The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 624: Happiness

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Chapter 624: Happiness


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next two days were the weekend. They were going on the family excursion on Monday. Hence, Jian Dan called Mo Qingqin to inform her that they were bringing the two munchkins back to Li Garden and would send them back to the family residence after the family excursion.

The first thing the two children did when they returned to Li Garden was to visit their brother and sister.

“Xiaokai, look at how cute they are!” Xiaoxin wanted to reach out and touch their faces.

“Wash your hands first.” Xiaokai ushered Xiaoxin to the bathroom.

Little Jianjian and Little Dandan were still too young. Their immunity was very low, so they had to wash their hands before coming into contact with them.

After was.h.i.+ng her hands, Xiaoxin couldn’t wait to hold her brother’s hand. “Little Dandan, I’m your elder sister. When you grow up, you have to listen to me, understand?” Xiaoxin was ecstatic that she could finally be an elder sister.

“Daxin, don’t you think we should give the two of them a nickname? Otherwise, it’ll be easy to get confused with you.”

“My sentiments exactly.” Chu Liyuan echoed. Jian Jian is my exclusive nickname for my girl.

“It really seems to be the case. Why didn’t I think of it?”

“But what should it be then?”

As a mother, the child had been born for so long, but she did not even give the babies a nickname.

“Don’t celebrities nowadays like the fruit trend? Why don’t we call one Little Watermelon and the other Little Durian?” Jian Dan said as she looked at the three of them.

“No!” The three of them looked at Jian Dan and shook their heads in unison.

“Why don’t you guys come up with it then? I can’t think of any.” Giving names was Jian Dan’s weakness.

“One of them is Xiaokai, and the other is Xiaoxin. Together, they are happy (kaixin). How about naming one baby Kuaikuai and the other Lele?” Chu Liyuan suggested.

“That’s nice. That makes the four kids “happy (kaixin) and happiness (kuaile)”.”

“I like that.” Jian Dan’s greatest hope for her four children was that they would be happy forever and have happiness.

“Me too!”


Xiaokai and Xiaoxin were in agreement as well.

The two babies seemed to be very satisfied with their nicknames too as a smile adorned their faces…

At night, after the four children fell asleep, Chu Liyuan and Jian Dan returned to their bedroom.

After taking a shower, Chu Liyuan hugged Jian Dan and prepared to sleep…

“Uncle, can you really spare the time to accompany us on the family excursion?”

“Jian Jian, are you doubting your husband’s ability?”

“No, I’m just worried about holding up your work.”

“Your husband is very efficient. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, that’s true.”

Because Xiaokai and Xiaoxin were in Li Garden during the weekend, Jian Dan did not go to the set. Instead, she stayed at home to accompany the children.

On the other hand, Chu Liyuan had to take advantage of the weekend to complete his work in advance. Hence, he did not stay at home during the weekend and worked overtime in the office.

Of course, he would still come back at night.

He could not bear to be apart from Jian Dan even for a day. Without Jian Dan by his side, he couldn’t sleep.

Soon, it was Monday…

They went to school with the children. By the time they arrived, many parents and children were already there.

Their appearance attracted the attention of many people.

It couldn’t be helped—the adults and children were so beautiful that it was difficult for them to keep a low profile.

However, they did not pay much attention to it.. They also did not notice that there was an intense gaze lingering on Chu Liyuan that persisted for a long time…

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 624: Happiness

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 624: Happiness summary

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