Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1118: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon God of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss]

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Chapter 1118: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon G.o.d of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss]

(Drake's POV)


[You gained +45000000 Divine Power!]

[You learned Several Skills!]

[All Skills have been merged into your Body and other Relevant Divine Abilities!]

[You acquired the [Divinity Fragment of Primordial Draconic Blood] x10!]

[You acquired the [Fragment of the Primordial Sin of Greed] x5!]

[Your t.i.tle as a [Calamity Bringer] is reacting…]

[Your [Demon King Seed] has developed slightly.]

Everything was finally over.

I even acquired a lot of loot from killing a mere clone.

But still, it left me with a bitter taste.

Yeah the b.a.s.t.a.r.d tasted horribly, but that wasn't said literally, it is metaphorical.

There's some bad feeling lingering within me.

I guess I couldn't really kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Now I gotta live with the fear Sangre will eventually show up to kill me for real this time.

I have to grow way stronger than I am now…

Or else, I'll end up losing everything I love.

I have grown so strong in this little time, yet I desire even more power.

I need it…


I looked into my Status again, seeing the changes brought to my body upon my new evolution. A lot had changed.

[Name]: [Drake Fafnir Orochi]

[Race]: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon G.o.d of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss]

[Main Divinities (8/10)]: [Divinity: Eternal Winter (SS)] [Divinity: Endless Dreams (SS)] [Divinity: Dungeons (SS)] [Divinity: Dream Dungeons & Nightmare Labyrinths (SS)] [Divinity: Raging Oceans (S)] [Divinity: Holy Light (SS)] [Divinity: Primordial Blood (SS)] [Divinity: Dark Abyss (SS)]

[Auxiliary Divinities (6/13)]: [Divinity: Divine Flames (SS)] [Divinity: Divine Cooking (SS)] [Divinity: Sinful Flames (SS)] [Divinity: Fruitful Harvest (SS)] [Divinity: Vampiric Blood (SS)] [Divinity: Parasitizing Aberration (SS)]

[Divine Core]: [Rank 9 (Middle Stage)] (Requires 153600000 DP to upgrade)

[Divine Power]: [81003020]

[Fortune]: [SSS+]

[Physical Strength]: [SSS+]

[Magical Power]: [SSS]

[Dexterity and Agility]: [SSS]

[Dragon Bloodlines]: [Ice Dragon (SS) (Awakened)] [Dark Dragon (SS) (Awakened)] [Blood Dragon (SS) (Awakened)] [Earth Dragon (S) (Awakened)] [Light Dragon (S) (Awakened)] [Water Dragon (A) (Dormant)]

[t.i.tan Bloodlines]: [Ice t.i.tan (A) (Sealed)]

[Magical Affinities]: [Ice (SSS)] [Wind (SSS)] [Darkness (SSS)] [Dream (SSS)] [Light (SSS)] [Earth (SSS)] [Dungeon (SSS)] [Blood (SSS)] [Death (S)] [Null (S)] [Illusion (S)] [Phantom (A)] [Spirit (A)] [Moonlight (A)] [Poison (A)] [Alchemy (A)] [Cooking (A)] [Psychic (A)] [Nature (B)] [Life (B)] [Water (B)] [Void (B)]

[Divine Abilities]: [Unique Skill: Divine System (SSS)] [Unique Skill: G.o.d (SSS)] [Unique Skill: Immortal Body (SSS)] [Unique Skill: Winter Magic (SS)] [Unique Skill: Ice Absorption (SS)] [Doppelganger (SS)] [Abyssal Shadow World (SS)] [Primordial Blood Overlord (SS)] [Holy Sun (SS)] [Dream Dungeon & Nightmare Labyrinth Seed Creation (SS)] [Divinity Aura (SS)] [Dream Realm Manipulation (SS)] [Unique Skill: Spirit Creation (SS)] [Unique Skill: Dungeon Creation (SS)] [Unique Skill: Vampire Progenitor (SS)] [Psychic Mind (SS)] [Frost Flames (SS)] [Earthy Harvest (SS)] [Divine Ice Sculping (SS)] [Divine Soul Forging Arts (SS)] [Unmovable Mountain (SS)] [Divine Draconic Arts (SS)] [Soul Parasite (SS)] [Automatic Mapping (SS)] [Divine Soul Pierce (SS)]

My stats… they're all SSS Now. Incredible. I guess this is really an "Elite" type Stat at this point. Though, I am fairly sure there must be something beyond SSS aside from SSS+, SSS++, and SSS+++. But I cannot really fathom it until I can reach it.

But now, I also need a ridiculous amount of Divine Power to reach my next Rank Up. Each time, the divine power requirements are doubled. Now it has reached the point where I need over 100 million divine power.

Even by sitting idly and waiting for prayers to give me divine power over time, I will end up getting enough in like… fifty years, maybe. Yeah, I guess that's little for G.o.ds that live many years, maybe. But for me, it's too much!

Its thanks to my fast growth that I was even able to stand a chance against that Sangre's Clone. If I had been even a slightest weaker, I could had been obliterated before my plan could had taken effect… But for real, Soul Parasite is really useful.

For now, though, I should go back down and greet everyone else. I am slightly worried about if anything has happened, but seeing through the eyes of my Slimes, everything is safe and sound, Sangre didn't send another clone to kill anybody.

Perhaps all his threats were more emptier than I imagined… Maybe he didn't even cared about taking their lives? He could had done it if he really wanted, right?

…Unless there are limits to his powers, which I am not aware of? And even with limits, he still should had at the very least the ability to use two doppelgangers.

So where would the other be? I cannot sense anything at all…

My appearance is even more monstrous than before too and… Maybe I should go back to my ice giant form for now.


My body quickly reduced in size in an instant, as my usual Ice Giant Form returned. However, this time I held some strange slender and fair beauty. Is this a Vampire Progenitor's charm?

How amazing! Maybe Benladann will fall for me even more now, eheheh…

I can even manipulate shadows and blood very dexterously, almost at the same level as my ice and winds!

This evolution has really made me into the charming vampire lord I always saw in my manga or anime series back on Earth…

I can't deny it, I kind of like it.

"Is this how that d.a.m.n Alucard felt? Hahahah!"

My shadows shaped as countless bats, as I flew down towards the city, greeting everyone while being bare chested.

"Hmph, bow down before your new Progenitor!"

I stretched my hand, pointing at the Vampires.

They looked at me in shock!

"D-Drake?" Benladann raised an eyebrow.

Silence took over the entire festive atmosphere.

Ah… I guess I did act quite cringe even when I didn't wanted to.

"A-Ahem! Nothing, I… Forget it."

However, as I waved my hand in embarra.s.sment, the Vampires did bow down…

"Oooh! Our Progenitor has been reborn!"


"I can feel within him the power of our Ancestor!"

Wait, what?!

Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1118: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon God of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss]

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1118: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon God of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss] summary

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