The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 320: Shopping With Best Friends!

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Chapter 320: Shopping With Best Friends!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

It had been a month since Mengjiao gave birth. During this month, she often went to visit her and the baby. She even bought a lot of very cute clothes and shoes for the baby.

Mengjiao’s confinement period was finally over today. She had stayed at home for an entire month and felt that she was about to grow moldy. Hence, she could not wait to ask Jian Dan out after her confinement…

She was indeed Jian Dan’s best friend! She could not stand being at home for so long either!

Of course, Jian Dan was elated to receive Mengjiao’s invitation! Ever since Mengjiao got pregnant, she had not gone shopping with her. She had to do it today…

“Uncle, I want to go shopping with Mengjiao today!” She skipped over to Chu Liyuan excitedly.

“You’re going to abandon me?”

“Uncle… Mengjiao’s confinement is over today. I haven’t gone shopping with her for a long time. Uncle, can we change our plans to tomorrow?”

She was supposed to go on a date with Chu Liyuan today, but…

She saw that Chu Liyuan’s face had turned very dark.

She immediately hugged Chu Liyuan’s arm and kept shaking it. “Uncle, Uncle! You’re the best. Please? Why don’t you make a request? I’ll do it 100%, okay? Pretty please, Uncle?” She blinked her big eyes like a child and looked at Chu Liyuan pitifully.

Seeing Jian Dan’s expression, his heart had long melted. How could he reject her?/However… he could give the request that she was willing to fulfill 100% some serious consideration though.


“I knew it—Uncle, you are the best! Muack!” She wrapped her arms around Chu Liyuan’s neck and kissed him hard on the cheek.

Then, she skipped upstairs to choose clothes…

Very quickly, she changed into a simple white T-s.h.i.+rt and a pair of jeans and was on her way out. On the way downstairs, she pa.s.sed by Zi Yan’s room and saw that it was not closed.

After thinking for a while, she gently knocked on Zi Yan’s door. “Zi Yan!”

“Looking for me?”

“What are you doing today?”


“Then come shopping with Mengjiao and me! It’s so boring for you to stay at home every day!”

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“Oh! Hurry up! Get changed!” Without giving Zi Yan a chance to refuse, she pulled Zi Yan up from the chair.

Just like that, Zi Yan reluctantly got changed and went out with Jian Dan.

Seeing that Zi Yan was going with Jian Dan and Mengjiao, Chu Liyuan was very supportive. With Zi Yan around, he did not have to worry about Jian Dan’s safety…

The three of them arranged to meet at Times Square.

When Jian Dan and Zi Yan arrived, Mengjiao had already arrived. “Mengjiao, you’re really very bored at home, huh? Why are you here so early?”

“Exactly. I’m finally free! Zi Yan, you’re here too!”

“Then let’s relax today!”

“Let’s go!” The three of them walked towards the shopping mall. Of course, best friends have to hold hands when they went shopping together! She and Mengjiao held hands. Just as they were about to hold Zi Yan’s hand, they realized that Zi Yan had already walked off…

It seemed that Zi Yan was still not used to the feeling of being with friends. It seemed that she had to ask Zi Yan out more often to shop in the future.

The two of them quickly caught up to Zi Yan and held her arm without saying a word.

Jian Dan’s sudden action stunned Zi Yan on the spot. She looked at Jian Dan doubtfully.

“What? This is the standard gesture for best friends when shopping!” She looked at Zi Yan and said with a smile.

“Let’s go!”

The three of them held each other’s arms and walked towards the mall…

Zi Yan felt very awkward being held like this, but she did not resist in her heart. Instead, she was a little happy! It felt so good to have friends!

Because the three of them had not had lunch yet, their first stop was to eat.

The three of them came to a kebab place. As Chu Liyuan usually did not allow Jian Dan to eat such heavy-tasting food, she could finally satisfy her cravings today when Chu Liyuan was not around!

“Wow! It smells so good!” She took a skewer—took a bite—and chewed with contentment…

“It’s so yummy. I’ve been eating very light food for the past month. Now, I finally get to eat delicious food again!” Mengjiao had a look of contentment as well.

On the other hand, it was Zi Yan’s first time eating this kind of food and she did not know how to start. But when she saw Jian Dan and Mengjiao eating happily, she reached out for a skewer and took a bite slowly… She felt her taste buds instantly blossom, and then she could not stop…

“Zi Yan, is it good?” Mengjiao asked when she saw Zi Yan’s appet.i.te.


Another otherworldly person had been corrupted by them…

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 320: Shopping With Best Friends!

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 320: Shopping With Best Friends! summary

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