Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1224 Going All-Out

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Chapter 1224 Going All-Out



[You have absorbed +35000000 Divine Power!]

[You acquired [Divinity Fragment of Holy Light] x10!]

[You acquired the [Divine Holy Metal Creation (B)] Divine Ability!]

[Your [Light (SSS)] Elemental Affinity has evolved to [Holy Light (S)]!]

After having absorbed a part of his opponent's Divinity, Drake gained an unprecedented amount of divine power and several new other things. Ten Fragments of the Holy Light Divinity, a new Divine Ability in Divine Holy Metal Creation, and even his own Affinity with Light, which was SSS, evolved into the S Rank Holy Light Affinity.

This was the first time Drake noticed that Elemental Affinities were able to evolve, and even more, once they reached the next level, it would be harder for them to increase their ranks. A greater and stronger element than Light was Holy Light, and there might be other similar elements out there.


[Divine Holy Metal Creation (B)]

The ability to spend Mana and Divine Power and create powerful Divine Metals imbued with the Holy Element, which can be shaped, manipulated, and even fired at foes in various ways and with many different usages.

The higher the Divine Ability Rank, the stronger the durability and quality of the divine holy metal created, and the easier it can be shaped around. This Divine Ability is impressive on its own, but s.h.i.+nes the most when used in crafting for the creation of a variety of items, or even in tandem with offensive magic.



As Drake smiled at his nice gains, he quickly noticed the body of his opponent, the former Knight Commander, grow more and more distorted. Countless sh.e.l.ls made of golden and black metal grew over, as his monstrous body started to grow larger, making him resemble a gigantic sh.e.l.led squid with red tentacles filled with black and purple eyes, and a black, spiraling sh.e.l.l.


The power of the Deep One was fully imbued into his body until the limits he could take, enhancing his power even further as he evolved from Rank 7 Peak Stage to Rank 8! The power of the Deep One seemed capable of enchanting other vessels which were suitable enough into monstrous divine beasts.


The gigantic aberration began to move, as countless tentacles emerged from all sides, attempting to wrap around Drakes body and devour him! After all, each tentacle had jaws of their own, making it a rather hard to avoid getting bitten.


The furious aberration opened its many eyes, firing deadly lasers of divine power against Drake's body. The lasers moved at incredible speed, but Drake rapidly reflected the beams with his jaws one after the other, slas.h.i.+ng them and the tentacles in midair!

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+

"You've only become more predictable now that you've turned into a beast." Laughed Drake. "Let's see…"

Drake quickly activated his Holy Metal Creation Divine Ability, as Mana and Divine Power gathered and materialized into metal pieces, which he shaped into countless explosive swords… And of course, why not merge them with Spirit Creation?

[Explosive Divine Excalibur Spirits]!

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLASH

Countless golden swords began to emerge one after the other and then being fired against the aberration confronting Drake. The monster didn't even tried to evade them, as each sword pierced its flesh and sh.e.l.l, exploding and breaking it down even more.



The monster went berserk, unleas.h.i.+ng countless shockwaves of darkness and light around itself, while attempting to regenerate from the damage taken. At the same time, it suddenly generated long spears made of black and golden metal, firing them at Drake.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

Drake charged straight in while ignoring these projectiles, even as they pierced through his body, he had have enough. His entire body exuded a powerful divine aura which materialized more and more spirit projectiles combined with holy metal, blasting his foe with countless holy light explosions, which also came charged with Winter Magic, freezing every wound which then shattered to deal even more acc.u.mulated damage.



The voice of the Deep One echoed from within the aberrant monster, as a gigantic jaw suddenly opened from the destroying body, unleas.h.i.+ng a ma.s.sive beam of darkness and light spiraling together, creating chaos!


"That power…!"


The ma.s.sive beam which took everything the vessel had to unleash reached Drake in an instant, exploding and spreading across the skies, painting everything completely black. The Deep One laughed as he saw through the smoke, hoping for Drake to have taken at least some heavy damage.


Drake was merely holding on his hands a ma.s.s of darkness, which was being held using millions of tiny spirits resembling threads of holy light. He had created a net to catch the beam of pure chaos!

"This is something I figured out with my many sparring with my wife." Said Drake. "By creating a construct using spirits of light, I can hold back the element of chaos quite well, although it has its limits…" Drake quickly began fusing his powers with the sphere of darkness…


"Here, take it back with you. [Black Hole Spirit Creation]!"


Drake created a gigantic black hole utilizing the chaos energy he captured, which was of course, an adorable and gigantic spirit!

s.p.a.ce shattered as a gigantic void of darkness started to absorb the aberrant monster he was fighting, its entire body started being shredded into pieces as he agonized.

"T-This is… ridiculous…! Thiiisss…! Just what…! WHAT ARE YOU?!"

Drake detected a sense of fear on the Deep One, but he only could smile at his fear.

"What am I? Well, I am a father and a chef." Drake said, waving his hand as the black hole stopped midway through, the aberrant vessel of the Deep One felt surprised.


"[Divine Cooking Kitchen Spirit Summon]! [Divine Spoon of The G.o.d of Cooking]! [Divine Chopping Knife of The G.o.d of Cooking]!"


"W-What are you doing…?! W-What is this?!"

The Deep One was simply not prepared for Drake's over-the-top ridiculousness.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1224 Going All-Out

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1224 Going All-Out summary

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