The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 740: Iron Triangle Rips Apart F4

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Chapter 740: Chapter 740: Iron Triangle Rips Apart F4

“You two don’t worry, I won’t let you guys get in trouble!” Jian Dan spoke confidently.

“Heh, that’s quite the tone!” Not far away, a group of students dressed in school uniforms approached them in a mighty throng, led by those four pieces of trash.

Seeing so many people heading their way, Xiaoting and Ouyang Jing immediately tensed up, and Ouyang Jing’s instinct was to run, since that was always his first choice when faced with situations like this in the past.

But in the next second, as he prepared to flee, he remembered he now had friends, so he couldn’t just abandon his friends and run away alone.

Although the fear in his heart had already escalated to a certain realm, he still stood with the other two.

“Is this all the courage you have, ganging up because four of you couldn’t beat me?” Jian Dan’s face showed utter indifference.

If these were well-trained mercenaries, Jian Dan wouldn’t be standing here now, and certainly, even if the same number of street thugs came, Jian Dan might choose to flee at this moment, but now they were just a bunch of high school students with no experience in fighting.

If he couldn’t handle them, Jian Dan would be letting down all the effort and hard work he had put in over the years.

“Hmph, we just don’t want to dirty our hands, that’s all!”

“Hehe~ Since someone has come knocking, then I can only oblige them.

We’ve got cla.s.s soon, so let’s not waste any more time, bring it on!”

Seeing Jian Dan’s arrogance, the four of them itched with rage and just wanted to take Jian Dan down quickly, so with a wave of their hand, the people behind them charged towards Jian Dan’s group.

“You two don’t move from here!” Jian Dan threw out these words over his shoulder, then went to meet the oncoming crowd.

Ouyang Jing, as a man, naturally wanted to help out too, so he followed Jian Dan’s lead and was about to rush forward, but was pulled back by Xiaoting.

“Jian, if you’re told to stay put, stay put!” Although Xiaoting had only known Jian Dan for a few days, for some reason, she trusted this girl from the bottom of her heart.

If this girl told them not to move, then she must be able to handle it.

“Jian is just a girl, how can she possibly handle so many people?” Ouyang Jing anxiously spoke up.

Just as Jian Dan and the group were about to clash.

“Less nonsense, just stay put. If you go, you might just get in Jian’s way!” Xiaoting said, her eyes fixed on Jian Dan without daring to look away.

Although she believed in Jian Dan, the sheer number, all of them being boys, still made her somewhat worried.

The next moment-

Anyone who got close to Jian Dan was thrown away by her, as simply as tossing out trash.

It took only 15 minutes, and the group from before was already all lying on the ground, unable to get back up.

The remaining four were already dumbfounded, and Ouyang Jing and Yang Xiaoting were also dumbfounded because of Jian Dan.

“You two come here!” Jian Dan turned her head and beckoned to the two behind her.

Coming back to their senses, they ran over to Jian Dan, “Jian, you are so awesome!” Ouyang Jing exclaimed.

“Jian, I don’t know what to say! Wow!” Xiaoting gave Jian Dan a thumbs up directly.

“So, do you guys want to learn a bit?”


“Look… for dealing with trash, you only need three moves, which are poking the eyes, sealing the throat, and kicking below.” Since there were still four people left, Jian Dan used both hands to poke two people in the eyes at the same time, then chopped two people on the neck, and finally leaped into the air, kicking both feet towards vital areas.

Both were dumbfounded watching Jian Dan’s actions again.

“What are you s.p.a.cing out for? Take action!” before the remaining pair had completely recovered.

After hearing Jian Dan’s words, Xiaoting mimicked Jian Dan and struck out… Xiaoting’s opponent directly fell to the ground, clutching his vital area.

At that moment, there was only one person left standing, but because Ouyang Jing acted a bit late, the opponent was already on guard, plus it was Ouyang Jing’s first time trying, so he didn’t successfully attack.

Jian Dan watched from the sidelines, and when the last person moved a step toward her to dodge Ouyang Jing’s attack, Jian Dan’s mouth curved into a mischievous smile…

A foot stomped hard on the person’s instep, making him instantly fall to the ground, “If you’ve already used those three moves and still need more, there’s this one, got it?” Jian Dan quirked an eyebrow at the two.

This time, not just Xiaoting, but even Ouyang Jing, like Xiaoting, gave Jian Dan a thumbs up….

The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 740: Iron Triangle Rips Apart F4

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 740: Iron Triangle Rips Apart F4 summary

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