System vs Rebirth Chapter 391 Explanation

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Chapter 391 Explanation

"What do you mean by not taking any action? It's already clear that the n.o.bles are trying to make a ruckus in the Demon Banner Army. They have killed one of my members!" Clara gritted her teeth, glaring at the commander, who remained calm this whole time. "Why haven't you done anything?"

Because there was no action from the commander, she couldn't help but go to the headquarters personally to demand an explanation. She was also annoyed by how the Zero Squad kept mourning. So, she came here to settle both problems.

Unfortunately, the commander hadn't answered her question for a whole thirty minutes despite her explaining everything.

"Excuse me." Suddenly, a woman opened the door while bringing two cups of tea and a letter.

The woman seemed to be more mature than Clara as she put a gentle smile on her face while serving the tea.

"Welcome, Clara. Have tea first… It took me a while to brew this tea." She put down the cup as if she didn't notice the tension in the air.

"Milfa. Don't stop me. I have to get the explanation from him today! I won't be leaving without it!" Clara gritted her teeth, glaring at her to shove her away.

However, the other party only smiled at her. "Oh, my. What kind of explanation do you wish to get? I think he has done everything he can…"

"Why are you protecting him? He literally did nothing when one of my squad members died. This is not the first or second squad, but my zero squad member!"

"I'm not protecting him. I'm simply telling the truth."

"Shut up! You are not even his wife, but you're stopping me from demanding an explanation. So, go away and put that last letter in your name in the front if you want to stop me today!"

"I'll take it as a compliment. I'm glad that you're praising me for being mature." Milfa let out a chuckle while putting another cup on the commander's table. "That's right. This is the letter you told me to bring."

The commander nodded with a serious expression. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. So, should I bring Clara out?" She asked.

"What? You want to drag me out of here? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Why don't you go out instead of me?"

"But my station is in the headquarters." Milfa made a weird smile before the commander tugged her sleeve. She turned around and saw the commander handing back the letter as if telling her to give it to Clara.

"Why are you not speaking?" Clara clicked her tongue. "I'm going to sew your lips so that you won't be able to speak for the rest of your life."

"Clara is funny today. You are usually composed, but it seems that today you're getting pretty worked up… It must be an annoying problem for you." Milfa chuckled while handing the letter. "Well, he wanted you to have this letter."

"I don't need it. I have to get an explanation first!"

Milfa let out a long sigh before opening the letter herself. "Well, if you don't need it, then I will burn this away. While I'm at it, I'll read it a bit. Let's see…

"There will be a knight called Iadre joining the Zero Squad of the Demon Relief Squad. He has a few achievements under his belt. He has a Fire Spirit and wields a white sword. Unfortunately, he is unable to show his face and is forced to use the Changing Masquerade to hide his face and change the color of his eyes and hair.

"But please burn this letter after you read this line. Iadre's true ident.i.ty is Noel Ardagan… Oh, my." Milfa was slightly startled before raising her hand. "I have to burn this letter right away since I have read that li—!!!"

Before she could do anything, Clara grasped her shoulder, stopping her. Clara looked annoyed as she demanded the letter back. "Give me the letter!"

"But I have to burn it according to the letter."

Clara glared at her before ultimately s.n.a.t.c.hing the letter away. She instantly read the letter completely.

It turned out the letter was the explanation itself. There was no need to avenge someone who was still alive. But because of a few reasons, Iadre had to wait for a while before meeting with the rest of the Demon Relief Squad.

With how he acted alone, the Demon Relief Squad wouldn't have had any trouble identifying him since he had made a good impression on them. At the same time, the others wouldn't know he was Noel because of a different element and hidden face.

When Clara fell silent, the commander added, "I was going to send that letter tomorrow. By that time, the rumor about his death should have spread. So there wouldn't be any suspicion.

"He was targeted by the royal family and many n.o.bles, so this was the best way to protect him. As for Anna Stargaze, I don't understand their relations.h.i.+p, so ask her the reason, not me.

"As for why I'm sure he's still alive somewhere… I think you have seen the reason already… You even stated in the report."

"The report?" Clara widened her eyes in shock. "Shadow?!"

"With him protecting Noel, there is no way a mere Anna can kill Noel, no matter how good she is. Although I don't understand why Shadow is working for him, I can guess the reason… something like working for his father or something.

"So, what I want you to do is to keep the news about him being alive a secret. I'm sure that the zero squad wouldn't mind doing something like that as well. Though, for now, you shouldn't say anything to them… Just wait until he shows up.

"Is that a good enough explanation for you, Demon Relief Squad's Captain, Clara?!" The commander frowned as if he had gotten a bit annoyed by her action.

Clara bit her lips. Although she was annoyed by how her zero squad reacted, it was true that Noel had contributed a lot to the Demon Relief Squad. Hence, she had to get him justice.

However, it turned out that everything was just a lie, and she also fell for it.

She looked down with an embarra.s.sed expression. "Yes."

System vs Rebirth Chapter 391 Explanation

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System vs Rebirth Chapter 391 Explanation summary

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