Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1057 Beating An Impossible Threat With Family!

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Chapter 1057 Beating An Impossible Threat With Family!


Benladra, Kate, and Benladann's parents arrived just in time. Alongside them came the eleven twins, Elena and Elma, who guided them here. The two quickly jumped into fighting as well, using their psychic powers to create barriers to stop the advancement of the monsters and unleas.h.i.+ng devastating telekinesis shockwaves, crus.h.i.+ng many monsters together. They were a real help.

However, what distracted me the most was what Kate was doing!

"You guys… But wait! Kate, is this… did you do this?!" I asked.

"She did!" Said Benlah.

"ROOARR!" Kate roared in agreement as she tore apart a monster with her metallic jaws.

"She has somehow the ability to take over Greenwood's robots, it is an incredible power. This is how we were able to help in the fight!" Said Laddan.

[Drake, it appears Kate is capable of hacking technomancy!]

[This is amazing! Her System Magic is stronger than I had thought!]

Wait, so System Magic can even hack mechanic things? Technomancy as a whole? So that's it! The System Magic alongside its various other mysterious features, can hack Technomancy. It is the natural enemy of this element! It takes a Unique Skill to beat another, I suppose.

Kate is not exactly a unique skill holder, but she inherited the power of my System Unique Skill in an even more unique way…

[As her mother, despite not having all the memories, it makes me feel slightly proud…]

"Yeah, you're right, she's amazing! And she just gave me an idea!"

I flew towards my daughters, quickly calling them with me. I was worried sick about their safety, but the Chaos Dragon was weakened enough and restrained, and Benladann was there to serve as a s.h.i.+eld against chaos element if possible.

"Benladra, Kate! Come with papa, I'll need your help."



Benladra energetically flew to my right side while the more silent Kate quickly reached my left side. I grabbed both of them and then flew directly towards the Chaos Dragon!


"Kate, now!"

As Kate suddenly showed up above the dragon, she instinctively knew what to do.



Her eyes shone bright silver in light as a ray of system magic reached the Chaos Dragon! Its entire body suddenly stopped struggling for a few seconds, the nanomachines were being hacked in this very instant, glitching out! They were not being overtaken completely and might free themselves as they were an upgraded form, but they were stopped successfully, and might even temporarily lose their regeneration powers.

"Now, Benladra!"


Suddenly, Benladra's body shone with bright heavenly light. Her Draconic Aura surged from her body, shaping into a gigantic light dragon jaw and opening wide, unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating Heavenly Dragon Breath Beam!


The beam illuminated the darkened skies, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with beautiful heavenly light!


The enormous beam reached the Chaos Dragon, as Leviathan hurriedly swam away, the beam directly impacted our foe, consuming its entire body within the light! The beam was so devastating that the entire sea exploded, splitting in half in an instant.


I saw as the ma.s.s of Chaos began to dissipate. All nan.o.bots died in the spot, disintegrated. However, the primordial ma.s.s that made up Ragnarök, now finally free, started to reform into its actual original form, the same from the Frost Tower!

"Oh no buddy, you're not! Divine Primordial Ice Magic: Permafrost, Eternal Ice Cage!"


However, before it could reform completely, I froze it!

Crack… crack…!

Right after that, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d tried to free itself, slowly pus.h.i.+ng the ice to attempt to break it, I only had a few seconds but I could do it!

I quickly grabbed the ice statue and then flew upwards.



Benladann flew into the skies with Miranda fused into her body, unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating axe blow and slicing the entire ice statue in half. A ma.s.s of slimy black liquid came rus.h.i.+ng out, only to be greeted by the enormous jaws of Benladann's chest, which absorbed it all!



The monstrous aberration roared in agony, trying to resist her power. This guy was certainly way stronger than the one from before, so I flew towards Benladann for her aid, my two daughters gave me her a.s.sistance as we began attacking the ma.s.s of pure chaos, slowly pus.h.i.+ng it down Benladann's gullet!

"Just die already!"

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAAAa.s.ss.h.!.+


Benladann's mold body quickly covered the last bits of the monstrous aberration, devouring it completely. It resisted even inside her body, but she overpowered it quite easily with the aid of the other three chaos spirits she had with herself now, and then, it finally died, now becoming part of Benladann's chaotic power.

Once everything was over, we flew into the beach rapidly, a.s.sisting the rest into fighting the divine monsters. One by one, they were all crushed to death, and the rest that somehow survived, ran away into the depths of the sea. Well, it is better this way. I quickly ate as many as I could, recovering energies and Divine Power. Slaying the Chaos Dragon fragment also granted me some Divine Power as well.


[You gained +1000000 Divine Power]

[You acquired [Divine Fragment of Technomancy] x5, [Divine Fragment of Chaos] x5…]

Wait, I even got Divine Fragments of Chaos?!

Maybe if I make a divinity out of it, I can actually wield this element, even if only a bit.

"I can't believe we did it…" Sighed Benladann.

"It was… this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was tough." I sighed.

"Bas… tard!" Benladra said, sitting over my head.

"No Benladra, that's a bad word!" Benladann reprimanded our daughter.

"Busterd…" Said Kate.

"No, wait, don't say it either!" I sighed.


As we rested over the beach trying to just calm our minds and bodies, the enormous head of the Leviathan emerged from the seas…

"Wait, does that thing wants to fight?" Alma asked while sighing in exhaustion.

"No, no, look, it is like… greeting us?" Wondered Hermes.


Leviathan looked at my eyes, as if trying to say something.

"Yeah, thanks for that. I appreciate it."

I quickly waved my hands, as I unleashed a healing divine light over her body. All her wounds were healed, and not even scars were left.


She felt slightly shocked.

"We are even. Now get out of here, you've got an egg to take care of, right?"


However, from within the sea water, a tiny Levithan showed up.

"Graah! Groar!"

"Oh my G.o.d, it hatched?!" Benladann asked.

"It's so cute!" Cried Miranda.

"Heh, I guess you're already a mother! Take good care of the little kid." I said.


Levithan quickly swam into the depths, calling her little son, as the two behemoths of the sea returned to the land they ruled…

As we watched such a moving scene, another battle was about to begin, as my other body was already arriving within the territory of the Vampires.

Ruby, we'll get you back no matter what.


Author's Note: With this the Heaven Port Arc ends and we'll move straight to the Vampire War Arc, lots of action incoming! Non stop action! Look forward to it!

Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1057 Beating An Impossible Threat With Family!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1057 Beating An Impossible Threat With Family! summary

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