Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1066 Intense Fight Against An Insane Foe!

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Chapter 1066 Intense Fight Against An Insane Foe!


A pierce through the stomach of a Vampire wouldn't even be a problem to them. They could easily regenerate, even more at the state of being Vampire G.o.ds. However, Larzak's spear held a special little secret, which was also all thanks to Yuki!

"Hehh… A mere… spear in my stomach is nothing! Jester Arts: [Festival of Illusions]! [Knife Dance]! Vampiric Arts: [Blood Aura]!!!"


Fiesta's entire body began overflowing with a deadly Blood Aura, encompa.s.sing her entire body. Suddenly, her eyes glowed bright red as she freed herself from Larzak's sluggish spear, multiplying her entire numbers as several doppelgangers of herself, materialized illusions, appeared by the dozens, all of them unleas.h.i.+ng countless of knife attacks against Larzak from all sides!

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"Unnngh…! Divine Fusion Magic: [Light and Darkness Scale Armor]!"


Larzak covered himself with a powerful series of layers of armors made of scales created from light and darkness, reinforcing his scales. He was sluggish but had amazing defenses, he decided to tank Fiesta's blows while Yuki caught up with them!

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"What's wrong, you d.a.m.n lizard?! Getting tired already? Want to take nap?!" Fiesta continued attacking Larzak. His scales slowly began tearing apart, as he continued conjuring defensive magic. His offensive magic was easily evaded each time, rays of light and spears of shadows were nothing for Fiesta's speed.



Fiesta vomited a mouthful of blood once more, her heart was beating faster and faster, something abnormal for Vampires… Something very odd was happening to her as well, as the wound in her stomach inflicted by Larzak was barely regenerating, it still was bleeding intensively, her guts coming out of it.

"Why is my regeneration so slow… That poison again- AGH!"

Fiesta touched her wound, quickly seeing that the purple-colored poison covered her entrails, slowly melting and rotting them…

"N-No, this can't be… Ugh!"




And then, Yuki's claws reached her!

Fiesta wasn't able to react, as her claws slashed through her back, piercing through her armor and shattering it!

"Y-You and your d.a.m.n poison! How come it can affect me?! And how… that d.a.m.n spear of this lizard!" Cried Fiesta.

"Don't you remember that we are a team here? Simply giving some poison to his spear is all it took. Also, my poison's a divinity, dumba.s.s!"

Yuki smiled c.o.c.kily, kicking Fiesta's clown face!



The jester vampire fell into the snow below, the ground right beneath the snow quickly shattered, forming a crater where she found herself, gasping for air. Not only she noticed she was poisoned by a divinity's power, something normal immunities couldn't normally fight against, but she was also being slowly frozen all over her body.

"Nnnggh…! Guhh… What with this d.a.m.n thing…?! Just when today… I was… supposed to throw on a big show! Just when today I was supposed to… To show off Lady Red how grateful I was for everything she has done for me!"

Fiesta slowly began crawling out of the hole she found herself in, step by step, she quickly reached the cold snow, vomiting blood once more.

She was, much like t.i.tan, an outcast. A half-vampire girl born from the affair between a vampire servant and an elven woman. Half-vampires were treated as garbage and unworthy in this family of vampires, and therefore, she was discriminated and barely kept alive.

Until Red appeared, Lady Red took her as if she was a little puppy, feed her, taught her, and raised her, making her stronger and helping Fiesta uncover her true strength and powers.

"Someone with Illusion Affinity is very rare, you're a special girl."

Fiesta could still remember all the times she was called a special girl by Red.

She took a liking on jesters and their performances, her illusion magic went perfect with it, so she dedicated herself to become the jester of her lady, someone that could always bring her a slime in her often-expressionless face.

"Lady Red…"

Fiesta looked into the skies, crying blood.

"Take it…"


Suddenly, she heard her voice, the voice of Lady Red!


A small drop of blood emerged before her, emanating a powerful divine aura from within.

Without thinking it twice, Fiesta drank it.

"Ahhh~ The sweet blood of milady! Thank you! Thank you for this blessing!!!"

Yuki and Larzak, who were flying down to end Fiesta, suddenly were greeted by an overwhelming divine blood aura, which kept increasing and increasing and increasing!

"What the…?! She's buffing herself, that d.a.m.n Vampire?!" Larzak muttered.

"This is bad! We've gotta finish it off as soon as possible!" Yuki urged Larzak.

"You're right, let's go!" Larzak agreed.


The unlikely duo reached Fiesta in an instant, as they saw her standing in the middle of the snow, her face filled with ecstasy as she was overflowing with an overwhelming divine aura of pure blood.

The power that a drop of Red's blood caused in her most devoted servants was an instant increase to all their strength and capabilities. It was not permanent, as it was only a temporary buff.

This buff would often times make someone twice as powerful, especially Vampires that willingly served her, which often had a larger connection with Red.

…One of the reasons why she raised these Vampires was to experiment the effects of her blood, in fact!

"Hahahaha…! HAHAHAHA!"

Fiesta continued unleas.h.i.+ng her powerful aura, as bat-like wings grew out of her back. Yuki and Larzak rushed forward as fast as possible, clas.h.i.+ng against her before she could get any stronger!

"Divine Fusion Magic Spearmans.h.i.+p Arts: [One Thousand Holy Spears]! [One Thousand Shadow Spears]!"

"Venomous Beast Claws Arts: [One Thousand Poisonous Slashes]! Divine Poison Magic: [Venom Enhancement]!"

Larzak unleashed his spear's attacks, moving so fast it created illusions of several copies of the same spear made of light and shadows, falling over Fiesta.

Meanwhile, Yuki unleashed one thousand purple-colored aura slashes made out of her poison and ice divinities, alongside her divine poison magic which enhanced her body by imbuing venom into her own bloodstream in exchange for taking a big backlash after the effects wear out!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1066 Intense Fight Against An Insane Foe!

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1066 Intense Fight Against An Insane Foe! summary

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