System vs Rebirth Chapter 525 Bloodline

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Chapter 525 Bloodline


Ardagan confirmed without hesitation. This was probably the most important stuff he had to tell him.

Even though Noel had expected it to be related, he still had no idea what he wanted to talk about.

Noel thought for a moment and asked, "Before you tell me the last thing, do you think you can answer two of my questions?"

"I'll listen to that question first."

"You told me earlier that my ancestors protected the world from the invasion. Did you mean they were fighting alone?"

"Yes. And you seem to want to know whether you are going to do the same or not…"

"Of course. After all, I also have a family to maintain. I can't focus on it if my family is ruined."

"I certainly understand that, but you don't have to think about that. The fight won't be something like what you're thinking right now. You can do both just fine. As for the details, it's better to wait until you get stronger."

"Can't I simply know about it now so that I can prepare for it?"

"That's diverting your attention and your progress will be a lot slower. Right now, you don't have much time left. If you don't get stronger quickly, let alone save the world, you can't even save yourself."

"…" Noel squinted his eyes as if questioning Ardagan. But in the end, he let out a sigh and asked, "When are you planning to tell me about it? Is it related to that mission?"

"No. But if you want to get involved in this, you have to be a Spirit Grandmaster first. Otherwise, you're too weak to even think about it. I don't want you to get scared of something you can do nothing about."

"I understand that." Noel was a bit disappointed, but he didn't show it for the time being. He raised another finger, "One last question. If my ancestors were that strong, how did they die?"

"That's something related to the mission. Though, it's not the current mission."

"…" Noel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright then. What do you want to tell me next?"

Ardagan paused for a moment.

"I'm planning to talk about the rank of a spirit."

"Huh? Is it about those five ranks?"

"No. The rank I'm talking about is the ranking used for the spirit's position."

"The spirit position? Now that I think about it, how is the Moon G.o.ddess known to be a G.o.ddess instead of a normal Spirit?"

Ardagan shook his body as if telling him that it was related to that matter.

"We, spirits, have one and only G.o.d, the Spirit G.o.d. His words are absolute and his rules give us prosperity. There is not a single spirit who doesn't recognize his deeds. While I can't say that all spirits are good and follow his will, it's true that they recognize what he's done for the Spirit World.

"As for the Dark b.u.t.terfly Spirit, the reason why she is known to be above most spirits is because she is the Spirit G.o.d's wife."

"His wife?" Noel widened his eyes in shock. "This is the first time I've heard about it. But when you take a look at it, I can somehow understand…

"First of all, you are a Spirit made by the Spirit G.o.d. And with the relations.h.i.+p between the Spirit G.o.d and the Moon G.o.ddess, I can understand how you get all that information. No wonder you two know each other and have all this information."

Ardagan didn't reply, but it seemed he acknowledged what he said.

"Below it is the Spirit G.o.d's direct va.s.sal. Each va.s.sal has the strength close to the Dark b.u.t.terfly Spirit."

"Hoh?" Noel became amused. By how the Moon Temple acknowledged the Moon G.o.ddess, it was clear what kind of power she had.

And to think the va.s.sals had strength similar to hers, it was mind-blowing. After all, it meant that the spirit world had so many powerhouses. The humans were completely like ants before them.

This was the time Ardagan dropped the bomb.

"And you have to know that Anna Stargaze has one of the Spirit G.o.d's va.s.sals as her spirit."

"!!!" Noel widened his eyes in shock. "What did you say? She has such a strong spirit?"


Noel's body was shaking. On the one hand, Ardagan was telling him that Anna had such a strong spirit. It might look harmless. On the other hand, he was indirectly implying that his talent was far inferior to Anna's.

As if understanding Noel's thought, Ardagan added, "Although you don't have that talent, you don't have to feel down. You actually possess one more thing that won't lose to her talent."

"And that is…" Noel frowned as he couldn't come up with a single thing that could defeat such a talent. After all, the spirit Anna had was the third strongest position in the spirit world.

"It's your bloodline."

"My bloodline?" Noel was confused. After all, how could his bloodline affect all this talent? In fact, if his bloodline was strong, he would be able to get a better spirit.

Ardagan paused for a moment, giving Noel time to think. After that, he continued, "There is one special thing you need to know about your bloodline. It's related to your ancestor.

"Try to think about this. The demons have powerful strength and what do you think if they have the ability to reproduce at the same speed as the humans?"

"Huh…" Noel looked down, falling into deep thought. "They are strong and won't die easily. If they reproduce at the same rate as the humans, they'll certainly fill this world and rule this world."

"Yes. That's why the demons' reproduction rate isn't that high. There is always something to balance it. And currently, your bloodline is so strong that the world has to balance it in the same way as the demons.

"In other words…" Ardagan stopped for a moment, creating suspense. "You can only give birth to one child no matter how much you want it."

System vs Rebirth Chapter 525 Bloodline

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System vs Rebirth Chapter 525 Bloodline summary

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