The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 532: Shang Yujin's Trouble

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Chapter 532: Shang Yujin’s Trouble


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

She wanted to let them know that Jian Xia Mo Studio was not to be trifled with. That would teach him a lesson and he would not dare to cause trouble for them again.

“Since the matter has been resolved, let’s go eat.”

“I’m famished after a day of hard work.”

During the month that Jian Dan was in confinement, Chu Liyuan made sure that she ate on time every day.

Therefore, she was really famished after not eating anything for such a long time.

With the matter resolved, everyone’s mood improved, so they agreed with Jian Dan’s idea.

“You guys go back and rest today. Tomorrow and the day after will be paid leave.” The last sentence brought a huge smile to everyone’s faces.

After that, they went to a nearby restaurant for a meal…

However, Xia Zijie received a call halfway through the meal. Then, his expression changed drastically. He stood up and left without saying anything.

The three of them exchanged looks…


Mengjiao’s words brought everyone back to their senses and they chased after him.

“What happened to my brother? I’ve never seen such a nervous expression on his face.”

By the time the three of them chased after Xia Zijie, his car had already left…

The three of them quickly got into a cab and chased after him…

Although Jian Dan had not seen Xia Zijie for many years, she had known him for so many years after all. She still had a certain understanding of him. He’s always been a very calm person. What could have made him so fl.u.s.tered?

The clueless trio had nervous expressions on their faces.

Moreover, a person who was usually so steady was driving like a bat out of h.e.l.l.

Upon arriving at the destination, Xia Zijie abruptly stopped the car and rushed out without even locking the door.

The three of them hurriedly followed…

They followed Zijie to an underground garage…

A group of people besieged a car in the garage and kept pelting the car, cursing.

A gorgeously dressed woman crossed her arms in front of her chest and smirked at the scene in front of her…

Since Xia Zijie is so anxious, looks like the person in the car is very important to him.

Jian Dan was shocked to see that the person in the car was Shang Yujin.

However, the current situation did not give Jian Dan much time to revel in her surprise. She quickly recovered and rushed over to Zijie…

Although her confinement had just ended and her body had not recovered very well, it was still more than enough to deal with these minions.

After dealing with those minions, she got Yujin out of the car.

Her beautiful face brimmed with helplessness and fear.

At the sight of Jian Dan, the expression on her face transformed into surprise.

“Jian!” As a public figure, Yujin was very busy every day, so it was not surprising that she did not know that Jian Dan was still alive.

Therefore, when she saw Jian Dan, both her heart and face brimmed with surprise. The girl she liked had actually appeared in front of her again. She could not believe that it was real.

“Yujin, I’ll explain to you later. Let’s settle the matter here first.” Jian Dan held Yujin’s hand.

The gorgeously dressed woman walked over with her arms crossed. The mob followed behind her.

“How dare you meddle in my business?” She looked so arrogant that Jian Dan felt like giving her two tight slaps.

“Hmph! I haven’t even asked you, and you’re already talking?” Jian Dan said coldly, “You dare to touch my friend?”

Jian Dan had always been such a person. She would definitely not let whoever dared to touch the people around her off.

“Hmph! You’ve got a nerve. How dare you talk to me like that? Looks like you don’t know who I am! Why don’t you ask your friend who I am first before thinking about whether to stay out of this matter?”

“I don’t give a sh*t who you are. Even if the emperor comes, he can’t bully my friend!” Jian Dan did not need to know her ident.i.ty.

“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”

“Since you insist on being a busybody, I’ll fulfill your wish. Get them!”

With a wave of her left hand, the mob behind her rushed towards them again..

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 532: Shang Yujin's Trouble

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 532: Shang Yujin's Trouble summary

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