Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1216 Confronting The Mysterious Witch

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Chapter 1216 Confronting The Mysterious Witch


Some minutes ago, as Drake prepared to ambush his persecutors, he and his allies suddenly sensed something… or someone. The moment he took a peek at the nearby ruins, which almost touched the "Misty Forest" area of the Salty Swamps, they saw a shadow, the shadow of what seemed to be a woman walking around, and easily noticing them.

"Know that this Sacred Land cannot be stepped upon. You've been warned."

It was the same voice Drake recognized from that guard's memories!

"Wait, where are you going?!"

Drake tried to stop her, but the woman disappeared amidst the forests.

Seeing how his persecutors were growing closer, he simply decided to divide and conquer.

"Everyone, chase that woman, I am fairly sure she could be the Witch that cursed those guys before." Drake said. "She's probably someone really important, and most likely knows a lot. Don't disappoint me!"

"Very well Lord Drake!" Hector was as obedient as ever.

"The Witch, huh? If its truly a woman that has been guarding these lands and calls them a "Sacred Land", it must truly mean something." Pekora a.n.a.lyzed.

"Let's find her and ask her some info then." Tisha seemed ready to chase her down.

"I've got her scent, she smells a lot like flowers, incense, and potions…" Said Yuki. "I can sense her moving around!" Due to being a Beast-kin, she was naturally gifted at sensing smells, and easily noticed where she was moving based in her smell.

"Alright, but be careful yourself, Drake." Sighed Ruby.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them and catch up with you guys. You've also got yourselves the [Slime a.s.sistants] and [Guardian Spirits] if anything bad happens. Though hopefully, you can reach a peaceful conversation with her. She's quite aggressive, so still be ready for any attack." Drake said, his Slimes, smaller Doppelgangers made out of his own flesh were accompanying each of his allies, alongside powerful Guardian Spirits which granted them a layer of protection.

"Alright everyone, follow me!" Yuki said, her Divine Aura growing larger as her Beast Spirit, the White Tiger, reacted to her powers, transforming her a bit and giving her white tiger-like features which enchanted her speed and senses tremendously.


As Drake stayed behind, Yuki began sniffing everywhere while moving across the forest, evading monsters' scents while seeking the witch's scent. They moved around, following her close by. Yuki had developed her Beast Spirit a lot. All Beast-kin had the potential to utilize Beast Magic, and also had affinity for Beast Spirits and Elemental Spirits.

Much like Pekora, a Rabbit-kin, Yuki had awakened not only powerful Beast Magic that went really well with her Poison and Ice Magic, but she had also a supporting Beast Spirit, the White Tiger, who had taken a liking with her years ago, in the battle against the Dark Shadow Sect.

Despite being a Monkey Chinchilla-kin after her many evolutions, she had the affinity for a beast spirt that wasn't even her animal affinity, a tiger of all things! Pekora had speculated this reflected Yuki's inner might, which was powerful enough even the predators of her species would recognize her.

Like this, her body was now half-covered with fluffy white fur, with black stripes like those of a tiger, her long mouse-like ears became cat-like, and she even grew long cat whiskers and a sharp black-colored nose to smell everything better. Her eyes were glowing with bright golden light, obtaining the sight of the tigers as well through [Spirit Beast Fusion], a powerful spell she has been mastering for a while now.

"[White Tiger's Sharp Senses]!"


Her senses quickly heightened the moment she began to lose track of the mysterious woman as she activated this powerful Beast Magic Spell. Using her enhanced senses, she finally found the woman's presence once more, running even faster and finally reaching her!

"Yuki you're going too fast, slow down a bit girl!" Ruby sighed.

"Wait, she stopped!" Tisha said.

Her allies were all vastly strong, managing to catch up with her, as they found Yuki surrounded by enormous… monsters! And they were not just any monsters. They seemed… aberrant.

Their bodies were made up of many monsters stuck together, with the heads of wolves, boars, goats, and even snakes, bat-like wings, and many tails. They were chimeras, and not mortal-rank, but all of them exuded the powerful and terrifying auras of monsters above Rank 7.

"W-What the…?!" Hector felt surprised, not even he had sensed them before.

"Just from where these guys came from?!" Pekora was surprised, her spirits, the Lightning Rabbit and her Suns.h.i.+ne Flower emerged at her side, both being divine spirits after much cultivation.

"Hmph, I can see where." Ruby's eyes locked into er target, as the shadow of a woman standing on top of a tall tree branch was revealed to the rest.

"She summoned them!" Said Yuki. "Just when I caught up with her she summoned these Chimeras! Hey! What's your deal? We just wanna talk!"

"Hmph, filthy souls. All of you intend to capture me!" The woman said, who had yet to reveal her appearance, her entire body shrouded in shadows and mist. "However… I can still see some sincerity. Nonetheless, I cannot trust you."

"So you're throwing us some monsters to eat us alive?" Asked Ruby. "These are… divine chimera monsters, you summoned them? Then you're no ordinary witch."

"Witch… I guess that's the t.i.tle the detestable ignorant fools have given to me." Sighed the woman. "I once sacrificed everything for them… Alas, as times went by, I, like many of my friends, were all forgotten."

"What? What are you talking about?" Yuki was completely clueless.

"Please, we just want to talk!" Hector said.

"Hmph, let your abilities do the talking." The woman said. "If you truly want my trust, show me your resolve… and strength! [Abyssal Curse of Evil Enhancement]!"


Suddenly, the eight Giant Divine Chimeras the Witch summoned were one more enchanted by her own curses, making them larger, more monstrous, and more intimidating. Their rank suddenly jumping from Rank 7 to… Rank 8!

"I guess there's no helping it then!" Yuki smiled defiantly. "Everyone, let's show her what we are made of!"

As the Witch saw them fighting, her mind was filled with many thoughts.

"(The one that commands them, their leader… Who is he? And what do they truly want from this place? Even by reading their hearts, I cannot truly tell…)"


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1216 Confronting The Mysterious Witch

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1216 Confronting The Mysterious Witch summary

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