The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


EndlessFantasy Translation


EndlessFantasy Translation

In a daze, he felt like he had arrived at a wide open s.p.a.ce. A graveyard, to be more precise.

His surroundings were extremely dark, cold, and eerie, as though he had entered the deepest levels of the underworld.

At a glance, he could see almost a hundred black gravestones, all squeezed tightly together!

Even more terrifyingly, there were thousands upon thousands of swords embedded around the gravestones, as though forming an extremely large formation!

The black gravestones formed the very center of the formation!

“What on earth is this…:?”

Ye Chen had just opened his mouth to speak when the ground began to tremble. The hundred gravestones started to shake as well, and immediately after, the thousands upon thousands of swords actually shot up from the ground and flew into the heavens!

The image was majestic and awe-inspiring!

Before Ye Chen could recover, a h.o.a.ry voice echoed through the sky, “How dare a mere realm dweller step into the Samsara Graveyard! Do you have a death wish? You can’t even budge the weakest of the gravestones’ obsessions! Scram!”

With that, Ye Chen was booted out of the graveyard, waking up again in the outside world.

Ye Chen looked at the black stone in his hands, surprised. “Could this be the ancient magic treasure the old geezer mentioned? Judging from what that guy said, does it mean that once his powers reach a certain level, he can awaken the obsessions of the powerhouses inside the gravestones? What… kind of a joke is that? There were a hundred gravestones there, could there really be a hundred powerhouses beyond them?”

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Sun Yi’s voice came from outside. “Are you awake yet? If you’re still in bed, I’m coming in. I heard you men all have morning wood, but I ain’t gonna give a d.a.m.n.”

That familiar voice made Ye Chen feel warm inside, and he calmed the turmoil in his heart, hiding the black stone away.

As it was, he was not nearly strong enough yet. He was going to take it slow when investigating the secrets of this stone.

He opened the door and immediately saw Sun Yi, dressed for work. Perhaps it was due to the awkwardness from yesterday, but Sun Yi avoided his gaze somewhat, and her face was slightly red. It was utterly adorable.

“Sun Yi, you’re so kind to me that all of a sudden, I don’t want to leave anymore. What should I do? Would you allow me to stay here for longer? I can wash your dishes for you every day, and since it’s going to get cold in the winter, I can warm your bed for you too…” Ye Chen said with a grin.

Sun Yi went to the dinner table and drank a sip of congee while she rolled her eyes at Ye Chen. “You want to freeload and even climb your way into my bed? I’m perfectly warm in bed, thank you very much, so I’ll decline your services…”

Ye Chen’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly changed his tack. “You can warm my bed too! If I get to sleep while hugging your long legs, I bet I’d be almost too happy to sleep.”

After spending a day together, Sun Yi had figured out Ye Chen’s personality too. He could say just about anything, but his heart was in the right place.

She gave it some thought and said solemnly, “Well, I won’t say no if you want to stay here permanently, but there are some conditions. Firstly, you have to pay your rent in advance. Secondly, under all circ.u.mstances, I get to use the washroom first. Thirdly, you have to wash all the cutlery in the kitchen as well as do the laundry. I’ll give you a few hours to think it over, kid…”

Before she even completed that sentence, Ye Chen said instantly, “Deal. But I don’t have much money on me, so can I trade you something instead…?”

Sun Yi gave up. Did he really not have a single cent on him?

Could it be that she would end up having to support this guy’s living expenses too?

She looked at Ye Chen’s features. Hmm, he seemed to be slightly good-looking.

As for his figure, she had a good long look at everything last night. He actually had an eight-pack.

In other words, he was exactly what they called a boy-toy online.

While Sun Yi’s mind was wandering, Ye Chen found a serviette and wrote a few lines on it with a pen.

This was the formula for a Beginner-level Beauty Pill!

Although it was a low-level variant, if he sold it, it was still enough to keep a listed company afloat!

Once Ye Chen was done writing it down, he stuffed the serviette into Sun Yi’s hands directly. “So um, this is the formula for a Beginner-level Beauty Pill, and I modified it slightly. You’re the director of a cosmetics group, right? Show this formula to your research department, they’ll know what to do.”

Sun Yi was floored. Looking at the serviette in her hand with contempt, she said curiously, “Don’t tell me, are you trying to pay a month’s worth of rent with this serviette?”

Ye Chen shook his head and held up a finger. “I want to trade this formula for a month’s worth of rent and another 3,000 bucks! I’d never do this if I wasn’t broke, and consider this my way of repaying you for taking me in. Just so you know, this formula is worth at least ten million.

“Never sell it for anything less than ten million!”


Sun Yi nearly choked on her spit!

She stared, wide-eyed, at the young man before her, trying to see if he was joking!

However, he was completely serious!

Well, d.a.m.n!

She had taken in a real weirdo this time!

Did he really think a few words on a serviette were worth ten million?

That was simply crazy!

In that moment, Sun Yi’s impression of Ye Chen plummeted to rock-bottom. She even began to dislike him.

If this man did not look so much like her past cla.s.smate, she would have chased him out ages ago.

After a minute, Sun Yi sighed and put the serviette in her hand into her blouse pocket, taking out another three thousand bucks and handing them to Ye Chen.

“Actually… I know you men all have enormous egos, but you don’t have to go that far. I can give you three thousand, but I hope you can bring that huge head of yours back down to solid ground.

“Use this money and go get a proper job. Also, you can only stay here for a month. After a month, you can go wherever you want, and it won’t have anything to do with me.

“That’s all for now. I’m tired and I need to go to work. The spare keys are on the table.”

Sun Yi grabbed her bag and walked right out, disappointment in her gaze.

This man would soon be kicked out of society, huh.

Ye Chen watched Sun Yi’s back as she left, and he shook his head helplessly.

“Sun Yi, oh, Sun Yi, you’re underestimating me. You have no idea how much that paper in your pocket is worth.”

Ye Chen pushed the incident to the back of his head soon enough, picking up the black stone once more.

Holding it in his hand, he could vaguely sense that other world.

No matter what he did, however, he could not go in.

“Looks like I’m not strong enough. I need to hurry up and cultivate! I’ll refine that thing in the next few days.”

Right now, Ye Chen’s number one priority was still earning some money. These three thousand bucks were nothing compared to the price of the herbs he needed for his cultivation.

Should he go out and work for another?

No way, Ye Chen would never ever take a salary from another, not in this life.

In that case, what else could he do?

Could he be an entrepreneur? The formulas he had were enough for him to start his own kingdom, sure, but it would cost too much time and resources.

He needed to earn fast money now, and the faster the better.

Should he sell his formulas?

That would not work, either. Even Sun Yi did not believe him, so who else would?

Should he heal others, then?

When that thought occurred to him, Ye Chen clapped and made up his mind.

Still, doctors needed certificates and a resume these days, so he would never be able to make it into a hospital. Right now, all he could do was start a roadside stall.

Ye Chen immediately took action. The first thing he did was go to a shop downstairs and make himself some banners, with claims like ‘Hua Tuo


Reincarnated’, ‘Hands of G.o.d’, and everything else in that vein. After that, he bought a few sets of silver needles and some other equipment he needed for healing.

Finally, he took a walk around the area and decided on the best place to start his stall.

He was going to City North Park!

City North Park was one of River City’s three major parks, and there was a specialty shopping street inside too, with decent footfall. Most importantly, there were many people there setting up fortune-telling and antique-selling stalls, so the people who went there would probably believe in a traditional Chinese medicine pract.i.tioner too. Once he made a reputation for himself, the clients would just keep on coming.

For the rest of the day, Ye Chen made his preparations to set up shop.

The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 11

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The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 11 summary

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