System vs Rebirth Chapter 460 Competition?

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Chapter 460 Compet.i.tion?

"From what I can see, it's true that the Demon Hunting Squad is strong. And I can see why they have several problems in taking on a mission, especially about being not flexible." Noel nodded in understanding. He still remembered how Richard and the others were glaring at them and provoking them right after they met.

So, it was clear that the squad couldn't function properly. Still, it didn't change the fact that the Demon Hunting Squad's strength was among the top.

"Yeah. It seems the commander has a good relations.h.i.+p with Igor. After all, Hendry Igor is a former n.o.ble from another kingdom. He travels here and becomes a knight. The commander knows how to utilize Igor and the latter doesn't hesitate to accomplish the task." Rose explained a bit more about their story.

Noel was curious, but he felt there was one more thing that mattered in their current situation.

"Can we even convince him regarding the matter of the Supreme Devil Organization?" Noel asked.

"I am not very sure." Rose shook her head. "Though, Igor is a rather special captain. I think it should be fine."

Noel scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say about that remark. Even Rose didn't know how to convince him, so Noel wondered whether their trip here was futile or not.

In the end, the group decided to go to their respective room to get some rest after working so hard in the last couple of days.

When Noel was about to relax on the bed, someone suddenly knocked on his door.

"You there?"

It was Jonathan's voice. Noel didn't know why Jonathan came to visit him, but since he was the one to explain the entire problem, Jonathan might want to discuss this matter.

Hence, Noel hurriedly opened the door for him, only to find Jonathan being alone. There were no Ben or Paul accompanying him.

"Can I talk to you inside?" Jonathan asked.

Noel didn't hesitate to invite him in and even brought him the wooden chair.

Noel was sitting on the bed, wondering what Jonathan wanted to say, especially with that serious expression.

Jonathan didn't beat around the bush as he asked, "Why are you hiding your face right now and changing your ident.i.ty, Noel? No, I'm more curious about the reason why you're orchestrating your own death, causing misery to the group."

"!!!" Noel widened his eyes in shock. He never thought his cover would be blown away so suddenly.

But Jonathan seemed to be judging his answer as if he was going to hate him if Noel's answer wasn't something he liked to hear.

Noel thought for a moment and gradually took off his masquerade, allowing his hair and eyes to return to normal.

He looked at Jonathan with a smile. "I have a reason. If possible, I want you to listen to the whole story first before giving any comment."

Jonathan nodded. He didn't speak as if telling him that he wouldn't open his mouth until he finished his explanation.

Noel began to tell him about the story of how he almost got killed by the royal family and how he ended up with this second ident.i.ty.

After listening to the entire story, Jonathan had the same stance as Rose. He was supportive of Noel's actions, but he was also angry that he couldn't be there for him.

Still, there was a doubt he wanted to confirm as soon as possible. It was regarding the spy Noel talked about a few days ago. "Is it Anna?"

Noel nodded, confirming that his spy was actually Anna, the woman who was supposed to order his family's execution. It was beyond belief that Noel could even forgive Anna, but Noel didn't plan to share anything with someone who wasn't his va.s.sal.

He only apologized and asked for his understanding.

In the end, Jonathan had to accept the current situation. Although he didn't hate Anna, he didn't like her either.

After understanding the situation, Jonathan finally left him alone. He had agreed not to intervene with him as long as Noel didn't plan to hurt the group as well.

Of course, he was very supportive of his goal to rebuild his family. Although it was a shame that Rose was going to join him when that happens, he knew Noel always had a different path and his charisma would naturally bring people close to him.

Later that night, the entire base was in a festive mood. Because their supply could come again, they ended up throwing a small festival for the entire group. They had suffered a lot after their supply was cut after all.

So, they were using half of their remaining food supply to host this party.

The party was held in the middle plaza. The floor was soil and there were a few marks that indicated practice targets. So, it was clear this was their training ground that was used as a hall for the banquet.

Paul and the others were sitting near Igor, who seemed to be curious about their squad. It seemed Richard had told him a lot of things.

"Hahaha, eat eat, drink drink!" Igor laughed uncontrollably. The beastly eyes that made people cower were no more. Instead, it was just the unrestricted Igor who loved to enjoy parties, wine, and food.

Still, Paul had to break the mood as he had an important matter to discuss. "Captain Igor."

"Huh?" Igor glanced at him, half drunk. "What do you want?"

"I have something to report. I believe you have to know about this and react to the current situation." Paul wanted to inform him about the Supreme Devil Organization, but surprisingly, Igor cut him short.

"I don't care about that. If they come, I'll smack them hard. That's all…" Igor seemed to be nonchalant, infuriating Paul.

Paul gritted his teeth and raised his voice. "Still, this—"

Igor raised his hand, stopping Paul from talking. "Demon Relief Squad. This place is my home. If you want to discuss it, you should do it in our style.

"Let's make a small compet.i.tion. If you win, I'll listen to everything you have to say and consider your suggestions. I might end up following them.

"However, if you lose…" Igor glanced at the other members, making others think he was trying to get the ladies. But the one he pointed at was actually Noel, confusing all of them.

"Huh?" Noel pointed at himself to confirm Igor's target.

"Yeah, you. Join this squad."

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System vs Rebirth Chapter 460 Competition? summary

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