The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 447: Acrimonious Lunch

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Chapter 447: Acrimonious Lunch

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wei Qianyi sat back in her chair and looked at Jian Dan with a smile. “Do you have any better suggestions?”

“Nope!” Jian Dan said without thinking.

“You don’t and you’re still so sarcastic?” Someone from the Marketing Department retorted.

“Fine, I’ll shut up then.”

“So, you…”

“My vote is nay.”


“Alright, alright, stop it. That’s all for today’s meeting. You’re new here, so I’ll give you one day. I hope you can come up with a proposal tomorrow that satisfies me. If you can’t, I’ll send you packing.” The general manager left the large conference room after giving Jian Dan an ultimatum.

Oh, bother! What the heck do I know about planning?

Forget it. In any case, even if I can’t produce anything, does he really have the clout to send me packing?

Hmph! Why don’t you ask your big boss if he agrees?

The Marketing Department and Planning Department had lunch together…

It was a long-held tradition that as long as the two departments had a new leader, they had to have lunch together and get to know one another.

Pfft, bonding? Its already good enough that we didn’t fight to the death.

However, Jian Dan still had to keep up appearances, so she had no choice but to go with them. After all, it would be a waste to miss out on free food since someone was giving a treat.

In particular, It would be a waste not to take advantage of Wei Qianyi since she was paying.

The food was served, but no one picked up their chopsticks…

Jian Dan picked up something from a dish in front of her and placed it in Wei Qianyi’s bowl. “Miss Wei, look. Everyone doesn’t dare to eat when they see that you haven’t eaten. Tuck in!”

“I know you love to eat the food that’s in front of others, so I helped you to get it. You don’t have to do it yourself then.”

“That’s right! I just love to eat the food that’s in front of others.”

“Because sometimes, people have to know their limits. Certain food is not something that just anyone can afford to eat.”

“That’s rather true, but you have to seek the food’s opinion, right? Ask it who it would rather be eaten by.”

Those words were like a fishbone that got stuck in Wei Qianyi’s throat. It was neither up nor down, and extremely uncomfortable.

“Everyone, tuck in. We have to go back to work later.”

Jian Dan started eating without holding back…

She did not stand on ceremony with her at all and ate to her fill…

After lunch, they were about to return to the office when they b.u.mped into the general manager—who had just finished his meal and was leaving—at the door. “What are all of you doing here?”

“General Manager, have you forgotten? This is the tradition of the Marketing Department and Planning Department in welcoming newcomers.” Wei Qianyi said with a smile.

“Hmph, her? We don’t even know if she can survive tomorrow. Why waste this money?” The general manager said with a look of disdain.

“General Manager, look at what you’re saying. Perhaps Miss Jian’s proposal will be approved tomorrow?”

“Hmph, I’ll hold my breath then.” He turned around and left with a look of disdain.

Hmph! With my bad temper, this general manager looks like he needs a kick in the s.h.i.+n.

But I don’t have the time for him now. When Pm done with Wei Qianyi, Pll definitely do something about his arrogance.

After returning to the office, Jian Dan spent the entire afternoon racking her brains for that so-called proposal. However, all she had was air.

When it was almost time to get off work, someone knocked on the door of Jian Dan’s office.

It was the person who had enlightened her on the ident.i.ty of Blue Whale in the conference room earlier on.

“What’s up?”

“I admire the way you dissed Miss Wei just now, so I came to see if there’s anything I can help with.”

Looks like the people here are not cold after all.

“What bright ideas do you have then?” Since he’s here, he must have a solution.

“I don’t know if it’s an idea or not.”

“That’s alright. It’s good to have a direction even then. Tell me!”

“Do you remember when I told you that Blue Whale was the runner-up in the art compet.i.tion?”

“Yup, I do.”

“Hang on!”

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 447: Acrimonious Lunch

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 447: Acrimonious Lunch summary

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