestor of the Dragon Hegemon, Ancestor Atkin Aurum.

The next was a woman with flowing white-silver hair that looked like the rays of the moon. Her eyes were deep and unfathomable. Despite her no longer being in her prime of youth and even with slight wrinkles playing beneath her eyes, she was impossibly beautiful to the point of her presence being suffocating.

She was the Ancestor of the Elven Hegemon, Ancestor Ysabell Norville.

Next to her was another woman. She had violet hair that stood up and into the skies, flickering like an undying flame. Even compared to the Dragon Ancestor, her eyes were several times sharper. She seemed to be capable of seeing through Even compared to the Dragon Ancestor, her eyes were several times sharper. She seemed to be capable of seeing through everything despite the fact that amongst all the Ancestors here, she had by far the youngest appearance, looking like she was still a teenage girl.

She was the Ancestor of the Phoenix Hegemon, Ancestor Empress Elsie.

The next had a body that seemed to flicker between illusory and corporeal. In fact, it was even difficult to tell their gender, one seemed to see what they wanted to see. But, what was undeniable was the fact the atmospheric qi appeared to be extremely docile around this person, not daring to make even the slightest of sounds.

They were the Ancestor of the Sprite Hegemon, simply known as Ancestor Haven.

The last was a man with facial features as sharp as a sword. His every movement seemed soaked in perfection. It felt as though this man was a holy ent.i.ty one couldn't blaspheme. It was hard to believe that such a perfect man could exist even on the Immortal Plane…

He was the Ancestor of the Angel Hegemon, G.o.defray Olympus.

Despite the lineup, Abraxus continued to rock in his chair. In fact, he didn't even look up at them. One might have thought that this was because the old man was blind so there was no point in such an action, but these Ancestors were quite clear on the fact that this was a show of disdain.

"Why have you all come to my humble bubble world?" Abraxus asked lightly.

"Don't you know quite well, Abraxus?" Atkin's indifferent voice sounded.

At that moment, Abraxus looked up. The Dragon Ancestor suddenly felt as though he had been plunged into the depths of h.e.l.l.

"Watch your mouth, boy. Even your great grandfather wouldn't dare to call my name casually. Who are you to speak it?"

The Dragon Ancestor was finding it difficult to breathe. What he found the most unbearable was the fact that, with his insight, he could tell that this wasn't a difference in strength. Compared to him, Abraxus could only be considered his equal. If he wasn't this powerful, how could he deem himself the Ancestor of the strongest beast clan in all of existence?

No, the difference between them lied in temperament. With his demeanor alone, Abraxus seemed capable of suppressing him entirely. What kind of concept was this?

The Dragon Ancestor had never come across such a situation. There was something else this important aside from his Dao Heart and cultivation base? Why had he never come across such a thing before?

Unfortunately, the Dragon Ancestor was still too young. Despite his young age, he could stand here, showing the talent of the Dragons clearly. However, among those here, only the Sprite Ancestor and the Phoenix Ancestor could deem themselves to be of the same generation as this old monster.

Abraxus slowly stood from his rocking chair, causing the Ancestors to narrow their eyes in seriousness. Even though the Dragon Ancestor had regained his bearing, he was several notches more on guard now.

The old blind man sighed. He could sense that the forces of these Ancestors were already ravaging his lands. Though he couldn't be considered to have a clan or sect of his own, there were many who took refuge under his umbrella that called this place home, and now they were all suffering beneath the joint attack of several Hegemons.

"It seems I've been too quiet in the past trillion years. Some people have forgotten to fear me…"

Abraxus took one step forward. It was just a single step, but his demeanor changed drastically even as his wrinkled features smoothed out. It would seem that he needed to let loose today.

Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2295 Let Loose

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Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 2295 Let Loose summary

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