The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 616: Follow Your Heart

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Chapter 616: Follow Your Heart


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As Jian Dan left the prison, she fell into deep thought…

She did not expect Qin Rou to change so much. Moreover, she actually liked this Qin Rou.

Is there something wrong with my brain?

Jian Dan suspected that there was something wrong with her brain. Otherwise, why would she like someone who had hurt her instead of hating her?

Jian Dan thought about this problem all the way home, but could not figure it out.

When she returned to Li Garden, she sat on the swing that Chu Liyuan had made for her in the backyard…

“Young madam, is there something on your mind?” Mrs. Jin approached Jian Dan.

“Mrs. Jin, you can tell?”

It’s written all over your face. Anyone who isn’t blind can tell.

“There’s something I don’t understand.”

“You can tell Mr. Chu. He will definitely help you solve it.”

“I know. But before I solve it, I need to understand something.”

“What’s troubling you so much, Young Madam?”

“Mrs. Jin, let me ask you. If someone hurt you before, but she turned over a new leaf, would you forgive her?” If she couldn’t figure it out, it was good to ask for other people’s opinions.

“Depends on what she did.”

“A lot of things that hurt you and even your friends.”

“I won’t.”

“But if the other party has really changed, won’t you forgive her?”

Mrs. Jin smiled. “Young Madam, you already have the answer in your heart, don’t you? Sometimes, there are many things that you don’t have to worry too much about. You don’t have to care about what others think. You just have to follow your heart.”

“Mrs. Jin, you mean…”

“Actually, you’ve already made a decision in your heart. You just want someone to agree with your decision.”

“But in fact, most of the time, you don’t need to care about what others think.”

“Just follow your heart.”

Mrs. Jin’s words instantly enlightened Jian Dan. “Mrs. Jin, thank you. I get it now.”

Mrs. Jin nodded.

“Mrs. Jin, let’s have sweet and sour pork ribs tonight.”

“Sure, I’ll go prepare it.”

Chu Liyuan returned from the office before dinner…

“Why are you so good today? Why didn’t you go out?”

“Actually, I went out today.”


“I have something to tell you, Uncle.”

“What is it?”

“I’m going to see Zhong Tianhao tomorrow.”

“Zhong Tianhao?” Chu Liyuan searched for this name in his mind.

After realizing that this was Jian Dan’s ex-boyfriend and the one who almost married her, Chu Liyuan’s face darkened. “Why are you looking for him?”

“It has something to do with the person I saw when I went out today.”


“I went visit Qin Rou in prison today.”

“Why did you suddenly go to see her?” Chu Liyuan put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Jian Dan.

“Mrs. Jin gave me a letter this morning—it was from Qin Rou asking me to visit her in prison because she needed a favor.”

Chu Liyuan’s eyes darkened again…

“Uncle, don’t look at me like that. I’m scared.”

“Besides, when I went to visit her today, I realized that she’s different from before. She’s become…”

“How should I describe it? In any case, the feeling she gave me was very pure and clean.”

“So, you want to help her? Have you forgiven her?”

“Hehe! Uncle, she’s your niece no matter what.”

“Not even the emperor can hurt you!”

“But she has really changed, and has paid the price for what she did.”

“You’re the only family she has now. Can you really bear to leave her in the lurch?”

Jian Dan’s words made Chu Liyuan fully understand that his la.s.s had already decided to help Qin Rou.

“What does she want?”

“She hopes that I can send her away without being discovered by Zhong Tianhao.”

“But if she leaves just like that, how would she live in the future?”

“That’s why I want to sound out Zhong Tianhao. I want to see what his att.i.tude is towards Qin Rou now. Then, I’ll make a decision.”

“So, Uncle, will you let me go?”

Chu Liyuan looked at Jian Dan…

Just the thought of his la.s.s going to meet her ex-boyfriend made Chu Liyuan feel terrible.

Looking at Chu Liyuan’s reluctant expression…

“Uncle, I’ve had nothing to do with him for a long time. I only have you in my heart now, so you don’t have to worry about anything going on between me and him.” Jian Dan naturally said this to ease Chu Liyuan’s worries.

Seeing Jian Dan’s stubbornness, Chu Liyuan knew that he would not be able to stop her no matter what. He knew his la.s.s well. As long as it was something she decided on, she would definitely do it.

I’ll send you there tomorrow…” All he could do was accompany her..

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 616: Follow Your Heart

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 616: Follow Your Heart summary

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