The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 736: The Little Envoy of Justice

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Chapter 736: Chapter 736: The Little Envoy of Justice

After Mr. w.a.n.g’s cla.s.s ended, the other teachers’ seemed much more relaxed, and the morning went by quickly…

“Jian, have you decided what you want to eat for lunch?” Xiaoting asked while tidying up her desk.

“Uh, Xiaoting, can you go buy the food in the canteen first? My stomach hurts a bit, I need to deal with it!”

“Then what do you want to eat?”

“I’m not picky, I’ll eat whatever you buy!” said Jian Dan as she already started to leave.

A few minutes later…

“Finally, that feels better.” Jian Dan touched her belly and muttered to herself.

After was.h.i.+ng her hands, she was ready to go to the canteen to find Xiaoting, but unexpectedly, just as she stepped out of the girls’ restroom, she heard some noises coming from the boys’ restroom.

She moved closer to hear the sounds inside more clearly.

There was continuous laughter and the sound of water, and it seemed there were also quiet sobs.

Such sounds unwittingly made Jian Dan frown.

That sound, could it be…

Although it wasn’t good for a girl to enter the boys’ restroom, sometimes it was necessary to act expediently.

Jian Dan took a deep breath and walked in…

It was better not to enter, but once she did, it was a shock to Jian Dan’s values.

Inside the restroom was a mess, the ground was soaking wet, and there were many yellowed tissues scattered about, a boy drenched all over was being looked down upon by four other boys.

The boy was already in a sorry state, but he still toughened up, not wanting to lose the last shred of his dignity.

She had seen such scenes many times on TV, but this was the first time she encountered them in real life.

Jian Dan saw that the boy had no retreat when, without thinking too much, she directly kicked out, and because the four boys were quite close together and unprepared, the boy they were holding also fell to the ground with them.

Seeing the scattered tissues on the ground, she knew the water wasn’t going to be any cleaner.

The four boys quickly got up, scornfully shaking the water off their hands, their expressions furious to the extreme.

“You f.u.c.king dare to meddle in my business? I think you’re tired of living,” one of the boys said.

“Your mouth is as dirty as you are!” Jian Dan looked at the person in front of her with disdain, as if she were looking at trash.

“Heh~ you’ve got quite the mouth, but I want to see if you can still be this tough in a little while!” the four boys advanced towards Jian Dan.

The boy they were bullying got up from the ground and stood in front of Jian Dan, “If you have a problem, come at me!”

Jian Dan looked at the boy standing in front of her with some admiration at that moment.

He was in trouble himself, yet he still had the time to care for others.

“Yo, you think you can play the hero, huh? At best, you’re just a bear!” one of the four mocked.

The other four wore looks of disdain.

“Even if I’m a bear, I won’t bully a girl.

Hold them off for a second, and you take the chance to run!” The boy whispered to Jian Dan.

“Run? Can you even run away?”

One of the boys walked over and punched the boy in front of Jian Dan, knocking him to the ground. The boy on the floor clung to the attacker’s leg and told Jian Dan, “Get out of here quick!”

Seeing the boy’s reaction, a smile tugged at Jian Dan’s lips.

It seemed this boy was indeed worth saving.

The boy saw that Jian Dan had no intention of leaving. Instead, she was walking towards them…

Just as he was about to speak again, he saw the girl in front of him launch a kick, and in the next second, the boy who had been standing fell to the ground, his leg still in his hand.

Another boy rushed at Jian Dan. She dodged the attack with a swift move and followed with a karate chop, heavily striking the back of the boy’s neck, knocking him to the ground again.

Jian Dan’s icy gaze turned to the two remaining boys, “Who’s next?”

By that time, it was evident to anyone that this girl was not to be trifled with, so they hesitated to rush forward.

Seeing their indecisive and cowardly behavior, her eyes were full of scorn.

As they did not dare to advance, she turned her attention back to the boy, who was somewhat stunned, “You can get up by yourself, right?”

“Oh!” The boy snapped out of it and scrambled up from the ground.

“Let’s go!”

Jian Dan, with the boy in tow, strutted out of the boys’ restroom….

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 736: The Little Envoy of Justice

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 736: The Little Envoy of Justice summary

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