The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 441: Staying

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Chapter 441: Staying

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Chu Liyuan told Li Jing about this, he did not tell Li Jing who the person was.

He only told him to inform the HR Department that a new planning director would take office tomorrow.

Li Jing’s curiosity was piqued…

Recently, Mr. Chu has been acting really strange. Casting aside the fact that he rarely comes into the office nowadays, I’ve caught him with a silly grin plastered on his face more than once recently.

If he’s not possessed by a ghost, it must be a woman then.

Mr. Chu finally found a woman. I can be free finally and don’t have to work overtime anymore. I can finally have time to go home and accompany my wife.

Of course, he would never tell Mengjiao about this.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that Mengjiao would come looking for Chu Liyuan with a kitchen knife to seek justice for Jian Dan.

However, Li Jing was very happy that Chu Liyuan had finally put it behind him.

If Mr. Chu still doesn’t put Jian Dan behind him, he might really die young.

Other than working non-stop every day, he spends almost all his rest time drinking and nothing else. Moreover, he doesn’t eat on time every day.

Li Jing could not recall the number of times Chu Liyuan had been hospitalized due to gastrointestinal problems in the past few years.

Seeing Chu Liyuan like this, Li Jing was very upset. He had worked for Chu Liyuan for so many years and had never seen him so despondent.

He knew how important Jian Dan was to Chu Liyuan, so he never dared to mention her name in front of him.

But things are looking up now…

Mr. Chu finally opened up again. I wonder who she is. To be able to make Mr. Chu put Jian Dan behind him, looks like she’s definitely something.

Li Jing was very curious about this person…

I have to go to the Planning Department tomorrow to see who this G.o.ddess is.

Following Chu Liyuan’s instructions, Li Jing called the HR manager and gave him some instructions. He even specially instructed him not to be negligent and take good care of that new employee.

After that, Li Jing went home happily.

He had not been able to have any couple time with Mengjiao for a long time. It was not easy for him to get off work early today, so he naturally had to seize the opportunity to have a candlelight dinner with Mengjiao.

“Isn’t everything settled already? Why are you still here?” Chu Liyuan had been finding all sorts of excuses to visit Jian Dan these few days.

Every time he visited, he would dawdle and be unwilling to leave…

As long as the sky was not dark, Jian Dan could forget about him leaving here.

“Jian Jian, I don’t seem to be having enough sleep recently. Make me a cup of red dates, longan, and wolfberry tea, will you?”

“Well, I’m sorry. There are no red dates, no longans and wolfberries here. If you want to drink that, get your a*s out this door and go downstairs. Start the car and go back to Li Garden to get Mrs. Jin to brew it for you.”

“Um… Actually, I don’t really have to drink that per se.”

“Any tea will do.”

“I don’t have any tea here, only plain water.”

“Oh! What a coincidence. I love plain water!” Chu Liyuan said as he clapped his hands.

Seeing Chu Liyuan spouting nonsense in such a deadpan manner, Jian Dan wanted to laugh despite her annoyance.

“Fine. Plain water, right? Wait here.”

She turned around and went into the kitchen. Half a minute later, she walked over with a gla.s.s of water and placed it in front of Chu Liyuan. “Drink up.”

Chu Liyuan reached out and picked up the gla.s.s of water in front of him. He gulped down the water in one go. “Mmm, plain water is indeed the best!” “Really? Is it that good?”

“Of course, refres.h.i.+ng and quenching.”

“Really? I forgot to tell you just now that the electric kettle is broken. I didn’t have time to buy a new one, so I just gave you a gla.s.s of tap water.”

“Tap… Tap water is good!”

“Oh? Well, since you’ve had your water, shouldn’t you be…”

Jian Dan had gotten used to it over the past few days and knew that he would not leave easily.

Moreover, the excuses he came up with were all very weird and ridiculous. Jian Dan wondered what excuse he would come up with today.

“Oh! The tap water is good, but there’s just one thing… It’s easy to get diarrhea from it. I’m starting to feel unwell. I need to use the bathroom.”

Chu Liyuan pretended to clutch his abdomen and hurriedly made his way to the bathroom…

Looking at Chu Liyuan’s departing figure, Jian Dan gave a faint smile..

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 441: Staying

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 441: Staying summary

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