The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 735′- Transformation

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Chapter 735′- Transformation


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Chen closed his eyes tightly, the pain on his face was evident. The endless black aura seemed to want to devour Ye Chen.

At this moment, the black stone in Ye Chen’s pocket flew out, and an old figure gradually floated in the middle of the cultivation room.

It was Lin Qingxuan.

Lin Qingxuan looked at Ye Chen and frowned.

“What kind of bloodline does the master of the Samsara Graveyard have? It seems that his bloodline can perfectly fuse with this evil object. It almost seems like it exists for him.”

“Martial Dao, Slaughter Dao, Medical Dao, and Demon Dao.

“There are thousands of Daos in the universe, but why do I feel like this kid can completely fuse with every single one of them? What kind of heaven-defying bloodline does this guy have?”

“Moreover, based on the current situation, once this kid submerges himself in the Slaughter and Demon Daos, my Medical Dao inheritance will definitely be affected.”

“I have to get this kid to accept my medical inheritance as soon as possible!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Qjngxuan’s figure disappeared, and the black stone returned to Ye Chen’s pocket.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s body was engulfed in a demonic aura, and the blood dragon coiled around him also appeared to have transformed into a demonic dragon.

The very next second, Ye Chen’s painful expression dissipated.

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, who was outside the door, became more and more nervous. She could naturally hear the commotion outside, as well as her sister shouting for her father.

She was burning up with anxiety, and wanted nothing more than to rush over and check on things there. However, her father had ordered her to stay here, so she gritted her teeth and persisted.

There was still no movement in the cultivation room, and she was beginning to wonder if something had happened to Ye Chen.

She had been tempted to push the door open several times, but she stopped herself each time. If her actions messed with Ye Chen’s cultivation, the consequences would be unimaginable.

While she was panicking, dozens of black figures charged toward her.

Pan Yu and the Dao Sect disciples had rushed here the moment they sensed the changes happening in the cultivation room. If that evil treasure was really successfully refined, then their trip here would be rendered meaningless, and Pan Yu would definitely be reprimanded by the sect master when he returned.

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ immediately knew that something had gone wrong. She was very clear about her own strength. These people were much stronger than her father, let alone her, so it was obvious that something had happened to her father and sister.

What should she do now? Could she even do anything in this situation? just as she was about to pickup her sword, Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and the black aura swept out in all directions, shattering the door to the cultivation room!

Fortunately, the black aura did not harm Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+. Instead, it condensed into a pair of hands that pulled Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ into the cultivation room.

Then, the rest of the black aura swept out toward Pan Yu and the Dao Sect disciples!

Pan Yu felt a sense of danger, and his eyes narrowed as he used his sword to slash the incoming aura.


The sword qi was tangible as his attack clashed with the black aura, causing an explosion to erupt. Darkness and light fought for dominance, and it felt as if the world around them had frozen.


Shockwaves swept out as the two forces continued to crash, strands of sword qi colliding with strands of the black aura like two dragons fighting.

Even so, Pan Yu still subconsciously took three steps back. He had never thought that this black aura would be so terrifying.

Although the Dao Sect disciples tried to block it, those at the vanguard were sent flying the moment they clashed with the black aura.

The Dao Sect disciples behind them also took over ten steps back What was going on here?

At the same time, despite the chaos outside, the atmosphere in the cultivation room was calm.

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ looked at the young man in front of her and stood up. It seemed that

Ye Chen was fine.

“Brother Ye, you worried me to death just now…”

Halfway through her words, her voice suddenly trailed off.

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s expression turned strange when she realized that Ye Chen’s eyes were red and his forehead was emitting a faint black light.

He looked so…


For a moment, her heart even stopped beating.

“Brother Ye, how did you become like this?”

Ye Chen frowned. He was clear-headed and asked curiously, “s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, what do you mean?”

Then, his gaze fell on a mirror in the cultivation room. When he saw himself, he was stunned.

A demonic aura surrounded his body, and his eyes were red. The rolling black aura was like a cloak around him, and even concealed his original cultivation aura.

“Is this related to the dragon bead?”

Ye Chen stared at his hand in surprise. He clenched his fingers slightly, and could immediately tell that his strength had increased. It felt like he might be able to reduce the cultivation room to ruins with a single punch.

“Could this be the Demonic Dao that Master was talking about? Is this the result of devouring the power of the dragon bead?”

As Ye Chen pondered the matter, Lin Qingxuan’s voice rang out from the Samsara Graveyard. “Disciple, you guessed right. You’ve temporarily sealed the dragon bead in your body, but a part of the dragon bead’s power is attached to your body when you devour it. It can increase your strength significantly within a short period of time, but as you use your true qi, it will disappear very quickly.”

Ye Chen came to a realization and looked toward Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+.

“Alright, since the problem on my side has been resolved, it’s time to meet those guys.”

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was a little worried.

“Brother Ye, there are many people outside, and their auras are very terrifying.”

“Furthermore, I don’t know how Father and Sister are doing. It’s very likely that something has happened.”

Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s face was filled with worry.

At this moment, Ye Chen released his spiritual sense, and soon spotted Wan Lifeng’s figure nailed to the wall, and Wen Tingting’s pale face.

His anger boiled over at the sight!

No matter what, Wen Lifeng was still a member of Dragon Soul!

As Dragon Soul’s Chief Instructor, how could he allow his men to be tortured like this?

Fortunately, Wen Lifeng was only seriously injured and his life was not in danger.

“s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, those people are probably here for me. If you don’t trust me, you can wait in the cultivation room.”

With that, Ye Chen strode out and soon appeared in front of Pan Yu and the Dao Sect disciples.

Naturally, Wen s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ would not hide inside alone, and followed closely behind Ye Chen.

At this moment, outside the cultivation room.

When the Dao Sect members saw Ye Chen’s appearance, they were shocked!

Ye Chen’s killing intent was overwhelming, and the aura he released even stifled their breathing.

The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 735′- Transformation

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The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 735′- Transformation summary

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